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// Power supply must be 5V for proper operation of the board!

#define ADDRESS_EEPROM 0x50

// BTN1 = RG6, BTN2 = RG7, BTN3 = RD13
// Note: Write to PORTx is effectively the same as write to LATx
#define BTN1_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG6
#define BTN1_PORT PORTGbits.RG6
#define BTN2_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG7
#define BTN2_PORT PORTGbits.RG7
#define BTN3_TRIS TRISDbits.TRISD13
#define BTN3_PORT PORTDbits.RD13

// LED1 = G12, LED2 = G13, LED3 = G14, LED4 = G15
#define LED1_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG12
#define LED1_PORT PORTGbits.RG12
#define LED2_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG13
#define LED2_PORT PORTGbits.RG13
#define LED3_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG14
#define LED3_PORT PORTGbits.RG14
#define LED4_TRIS TRISGbits.TRISG15
#define LED4_PORT PORTGbits.RG15

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="PMOD to MCU Pinouts">
JA-01   AN2/C2IN-/CN4/RB2                       RB02
JA-02   AN3/C2IN+/CN5/RB3                       RB03
JA-03   AN4/C1IN-/CN6/RB4                       RB04
JA-04   PGEC2/AN6/OCFA/RB6                      RB06
JA-07   PGED2/AN7/RB7                           RB07
JA-08   AN8/C1OUT/RB8                           RB08
JA-09   AN9/C2OUT/RB9                           RB09
JA-10   CVrefout/PMA13/AN10/RB10                RB10
JB-01   PMD0/RE0                                RE00
JB-02   PMD1/RE1                                RE01
JB-03   PMD2/RE2                                RE02
JB-04   PMD3/RE3                                RE03
JB-07   PMD4/RE4                                RE04
JB-08   PMD5/RE5                                RE05
JB-09   PMD6/RE6                                RE06
JB-10   PMD7/RE7                                RE07
JC-01   T2CK/RC1                                RC01
JC-02   C2RX/PMD8/RG0                           RG00
JC-03   C2TX/ETXERR/PMD9/RG1                    RG01
JC-04   ETXCLK/PMD15/CN16/RD7                   RD07
JC-07   AN15/?/OCFB/PMALL/PMA0/CN12/RB15       RB15
JC-08   PMRD/CN14/RD5                           RD05
JC-09   OC5/PMWR/CN13/RD4                       RD04
JC-10   AN14/ERXD2/AETXD3/PMALH/PMA1/RB14       RB14
JD-01   SS1/IC2/RD9                             RD09
JD-02   SDO1/OC1/INT0/RD0                       RD00
JD-03   T5CK/SDI1/RC4                           RC04
JD-04   SCK1/IC3/PMCS2/PMA15/RD10               RD10
JD-07   OC2/RD1                                 RD01
JD-08   OC3/RD2                                 RD02
JD-09   OC4/RD3                                 RD03
JD-10   ETXD2/IC5/PMD12/RD12                    RD12
JE-01   AETXD0/SS1A/U1BRX/U1ACTS/CN20/RD14      RD14
JE-02   SCL1A/SDO1A/U1ATX/RF8                   RF08
JE-03   SDA1A/SDI1A/U1ARX/RF2                   RF02
JE-04   AETXD1/SCK1A/U1BTX/U1ARTS/CN21/RD15     RD15
JE-07   TRCLK/RA6                               RA06
JE-08   TRD3/RA7                                RA07
JE-09   Vref-/CVref-/AERXD2/PMA7/RA9            RA09
JE-10   Vref+/CVref+/AERXD3/PMA6/RA10           RA10
JF-01   AC1RX/SS3A/U3BRX/U3ACTS/RF12            RF12    shared with CAN1 Transceiver (JP-1)
JF-02   SCL3A/SDO3A/U3ATX/PMA8/CN18/RF5         RF05
JF-03   SDA3A/SDI3A/U3ARX/PMA9/CN17/RF4         RF04
JF-04   AC1TX/SCK3A/U3BTX/U3ARTS/RF13           RF13    shared with CAN1 Transceiver (JP-2)
JF-07   TMS/RA0                                 RA00
JF-08   TCK/RA1                                 RA01
JF-09   TDI/RA4                                 RA04
JF-10   TDO/RA5                                 RA05

N/A     SCL2/RA2                                RA02    I2C bus #2, not shared with Pmod connector
N/A     SDA2/RA3                                RA03    I2C bus #2, not shared with Pmod connector
N/A     AETXCLK/SCL1/INT3/RA14                  RA14    I2C Bus #1, not shared with Pmod connector
N/A     AETXEN/SDA1/INT4/RA15                   RA15    I2C Bus #1, not shared with Pmod connector
N/A     PGED1/AN0/CN2/RB0                       RB00    Used by debug circuit, PGC
N/A     PGEC1/AN1/CN3/RB1                       RB01    Used by debug circuit, PGD
N/A     AN5/C1IN+/VBUSON/CN7/RB5                RB05    USB VBUSON
N/A     AN11/ERXERR/AETXERR/PMA12/RB11          RB11    Ethernet PHY
N/A     AN12/ERXD0/AECRS/PMA11/RB12             RB12    Ethernet PHY
N/A     AN13/ERXD1/AECOL/PMA10/RB13             RB13    Ethernet PHY
N/A     OSC1/CLKI/RC12                          RC12    Primary Oscillator Crystal
N/A     SOSCI/CN1/RC13                          RC13    Secondary Oscillator Crystal
N/A     SOSCO/T1CK/CN0/RC14                     RC14    Secondary Oscillator Crystal
N/A     OSC2/CLKO/RC15                          RC15    Primary Oscillator Crystal
N/A     ETXEN/PMD14/CN15/RD6                    RD06    Ethernet PHY
N/A     RTCC/EMDIO/AEMDIO/IC1/RD8               RD08    Ethernet PHY
N/A     EMDC/AEMDC/IC4/PMCS1/PMA14/RD11         RD11    Ethernet PHY
N/A     ETXD3/PMD13/CN19/RD13                   RD13    BTN3
N/A     AERXD0/INT1/RE8                         RE08    USB Overcurrent detect
N/A     AERXD1/INT2/RE9                         RE09    Ethernet PHY Reset
N/A     C1RX/ETXD1/PMD11/RF0                    RF00    Ethernet PHY
N/A     C1TX/ETXD0/PMD10/RF1                    RF01    Ethernet PHY
N/A     USBID/RF3                               RF03    USBID (USB-4)
N/A     D+/RG2                                  RG02    D+ (USB-3)
N/A     D-/RG3                                  RG03    D- (USB-2)
N/A     ECRS/SDA2A/SDI2A/U2ARX/PMA4/CN9/RG7     RG07    BTN2
N/A     ?/SCL2A/SDO2A/U2ATX/PMA3/CN10/RG8       RG08    Ethernet PHY
N/A     ?/SS2A/U2BRX/U2ACTS/PMA2/CN11/RG9       RG09    Ethernet PHY
N/A     TRD1/RG12                               RG12    LED1
N/A     TRD0/RG13                               RG13    LED2
N/A     TRD2/RG14                               RG14    LED3
N/A     AERXERR/RG15                            RG15    LED4
// </editor-fold>

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Connectors">
J7 - I2C port #2 daisy chain connector
 * This connector provides access to the I2C signals, power and ground for I2C port #2.
J8 - I2C port #1 daisy chain connector
 * This connector provides access to the I2C signals, power and ground for I2C port #1.
J9 - CAN #1 Connector
 * This connector is used to access the signals for CAN #1.
J10 - CAN #2 Connector
 * This connector is used to access the signals for CAN #2.
J11 - Ethernet Connector
 * This connector provides access to the 10/100 Ethernet port.
 * Do Not Use.
J15 - Debug USB Connector
 * This connector is used to connect the on-board programming and
    debug circuit to the PC for use with the MPLAB IDE.
J16 - Power supply source select
 * This jumper is used to select the source of main board power.
        Place a shorting block in the upper, ?USB? position to have the
            board powered from the USB device connector, J19.
        Place a shorting block in the center, ?EXT? position to have the
            board powered from one of the external power connectors, J17 or J18.
        Place a shorting block in the lower, ?DBG? position to have the
            board powered from the debug USB connector, J15.
J17 - External Power Connector
 * This is a 2.5mm x 5.5mm, center positive, coax power connector used to 
    provide external power to the board. The optional Digilent 5V Switching
    Power Supply is connected here.
J18 - External Power Connector
 * This is a screw terminal connector used to provide external power to
    the board. Be sure to observe proper polarity (marked near the connector)
    when providing power via this connector, or damage to the board and/or
    connected devices may result.
J19 - USB Device / OTG Connector
 * This is a USB micro-AB connector. It is used when using the PIC32MX795
    microcontroller to implement a USB device or OTG Host/Device.
J20 - USB Host Connector
 * This is a standard sized USB type A connector. This connector is used to 
    connect USB devices to the board when using the PIC32MX795 microcontroller
    to implement an embedded USB host.
// </editor-fold>

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Jumpers">
J20 - USB Host Connector
 * This is a standard sized USB type A connector. This connector is used to 
    connect USB devices to the board when using the PIC32MX795 microcontroller
    to implement an embedded USB host.
JP1 & JP2 - CAN or Pmod Select
 * These jumpers select microcontroller signals RF12 and RF13 for use with CAN 
    #1 or Pmod connector JF. Place these jumpers in the CAN position to use CAN
    #1. Place the jumpers in the PMOD position to use then with Pmod connector JF.
JP3 & JP4 - Pull-up enable for I2C port #2
 * These two jumpers are used to enable/disable the pull-up resistors on I2C
    port #2. Insert shorting blocks on these two jumpers to enable the pull-up
    resistors. Remove the shorting blocks to disable the pull-up resistors. Only
    a single device on the I2C bus should have the pull-up resistors enabled.
JP5 - CAN #1 Termination
 * This jumper is used to enable/disable the 120 ohm termination resistor for 
    CAN #1. Insert the shorting block to enable the termination resistor, remove
    it to disable the termination resistor.
JP6 - CAN #1 5V0 Enable
 * This jumper is used to enable/disable providing 5V to the CAN #1 connector. 
    Insert the shorting block to connect the board 5V0 supply to pins 9 & 10 of
    CAN #1 connector. Remove the shorting block to disconnect the 5V0 supply.
JP7 - CAN #2 Termination
 * This jumper is used to enable/disable the 120 ohm termination resistor for 
    CAN #2. Insert the shorting block to enable the termination resistor, remove
    it to disable the termination resistor.
JP8 - CAN #1 5V0 Enable
 * This jumper is used to enable/disable providing 5V to the CAN #1 connector. 
    Insert the shorting block to connect the board 5V0 supply to pins 9 & 10 of
    CAN #1 connector. Remove the shorting block to disconnect the 5V0 supply.
JP9 - Do Not Use
JP10 - USB host power select
 * This jumper is used to select which host connector is powered when host power
    is enabled. Place the shorting block in the ?MICRO? position to supply power
    to the USB micro-AB OTG Connector, J19. Place the shorting block in the ?A?
    position to supply power to the USB type A Host Connector, J20.
JP17 - Do Not Use
// </editor-fold>