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# Encrypted Data
data_set = ((3781,14409),(31552,3930),(27214,15442),(5809,30274),

def Extended_Euclidian(a, b):
        ''' Takes values a and b and returns a tuple (r,s,t) in the following format:
                r = s * a + t * b where r is the GCD and s and t are the inverses of a and b'''
        t_ = 0
        t = 1
        s_ = 1
        s = 0
        q = a//b
        r = a - q * b
        # print("%d\t= %d * %d + %d" % (a, q, b, r))
        while r > 0:
                temp = t_ - q * t
                t_ = t
                t = temp
                temp = s_ - q * s
                s_ = s
                s = temp
                a = b
                b = r
                q = a//b
                r = a - q * b
                # print("%d\t= %d * %d + %d" % (a, q, b, r))
        r = b
        return (r, s, t)

def Inverse(a, b):
        '''Returns the multiplicative inverse of a mod b'''
        ret = Extended_Euclidian(a,b)
        if (ret[1] < 0):
                inv = ret[1] + b
                inv = ret[1]
        return inv

def Decrypt(n):
        '''Decodes an encoding where n = a * 26^2 + b * 26 + c'''
        a = int(n / 676)
        n = n - (a * 676)
        b = int(n / 26)
        n = n - (b * 26)
        c = n
        return (a, b, c)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        p = 31847
        a = 7899

        # For each encrypted data packet, decrypt it using the following function:
        #  d(y_1,y_2) = y_2(y_1^a)^-1 mod p
        for i in data_set:
                d = i[1] * Inverse(i[0]**a,p) % p
                s = Decrypt(d)
                print("%c%c%c" % (chr(s[0]+65), chr(s[1]+65), chr(s[2]+65)), end='')