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  VLSI Solution microcontroller definitions for:
  VS1063, VS1053 (and VS8053), VS1033, VS1003, VS1103, VS1011.

  v1.01 2012-11-26 HH  Added VS1053 recording registers, bug fixes
  v1.00 2012-11-23 HH  Initial version


/* SCI registers */

#define SCI_MODE        0x00
#define SCI_STATUS      0x01
#define SCI_BASS        0x02
#define SCI_CLOCKF      0x03
#define SCI_DECODE_TIME 0x04
#define SCI_AUDATA      0x05
#define SCI_WRAM        0x06
#define SCI_WRAMADDR    0x07
#define SCI_HDAT0       0x08 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SCI_IN0         0x08 /* VS1103 */
#define SCI_HDAT1       0x09 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SCI_IN1         0x09 /* VS1103 */
#define SCI_AIADDR      0x0A
#define SCI_VOL         0x0B
#define SCI_AICTRL0     0x0C /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SCI_MIXERVOL    0x0C /* VS1103 */
#define SCI_AICTRL1     0x0D /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SCI_ADPCMRECCTL 0x0D /* VS1103 */
#define SCI_AICTRL2     0x0E
#define SCI_AICTRL3     0x0F

/* SCI register recording aliases */

#define SCI_RECQUALITY 0x07 /* (WRAMADDR) VS1063 */
#define SCI_RECDATA    0x08 /* (HDAT0)    VS1063 */
#define SCI_RECWORDS   0x09 /* (HDAT1)    VS1063 */
#define SCI_RECRATE    0x0C /* (AICTRL0)  VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SCI_RECDIV     0x0C /* (AICTRL0)  VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SCI_RECGAIN    0x0D /* (AICTRL1)  VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SCI_RECMAXAUTO 0x0E /* (AICTRL2)  VS1063, VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SCI_RECMODE    0x0F /* (AICTRL3)  VS1063, VS1053 */

/* SCI_MODE bits */

#define SM_DIFF_B             0
#define SM_LAYER12_B          1 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1011 */
#define SM_RECORD_PATH_B      1 /* VS1103 */
#define SM_RESET_B            2
#define SM_CANCEL_B           3 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SM_OUTOFWAV_B         3 /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SM_OUTOFMIDI_B        3 /* VS1103 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_LO_B    4 /* VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_PDOWN_B            4 /* VS1003, VS1103 */
#define SM_TESTS_B            5
#define SM_STREAM_B           6 /* VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SM_ICONF_B            6 /* VS1103 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_HI_B    7 /* VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_DACT_B             8
#define SM_SDIORD_B           9
#define SM_SDISHARE_B        10
#define SM_SDINEW_B          11
#define SM_ENCODE_B          12 /* VS1063 */
#define SM_ADPCM_B           12 /* VS1053, VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_1103_B 12 /* VS1103 */
#define SM_ADPCM_HP_B        13 /* VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SM_LINE1_B           14 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SM_LINE_IN_B         14 /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1103 */
#define SM_CLK_RANGE_B       15 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_ADPCM_1103_B      15 /* VS1103 */

#define SM_DIFF           (1<< 0)
#define SM_LAYER12        (1<< 1) /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1011 */
#define SM_RECORD_PATH    (1<< 1) /* VS1103 */
#define SM_RESET          (1<< 2)
#define SM_CANCEL         (1<< 3) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SM_OUTOFWAV       (1<< 3) /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SM_OUTOFMIDI      (1<< 3) /* VS1103 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_LO  (1<< 4) /* VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_PDOWN          (1<< 4) /* VS1003, VS1103 */
#define SM_TESTS          (1<< 5)
#define SM_STREAM         (1<< 6) /* VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1011 */
#define SM_ICONF          (1<< 6) /* VS1103 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_HI  (1<< 7) /* VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_DACT           (1<< 8)
#define SM_SDIORD         (1<< 9)
#define SM_SDISHARE       (1<<10)
#define SM_SDINEW         (1<<11)
#define SM_ENCODE         (1<<12) /* VS1063 */
#define SM_ADPCM          (1<<12) /* VS1053, VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SM_EARSPEAKER1103 (1<<12) /* VS1103 */
#define SM_ADPCM_HP       (1<<13) /* VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SM_LINE1          (1<<14) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SM_LINE_IN        (1<<14) /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1103 */
#define SM_CLK_RANGE      (1<<15) /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033 */
#define SM_ADPCM_1103     (1<<15) /* VS1103 */

#define SM_ICONF_BITS 2
#define SM_ICONF_MASK 0x00c0

#define SM_EARSPEAKER_1103_BITS 2
#define SM_EARSPEAKER_1103_MASK 0x3000

/* SCI_STATUS bits */

#define SS_REFERENCE_SEL_B  0 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_AVOL_B           0 /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1103, VS1011 */
#define SS_AD_CLOCK_B       1 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_APDOWN1_B        2
#define SS_APDOWN2_B        3
#define SS_VER_B            4
#define SS_VCM_DISABLE_B   10 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_VCM_OVERLOAD_B  11 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_SWING_B         12 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_DO_NOT_JUMP_B   15 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define SS_REFERENCE_SEL (1<< 0) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_AVOL          (1<< 0) /* VS1033, VS1003, VS1103, VS1011 */
#define SS_AD_CLOCK      (1<< 1) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_APDOWN1       (1<< 2)
#define SS_APDOWN2       (1<< 3)
#define SS_VER           (1<< 4)
#define SS_VCM_DISABLE   (1<<10) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_VCM_OVERLOAD  (1<<11) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_SWING         (1<<12) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define SS_DO_NOT_JUMP   (1<<15) /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define SS_SWING_BITS     3
#define SS_SWING_MASK     0x7000
#define SS_VER_BITS       4
#define SS_VER_MASK       0x00f0
#define SS_AVOL_BITS      2
#define SS_AVOL_MASK      0x0003

#define SS_VER_VS1001 0x00
#define SS_VER_VS1011 0x10
#define SS_VER_VS1002 0x20
#define SS_VER_VS1003 0x30
#define SS_VER_VS1053 0x40
#define SS_VER_VS8053 0x40
#define SS_VER_VS1033 0x50
#define SS_VER_VS1063 0x60
#define SS_VER_VS1103 0x70

/* SCI_BASS bits */

#define ST_AMPLITUDE_B 12
#define ST_FREQLIMIT_B  8
#define SB_AMPLITUDE_B  4
#define SB_FREQLIMIT_B  0

#define ST_AMPLITUDE (1<<12)
#define ST_FREQLIMIT (1<< 8)
#define SB_AMPLITUDE (1<< 4)
#define SB_FREQLIMIT (1<< 0)

#define ST_AMPLITUDE_MASK 0xf000
#define ST_FREQLIMIT_MASK 0x0f00
#define SB_AMPLITUDE_MASK 0x00f0
#define SB_FREQLIMIT_MASK 0x000f

/* SCI_CLOCKF bits */

#define SC_MULT_B 13 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1103, VS1003 */
#define SC_ADD_B  11 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SC_FREQ_B  0 /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1103, VS1003 */

#define SC_MULT (1<<13) /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1103, VS1003 */
#define SC_ADD  (1<<11) /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003 */
#define SC_FREQ (1<< 0) /* VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1103, VS1003 */

#define SC_MULT_BITS 3
#define SC_MULT_MASK 0xe000
#define SC_ADD_BITS 2
#define SC_ADD_MASK  0x1800
#define SC_FREQ_BITS 11
#define SC_FREQ_MASK 0x07ff

/* The following macro is for VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1103.
   Divide hz by two when calling if SM_CLK_RANGE = 1 */
#define HZ_TO_SC_FREQ(hz) (((hz)-8000000+2000)/4000)

/* The following macro is for VS1011.
   The macro will automatically set the clock doubler if XTALI < 16 MHz */
#define HZ_TO_SCI_CLOCKF(hz) ((((hz)<16000000)?0x8000:0)+((hz)+1000)/2000)

/* Following are for VS1003 and VS1033 */
#define SC_MULT_03_10X 0x0000
#define SC_MULT_03_15X 0x2000
#define SC_MULT_03_20X 0x4000
#define SC_MULT_03_25X 0x6000
#define SC_MULT_03_30X 0x8000
#define SC_MULT_03_35X 0xa000
#define SC_MULT_03_40X 0xc000
#define SC_MULT_03_45X 0xe000

/* Following are for VS1053 and VS1063 */
#define SC_MULT_53_10X 0x0000
#define SC_MULT_53_20X 0x2000
#define SC_MULT_53_25X 0x4000
#define SC_MULT_53_30X 0x6000
#define SC_MULT_53_35X 0x8000
#define SC_MULT_53_40X 0xa000
#define SC_MULT_53_45X 0xc000
#define SC_MULT_53_50X 0xe000

/* Following are for VS1003 and VS1033 */
#define SC_ADD_03_00X 0x0000
#define SC_ADD_03_05X 0x0800
#define SC_ADD_03_10X 0x1000
#define SC_ADD_03_15X 0x1800

/* Following are for VS1053 and VS1063 */
#define SC_ADD_53_00X 0x0000
#define SC_ADD_53_10X 0x0800
#define SC_ADD_53_15X 0x1000
#define SC_ADD_53_20X 0x1800

/* SCI_WRAMADDR bits */

#define SCI_WRAM_X_START           0x0000
#define SCI_WRAM_Y_START           0x4000
#define SCI_WRAM_I_START           0x8000
#define SCI_WRAM_IO_START          0xC000
#define SCI_WRAM_PARAMETRIC_START  0xC0C0 /* VS1063 */
#define SCI_WRAM_Y2_START          0xE000 /* VS1063 */

#define SCI_WRAM_X_OFFSET  0x0000
#define SCI_WRAM_Y_OFFSET  0x4000
#define SCI_WRAM_I_OFFSET  0x8000
#define SCI_WRAM_IO_OFFSET 0x0000 /* I/O addresses are @0xC000 -> no offset */
#define SCI_WRAM_PARAMETRIC_OFFSET (0xC0C0-0x1E00) /* VS1063 */
#define SCI_WRAM_Y2_OFFSET 0x0000                  /* VS1063 */

/* SCI_VOL bits */

#define SV_LEFT_B  8
#define SV_RIGHT_B 0

#define SV_LEFT  (1<<8)
#define SV_RIGHT (1<<0)

#define SV_LEFT_BITS  8
#define SV_LEFT_MASK  0xFF00
#define SV_RIGHT_BITS 8
#define SV_RIGHT_MASK 0x00FF

/* SCI_MIXERVOL bits for VS1103 */

#define SMV_ACTIVE_B 15
#define SMV_GAIN3_B  10
#define SMV_GAIN2_B   5
#define SMV_GAIN1_B   0

#define SMV_ACTIVE (1<<15)
#define SMV_GAIN3  (1<<10)
#define SMV_GAIN2  (1<< 5)
#define SMV_GAIN1  (1<< 0)

#define SMV_GAIN3_BITS 5
#define SMV_GAIN3_MASK 0x7c00
#define SMV_GAIN2_BITS 5
#define SMV_GAIN2_MASK 0x04e0
#define SMV_GAIN1_BITS 5
#define SMV_GAIN1_MASK 0x001f

/* SCI_ADPCMRECCTL bits for VS1103 */

#define SARC_DREQ512_B    8
#define SARC_GAIN4_B      0

#define SARC_DREQ512    (1<<8)
#define SARC_OUTODADPCM (1<<7)
#define SARC_MANUALGAIN (1<<6)
#define SARC_GAIN4      (1<<0)

#define SARC_GAIN4_BITS 6
#define SARC_GAIN4_MASK 0x003f

/* SCI_RECQUALITY bits for VS1063 */

#define RQ_MODE_B                   14
#define RQ_MULT_B                   12
#define RQ_MP3_NO_BIT_RESERVOIR_B   10
#define RQ_BITRATE_BASE_B            0

#define RQ_MODE                   (1<<14)
#define RQ_MULT                   (1<<12)
#define RQ_OGG_PAR_SERIAL_NUMBER  (1<<11)
#define RQ_MP3_NO_BIT_RESERVOIR   (1<<10)
#define RQ_BITRATE_BASE           (1<< 0)

#define RQ_MODE_BITS 2
#define RQ_MODE_MASK 0xc000
#define RQ_MULT_BITS 2
#define RQ_MULT_MASK 0x3000
#define RQ_BITRATE_BASE_MASK 0x01ff

#define RQ_MODE_QUALITY 0x0000
#define RQ_MODE_VBR     0x4000
#define RQ_MODE_ABR     0x8000
#define RQ_MODE_CBR     0xc000

#define RQ_MULT_10      0x0000
#define RQ_MULT_100     0x1000
#define RQ_MULT_1000    0x2000
#define RQ_MULT_10000   0x3000

/* SCI_RECMODE bits for VS1063 */

#define RM_63_CODEC_B    15
#define RM_63_AEC_B      14
#define RM_63_UART_TX_B  13
#define RM_63_PAUSE_B    11
#define RM_63_NO_RIFF_B  10
#define RM_63_FORMAT_B    4
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_B  0 

#define RM_63_CODEC    (1<<15)
#define RM_63_AEC      (1<<14)
#define RM_63_UART_TX  (1<<13)
#define RM_63_PAUSE    (1<<11)
#define RM_63_NO_RIFF  (1<<10)
#define RM_63_FORMAT   (1<< 4)
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE (1<< 0)

#define RM_63_FORMAT_BITS       4
#define RM_63_FORMAT_MASK  0x00f0
#define RM_63_ADCMODE_BITS      3
#define RM_63_ADCMODE_MASK 0x0007

#define RM_63_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM  0x0000
#define RM_63_FORMAT_PCM        0x0010
#define RM_63_FORMAT_G711_ULAW  0x0020
#define RM_63_FORMAT_G711_ALAW  0x0030
#define RM_63_FORMAT_G722_ADPCM 0x0040
#define RM_63_FORMAT_OGG_VORBIS 0x0050
#define RM_63_FORMAT_MP3        0x0060

#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_JOINT_AGC_STEREO 0x0000
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_DUAL_AGC_STEREO  0x0001
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_LEFT             0x0002
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_RIGHT            0x0003
#define RM_63_ADC_MODE_MONO             0x0004

/* SCI_RECMODE bits for VS1053 */

#define RM_53_FORMAT_B    2
#define RM_53_ADC_MODE_B  0 

#define RM_53_FORMAT   (1<< 2)
#define RM_53_ADC_MODE (1<< 0)

#define RM_53_ADCMODE_BITS      2
#define RM_53_ADCMODE_MASK 0x0003

#define RM_53_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM  0x0000
#define RM_53_FORMAT_PCM        0x0004

#define RM_53_ADC_MODE_JOINT_AGC_STEREO 0x0000
#define RM_53_ADC_MODE_DUAL_AGC_STEREO  0x0001
#define RM_53_ADC_MODE_LEFT             0x0002
#define RM_53_ADC_MODE_RIGHT            0x0003

/* VS1063 definitions */

/* VS1063 / VS1053 Parametric */
#define PAR_CHIP_ID                  0x1e00 /* VS1063, VS1053, 32 bits */
#define PAR_VERSION                  0x1e02 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1                  0x1e03 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_PLAY_SPEED               0x1e04 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_BITRATE_PER_100          0x1e05 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_BYTERATE                 0x1e05 /* VS1053 */
#define PAR_END_FILL_BYTE            0x1e06 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_RATE_TUNE                0x1e07 /* VS1063,         32 bits */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE                0x1e09 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_SAMPLE_COUNTER           0x1e0a /* VS1063,         32 bits */
#define PAR_VU_METER                 0x1e0c /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_GAIN            0x1e0d /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG          0x1e0e /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PCM_MIXER_RATE           0x1e0f /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PCM_MIXER_FREE           0x1e10 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PCM_MIXER_VOL            0x1e11 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_DUMMY                0x1e12 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_LEVEL1               0x1e13 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_FREQ1                0x1e14 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_LEVEL2               0x1e15 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_FREQ2                0x1e16 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_JUMP_POINTS              0x1e16 /*         VS1053 */
#define PAR_EQ5_LEVEL3               0x1e17 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_FREQ3                0x1e18 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_LEVEL4               0x1e19 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_FREQ4                0x1e1a /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_LEVEL5               0x1e1b /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EQ5_UPDATED              0x1e1c /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_SPEED_SHIFTER            0x1e1d /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_EARSPEAKER_LEVEL         0x1e1e /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_SDI_FREE                 0x1e1f /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AUDIO_FILL               0x1e20 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_RESERVED0                0x1e21 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_RESERVED1                0x1e22 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_RESERVED2                0x1e23 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_RESERVED3                0x1e24 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_LATEST_SOF               0x1e25 /* VS1063,         32 bits */
#define PAR_LATEST_JUMP              0x1e26 /*         VS1053 */
#define PAR_POSITION_MSEC            0x1e27 /* VS1063, VS1053, 32 bits */
#define PAR_RESYNC                   0x1e29 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

/* The following addresses are shared between modes. */
/* Generic pointer */
#define PAR_GENERIC                  0x1e2a /* VS1063, VS1053 */

/* Encoder mode */
#define PAR_ENC_TX_UART_DIV          0x1e2a /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_TX_UART_BYTE_SPEED   0x1e2b /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_TX_PAUSE_GPIO        0x1e2c /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_AEC_ADAPT_MULTIPLIER 0x1e2d /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_RESERVED             0x1e2e /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_CHANNEL_MAX          0x1e3c /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_ENC_SERIAL_NUMBER        0x1e3e /* VS1063 */

/* Decoding WMA */
#define PAR_WMA_CUR_PACKET_SIZE      0x1e2a /* VS1063, VS1053, 32 bits */
#define PAR_WMA_PACKET_SIZE          0x1e2c /* VS1063, VS1053, 32 bits */

/* Decoding AAC */
#define PAR_AAC_SCE_FOUND_MASK       0x1e2a /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_CPE_FOUND_MASK       0x1e2b /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_LFE_FOUND_MASK       0x1e2c /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_PLAY_SELECT          0x1e2d /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_DYN_COMPRESS         0x1e2e /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_DYN_BOOST            0x1e2f /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS    0x1e30 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_PS_FLAGS         0x1e31 /* VS1063 */

/* Decoding MIDI (VS1053) */
#define PAR_MIDI_BYTES_LEFT          0x1e2a /*         VS1053, 32 bits */

/* Decoding Vorbis */
#define PAR_VORBIS_GAIN 0x1e2a       0x1e30 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

/* Bit definitions for parametric registers with bitfields */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_WMA_B     15 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_AAC_B     14 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_MP3_B     13 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_FLAC_B    12 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_CRC_B      8 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_B       6 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_B      4 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_MIDI_REVERB_B  0 /*         VS1053 */

#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_WMA     (1<<15) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_AAC     (1<<14) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_MP3     (1<<13) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_FLAC    (1<<12) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_DIS_CRC     (1<< 8) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS      (1<< 6) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR     (1<< 4) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_MIDI_REVERB (1<< 0) /*         VS1053 */

#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_BITS  2      /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_MASK  0x00c0 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_BITS 2      /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_MASK 0x0030 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_ALWAYS_UPSAMPLE    0x0000 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_SELECTIVE_UPSAMPLE 0x0010 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_NEVER_UPSAMPLE     0x0020 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_SBR_DISABLE            0x0030 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_NORMAL              0x0000 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_DOWNSAMPLED         0x0040 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_CONFIG1_AAC_PS_DISABLE             0x00c0 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_EQ5_ENA_B           5 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_PCM_MIXER_ENA_B     4 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_AD_MIXER_ENA_B      3 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_VU_METER_ENA_B      2 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_PAUSE_ENA_B         1 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_MONO_ENA_B          0 /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_SPEED_SHIFTER_ENA (1<<6) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_EQ5_ENA           (1<<5) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_PCM_MIXER_ENA     (1<<4) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_AD_MIXER_ENA      (1<<3) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_VU_METER_ENA      (1<<2) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_PAUSE_ENA         (1<<1) /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_PLAY_MODE_MONO_ENA          (1<<0) /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_VU_METER_LEFT_BITS  8      /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_VU_METER_LEFT_MASK  0xFF00 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_VU_METER_RIGHT_BITS 8      /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_VU_METER_RIGHT_MASK 0x00FF /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_B 2 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_B 2 /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_BITS 2      /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_MASK 0x000c /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_BITS 2      /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_MASK 0x0003 /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_192K 0x0000 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_96K  0x0001 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_48K  0x0002 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_RATE_24K  0x0003 /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_STEREO 0x0000 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_MONO   0x0040 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_LEFT   0x0080 /* VS1063 */
#define PAR_AD_MIXER_CONFIG_MODE_RIGHT  0x00c0 /* VS1063 */

#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_SBR_PRESENT_B       0 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_PS_PRESENT_B        2 /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_PS_ACTIVE_B         3 /* VS1063, VS1053 */

#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_SBR_PRESENT       (1<<0) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_PS_PRESENT        (1<<2) /* VS1063, VS1053 */
#define PAR_AAC_SBR_AND_PS_STATUS_PS_ACTIVE         (1<<3) /* VS1063, VS1053 */