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/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/Makefile
0,0 → 1,108
# There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
# used for execution of your targets. These targets are usually executed
# before and after some main targets. They are:
# .build-pre: called before 'build' target
# .build-post: called after 'build' target
# .clean-pre: called before 'clean' target
# .clean-post: called after 'clean' target
# .clobber-pre: called before 'clobber' target
# .clobber-post: called after 'clobber' target
# .all-pre: called before 'all' target
# .all-post: called after 'all' target
# .help-pre: called before 'help' target
# .help-post: called after 'help' target
# Targets beginning with '.' are not intended to be called on their own.
# Main targets can be executed directly, and they are:
# build build a specific configuration
# clean remove built files from a configuration
# clobber remove all built files
# all build all configurations
# help print help mesage
# Targets .build-impl, .clean-impl, .clobber-impl, .all-impl, and
# .help-impl are implemented in nbproject/
# Available make variables:
# CND_BASEDIR base directory for relative paths
# CND_DISTDIR default top distribution directory (build artifacts)
# CND_BUILDDIR default top build directory (object files, ...)
# CONF name of current configuration
# CND_ARTIFACT_DIR_${CONF} directory of build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF} name of build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_ARTIFACT_PATH_${CONF} path to build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_DIR_${CONF} directory of package (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_NAME_${CONF} name of package (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_PATH_${CONF} path to package (current configuration)
# Environment
# build
build: .build-post
# Add your pre 'build' code here...
.build-post: .build-impl
# Add your post 'build' code here...
# clean
clean: .clean-post
# Add your pre 'clean' code here...
.clean-post: .clean-impl
# Add your post 'clean' code here...
# clobber
clobber: .clobber-post
# Add your pre 'clobber' code here...
.clobber-post: .clobber-impl
# Add your post 'clobber' code here...
# all
all: .all-post
# Add your pre 'all' code here...
.all-post: .all-impl
# Add your post 'all' code here...
# help
help: .help-post
# Add your pre 'help' code here...
.help-post: .help-impl
# Add your post 'help' code here...
# include project implementation makefile
include nbproject/
# include project make variables
include nbproject/
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/build/default/production/main.p1
0,0 → 1,2929
Version 3.2 HI-TECH Software Intermediate Code
[p mainexit ]
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 44: extern volatile unsigned char INDF0 @ 0x000;
"46 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 46: asm("INDF0 equ 00h");
[; <" INDF0 equ 00h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 49: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 50: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 51: unsigned INDF0 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 52: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 53: } INDF0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 54: extern volatile INDF0bits_t INDF0bits @ 0x000;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 63: extern volatile unsigned char INDF1 @ 0x001;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 65: asm("INDF1 equ 01h");
[; <" INDF1 equ 01h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 68: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 69: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 70: unsigned INDF1 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 71: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 72: } INDF1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 73: extern volatile INDF1bits_t INDF1bits @ 0x001;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 82: extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 84: asm("PCL equ 02h");
[; <" PCL equ 02h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 87: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 88: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 89: unsigned PCL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 90: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 91: } PCLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 92: extern volatile PCLbits_t PCLbits @ 0x002;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 101: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 103: asm("STATUS equ 03h");
[; <" STATUS equ 03h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 106: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 107: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 108: unsigned C :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 109: unsigned DC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 110: unsigned Z :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 111: unsigned nPD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 112: unsigned nTO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 113: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 114: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 115: unsigned CARRY :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 116: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 117: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 118: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 119: unsigned ZERO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 120: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 121: } STATUSbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 122: extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 161: extern volatile unsigned short FSR0 @ 0x004;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 164: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L @ 0x004;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 166: asm("FSR0L equ 04h");
[; <" FSR0L equ 04h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 169: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 170: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 171: unsigned FSR0L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 172: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 173: } FSR0Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 174: extern volatile FSR0Lbits_t FSR0Lbits @ 0x004;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 183: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H @ 0x005;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 185: asm("FSR0H equ 05h");
[; <" FSR0H equ 05h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 188: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 189: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 190: unsigned FSR0H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 191: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 192: } FSR0Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 193: extern volatile FSR0Hbits_t FSR0Hbits @ 0x005;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 202: extern volatile unsigned short FSR1 @ 0x006;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 205: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L @ 0x006;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 207: asm("FSR1L equ 06h");
[; <" FSR1L equ 06h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 210: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 211: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 212: unsigned FSR1L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 213: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 214: } FSR1Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 215: extern volatile FSR1Lbits_t FSR1Lbits @ 0x006;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 224: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H @ 0x007;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 226: asm("FSR1H equ 07h");
[; <" FSR1H equ 07h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 229: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 230: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 231: unsigned FSR1H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 232: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 233: } FSR1Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 234: extern volatile FSR1Hbits_t FSR1Hbits @ 0x007;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 243: extern volatile unsigned char BSR @ 0x008;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 245: asm("BSR equ 08h");
[; <" BSR equ 08h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 248: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 249: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 250: unsigned BSR0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 251: unsigned BSR1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 252: unsigned BSR2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 253: unsigned BSR3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 254: unsigned BSR4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 255: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 256: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 257: unsigned BSR :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 258: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 259: } BSRbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 260: extern volatile BSRbits_t BSRbits @ 0x008;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 294: extern volatile unsigned char WREG @ 0x009;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 296: asm("WREG equ 09h");
[; <" WREG equ 09h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 299: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 300: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 301: unsigned WREG0 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 302: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 303: } WREGbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 304: extern volatile WREGbits_t WREGbits @ 0x009;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 313: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 315: asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah");
[; <" PCLATH equ 0Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 318: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 319: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 320: unsigned PCLATH :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 321: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 322: } PCLATHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 323: extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 332: extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 334: asm("INTCON equ 0Bh");
[; <" INTCON equ 0Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 337: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 338: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 339: unsigned IOCIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 340: unsigned INTF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 341: unsigned TMR0IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 342: unsigned IOCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 343: unsigned INTE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 344: unsigned TMR0IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 345: unsigned PEIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 346: unsigned GIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 347: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 348: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 349: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 350: unsigned T0IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 351: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 352: unsigned T0IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 353: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 354: } INTCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 355: extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 409: extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x00C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 411: asm("PORTA equ 0Ch");
[; <" PORTA equ 0Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 414: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 415: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 416: unsigned RA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 417: unsigned RA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 418: unsigned RA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 419: unsigned RA3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 420: unsigned RA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 421: unsigned RA5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 422: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 423: } PORTAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 424: extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x00C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 458: extern volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x00D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 460: asm("PORTB equ 0Dh");
[; <" PORTB equ 0Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 463: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 464: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 465: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 466: unsigned RB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 467: unsigned RB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 468: unsigned RB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 469: unsigned RB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 470: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 471: } PORTBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 472: extern volatile PORTBbits_t PORTBbits @ 0x00D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 496: extern volatile unsigned char PORTC @ 0x00E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 498: asm("PORTC equ 0Eh");
[; <" PORTC equ 0Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 501: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 502: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 503: unsigned RC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 504: unsigned RC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 505: unsigned RC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 506: unsigned RC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 507: unsigned RC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 508: unsigned RC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 509: unsigned RC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 510: unsigned RC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 511: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 512: } PORTCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 513: extern volatile PORTCbits_t PORTCbits @ 0x00E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 557: extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x011;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 559: asm("PIR1 equ 011h");
[; <" PIR1 equ 011h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 562: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 563: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 564: unsigned TMR1IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 565: unsigned TMR2IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 566: unsigned CCP1IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 567: unsigned SSP1IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 568: unsigned TXIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 569: unsigned RCIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 570: unsigned ADIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 571: unsigned TMR1GIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 572: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 573: } PIR1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 574: extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x011;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 618: extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x012;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 620: asm("PIR2 equ 012h");
[; <" PIR2 equ 012h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 623: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 624: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 625: unsigned CCP2IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 626: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 627: unsigned BCL1IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 628: unsigned EEIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 629: unsigned C1IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 630: unsigned C2IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 631: unsigned OSFIF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 632: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 633: } PIR2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 634: extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x012;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 668: extern volatile unsigned char PIR3 @ 0x013;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 670: asm("PIR3 equ 013h");
[; <" PIR3 equ 013h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 673: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 674: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 675: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 676: unsigned TMR4IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 677: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 678: unsigned TMR6IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 679: unsigned CCP3IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 680: unsigned CCP4IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 681: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 682: } PIR3bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 683: extern volatile PIR3bits_t PIR3bits @ 0x013;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 707: extern volatile unsigned char PIR4 @ 0x014;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 709: asm("PIR4 equ 014h");
[; <" PIR4 equ 014h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 712: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 713: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 714: unsigned SSP2IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 715: unsigned BCL2IF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 716: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 717: } PIR4bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 718: extern volatile PIR4bits_t PIR4bits @ 0x014;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 732: extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x015;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 734: asm("TMR0 equ 015h");
[; <" TMR0 equ 015h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 737: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 738: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 739: unsigned TMR0 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 740: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 741: } TMR0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 742: extern volatile TMR0bits_t TMR0bits @ 0x015;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 751: extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x016;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 753: asm("TMR1 equ 016h");
[; <" TMR1 equ 016h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 757: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x016;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 759: asm("TMR1L equ 016h");
[; <" TMR1L equ 016h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 762: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 763: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 764: unsigned TMR1L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 765: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 766: } TMR1Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 767: extern volatile TMR1Lbits_t TMR1Lbits @ 0x016;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 776: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x017;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 778: asm("TMR1H equ 017h");
[; <" TMR1H equ 017h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 781: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 782: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 783: unsigned TMR1H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 784: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 785: } TMR1Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 786: extern volatile TMR1Hbits_t TMR1Hbits @ 0x017;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 795: extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x018;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 797: asm("T1CON equ 018h");
[; <" T1CON equ 018h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 800: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 801: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 802: unsigned TMR1ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 803: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 804: unsigned nT1SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 805: unsigned T1OSCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 806: unsigned T1CKPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 807: unsigned T1CKPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 808: unsigned TMR1CS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 809: unsigned TMR1CS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 810: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 811: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 812: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 813: unsigned T1CKPS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 814: unsigned TMR1CS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 815: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 816: } T1CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 817: extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x018;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 866: extern volatile unsigned char T1GCON @ 0x019;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 868: asm("T1GCON equ 019h");
[; <" T1GCON equ 019h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 871: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 872: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 873: unsigned T1GSS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 874: unsigned T1GSS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 875: unsigned T1GVAL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 876: unsigned T1GGO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 877: unsigned T1GSPM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 878: unsigned T1GTM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 879: unsigned T1GPOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 880: unsigned TMR1GE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 881: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 882: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 883: unsigned T1GSS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 884: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 885: } T1GCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 886: extern volatile T1GCONbits_t T1GCONbits @ 0x019;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 935: extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x01A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 937: asm("TMR2 equ 01Ah");
[; <" TMR2 equ 01Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 940: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 941: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 942: unsigned TMR2 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 943: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 944: } TMR2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 945: extern volatile TMR2bits_t TMR2bits @ 0x01A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 954: extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x01B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 956: asm("PR2 equ 01Bh");
[; <" PR2 equ 01Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 959: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 960: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 961: unsigned PR2 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 962: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 963: } PR2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 964: extern volatile PR2bits_t PR2bits @ 0x01B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 973: extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x01C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 975: asm("T2CON equ 01Ch");
[; <" T2CON equ 01Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 978: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 979: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 980: unsigned T2CKPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 981: unsigned T2CKPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 982: unsigned TMR2ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 983: unsigned T2OUTPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 984: unsigned T2OUTPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 985: unsigned T2OUTPS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 986: unsigned T2OUTPS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 987: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 988: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 989: unsigned T2CKPS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 990: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 991: unsigned T2OUTPS :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 992: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 993: } T2CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 994: extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x01C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1043: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON0 @ 0x01E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1045: asm("CPSCON0 equ 01Eh");
[; <" CPSCON0 equ 01Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1048: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1049: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1050: unsigned T0XCS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1051: unsigned CPSOUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1052: unsigned CPSRNG0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1053: unsigned CPSRNG1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1054: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1055: unsigned CPSRM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1056: unsigned CPSON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1057: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1058: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1059: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1060: unsigned CPSRNG :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1061: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1062: } CPSCON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1063: extern volatile CPSCON0bits_t CPSCON0bits @ 0x01E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1102: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON1 @ 0x01F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1104: asm("CPSCON1 equ 01Fh");
[; <" CPSCON1 equ 01Fh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1107: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1108: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1109: unsigned CPSCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1110: unsigned CPSCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1111: unsigned CPSCH2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1112: unsigned CPSCH3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1113: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1114: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1115: unsigned CPSCH :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1116: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1117: } CPSCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1118: extern volatile CPSCON1bits_t CPSCON1bits @ 0x01F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1147: extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x08C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1149: asm("TRISA equ 08Ch");
[; <" TRISA equ 08Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1152: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1153: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1154: unsigned TRISA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1155: unsigned TRISA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1156: unsigned TRISA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1157: unsigned TRISA3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1158: unsigned TRISA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1159: unsigned TRISA5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1160: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1161: } TRISAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1162: extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x08C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1196: extern volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x08D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1198: asm("TRISB equ 08Dh");
[; <" TRISB equ 08Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1201: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1202: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1203: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1204: unsigned TRISB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1205: unsigned TRISB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1206: unsigned TRISB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1207: unsigned TRISB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1208: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1209: } TRISBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1210: extern volatile TRISBbits_t TRISBbits @ 0x08D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1234: extern volatile unsigned char TRISC @ 0x08E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1236: asm("TRISC equ 08Eh");
[; <" TRISC equ 08Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1239: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1240: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1241: unsigned TRISC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1242: unsigned TRISC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1243: unsigned TRISC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1244: unsigned TRISC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1245: unsigned TRISC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1246: unsigned TRISC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1247: unsigned TRISC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1248: unsigned TRISC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1249: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1250: } TRISCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1251: extern volatile TRISCbits_t TRISCbits @ 0x08E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1295: extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x091;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1297: asm("PIE1 equ 091h");
[; <" PIE1 equ 091h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1300: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1301: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1302: unsigned TMR1IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1303: unsigned TMR2IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1304: unsigned CCP1IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1305: unsigned SSP1IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1306: unsigned TXIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1307: unsigned RCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1308: unsigned ADIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1309: unsigned TMR1GIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1310: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1311: } PIE1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1312: extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x091;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1356: extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x092;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1358: asm("PIE2 equ 092h");
[; <" PIE2 equ 092h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1361: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1362: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1363: unsigned CCP2IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1364: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1365: unsigned BCL1IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1366: unsigned EEIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1367: unsigned C1IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1368: unsigned C2IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1369: unsigned OSFIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1370: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1371: } PIE2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1372: extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x092;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1406: extern volatile unsigned char PIE3 @ 0x093;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1408: asm("PIE3 equ 093h");
[; <" PIE3 equ 093h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1411: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1412: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1413: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1414: unsigned TMR4IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1415: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1416: unsigned TMR6IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1417: unsigned CCP3IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1418: unsigned CCP4IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1419: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1420: } PIE3bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1421: extern volatile PIE3bits_t PIE3bits @ 0x093;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1445: extern volatile unsigned char PIE4 @ 0x094;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1447: asm("PIE4 equ 094h");
[; <" PIE4 equ 094h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1450: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1451: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1452: unsigned SSP2IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1453: unsigned BCL2IE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1454: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1455: } PIE4bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1456: extern volatile PIE4bits_t PIE4bits @ 0x094;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1470: extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x095;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1472: asm("OPTION_REG equ 095h");
[; <" OPTION_REG equ 095h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1475: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1476: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1477: unsigned PS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1478: unsigned PS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1479: unsigned PS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1480: unsigned PSA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1481: unsigned TMR0SE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1482: unsigned TMR0CS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1483: unsigned INTEDG :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1484: unsigned nWPUEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1485: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1486: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1487: unsigned PS :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1488: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1489: unsigned T0SE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1490: unsigned T0CS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1491: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1492: } OPTION_REGbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1493: extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x095;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1552: extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x096;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1554: asm("PCON equ 096h");
[; <" PCON equ 096h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1557: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1558: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1559: unsigned nBOR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1560: unsigned nPOR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1561: unsigned nRI :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1562: unsigned nRMCLR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1563: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1564: unsigned STKUNF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1565: unsigned STKOVF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1566: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1567: } PCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1568: extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x096;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1602: extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x097;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1604: asm("WDTCON equ 097h");
[; <" WDTCON equ 097h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1607: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1608: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1609: unsigned SWDTEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1610: unsigned WDTPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1611: unsigned WDTPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1612: unsigned WDTPS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1613: unsigned WDTPS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1614: unsigned WDTPS4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1615: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1616: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1617: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1618: unsigned WDTPS :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1619: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1620: } WDTCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1621: extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x097;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1660: extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x098;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1662: asm("OSCTUNE equ 098h");
[; <" OSCTUNE equ 098h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1665: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1666: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1667: unsigned TUN0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1668: unsigned TUN1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1669: unsigned TUN2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1670: unsigned TUN3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1671: unsigned TUN4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1672: unsigned TUN5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1673: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1674: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1675: unsigned TUN :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1676: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1677: } OSCTUNEbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1678: extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x098;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1717: extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x099;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1719: asm("OSCCON equ 099h");
[; <" OSCCON equ 099h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1722: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1723: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1724: unsigned SCS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1725: unsigned SCS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1726: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1727: unsigned IRCF0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1728: unsigned IRCF1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1729: unsigned IRCF2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1730: unsigned IRCF3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1731: unsigned SPLLEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1732: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1733: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1734: unsigned SCS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1735: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1736: unsigned IRCF :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1737: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1738: } OSCCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1739: extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x099;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1788: extern volatile unsigned char OSCSTAT @ 0x09A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1790: asm("OSCSTAT equ 09Ah");
[; <" OSCSTAT equ 09Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1793: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1794: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1795: unsigned HFIOFS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1796: unsigned LFIOFR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1797: unsigned MFIOFR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1798: unsigned HFIOFL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1799: unsigned HFIOFR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1800: unsigned OSTS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1801: unsigned PLLR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1802: unsigned T1OSCR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1803: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1804: } OSCSTATbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1805: extern volatile OSCSTATbits_t OSCSTATbits @ 0x09A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1849: extern volatile unsigned short ADRES @ 0x09B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1851: asm("ADRES equ 09Bh");
[; <" ADRES equ 09Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1855: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESL @ 0x09B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1857: asm("ADRESL equ 09Bh");
[; <" ADRESL equ 09Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1860: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1861: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1862: unsigned ADRESL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1863: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1864: } ADRESLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1865: extern volatile ADRESLbits_t ADRESLbits @ 0x09B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1874: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESH @ 0x09C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1876: asm("ADRESH equ 09Ch");
[; <" ADRESH equ 09Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1879: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1880: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1881: unsigned ADRESH :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1882: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1883: } ADRESHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1884: extern volatile ADRESHbits_t ADRESHbits @ 0x09C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1893: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x09D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1895: asm("ADCON0 equ 09Dh");
[; <" ADCON0 equ 09Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1898: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1899: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1900: unsigned ADON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1901: unsigned GO_nDONE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1902: unsigned CHS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1903: unsigned CHS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1904: unsigned CHS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1905: unsigned CHS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1906: unsigned CHS4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1907: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1908: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1909: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1910: unsigned ADGO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1911: unsigned CHS :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1912: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1913: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1914: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1915: unsigned GO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1916: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1917: } ADCON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1918: extern volatile ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits @ 0x09D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1972: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1974: asm("ADCON1 equ 09Eh");
[; <" ADCON1 equ 09Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1977: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1978: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1979: unsigned ADPREF0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1980: unsigned ADPREF1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1981: unsigned ADNREF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1982: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1983: unsigned ADCS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1984: unsigned ADCS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1985: unsigned ADCS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1986: unsigned ADFM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1987: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1988: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1989: unsigned ADPREF :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1990: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1991: unsigned ADCS :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1992: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1993: } ADCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 1994: extern volatile ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits @ 0x09E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2043: extern volatile unsigned char LATA @ 0x10C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2045: asm("LATA equ 010Ch");
[; <" LATA equ 010Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2048: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2049: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2050: unsigned LATA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2051: unsigned LATA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2052: unsigned LATA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2053: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2054: unsigned LATA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2055: unsigned LATA5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2056: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2057: } LATAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2058: extern volatile LATAbits_t LATAbits @ 0x10C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2087: extern volatile unsigned char LATB @ 0x10D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2089: asm("LATB equ 010Dh");
[; <" LATB equ 010Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2092: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2093: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2094: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2095: unsigned LATB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2096: unsigned LATB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2097: unsigned LATB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2098: unsigned LATB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2099: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2100: } LATBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2101: extern volatile LATBbits_t LATBbits @ 0x10D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2125: extern volatile unsigned char LATC @ 0x10E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2127: asm("LATC equ 010Eh");
[; <" LATC equ 010Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2130: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2131: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2132: unsigned LATC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2133: unsigned LATC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2134: unsigned LATC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2135: unsigned LATC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2136: unsigned LATC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2137: unsigned LATC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2138: unsigned LATC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2139: unsigned LATC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2140: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2141: } LATCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2142: extern volatile LATCbits_t LATCbits @ 0x10E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2186: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON0 @ 0x111;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2188: asm("CM1CON0 equ 0111h");
[; <" CM1CON0 equ 0111h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2191: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2192: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2193: unsigned C1SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2194: unsigned C1HYS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2195: unsigned C1SP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2196: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2197: unsigned C1POL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2198: unsigned C1OE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2199: unsigned C1OUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2200: unsigned C1ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2201: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2202: } CM1CON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2203: extern volatile CM1CON0bits_t CM1CON0bits @ 0x111;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2242: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON1 @ 0x112;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2244: asm("CM1CON1 equ 0112h");
[; <" CM1CON1 equ 0112h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2247: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2248: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2249: unsigned C1NCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2250: unsigned C1NCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2251: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2252: unsigned C1PCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2253: unsigned C1PCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2254: unsigned C1INTN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2255: unsigned C1INTP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2256: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2257: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2258: unsigned C1NCH :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2259: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2260: unsigned C1PCH :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2261: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2262: } CM1CON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2263: extern volatile CM1CON1bits_t CM1CON1bits @ 0x112;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2307: extern volatile unsigned char CM2CON0 @ 0x113;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2309: asm("CM2CON0 equ 0113h");
[; <" CM2CON0 equ 0113h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2312: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2313: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2314: unsigned C2SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2315: unsigned C2HYS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2316: unsigned C2SP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2317: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2318: unsigned C2POL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2319: unsigned C2OE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2320: unsigned C2OUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2321: unsigned C2ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2322: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2323: } CM2CON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2324: extern volatile CM2CON0bits_t CM2CON0bits @ 0x113;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2363: extern volatile unsigned char CM2CON1 @ 0x114;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2365: asm("CM2CON1 equ 0114h");
[; <" CM2CON1 equ 0114h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2368: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2369: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2370: unsigned C2NCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2371: unsigned C2NCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2372: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2373: unsigned C2PCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2374: unsigned C2PCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2375: unsigned C2INTN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2376: unsigned C2INTP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2377: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2378: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2379: unsigned C2NCH :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2380: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2381: unsigned C2PCH :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2382: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2383: } CM2CON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2384: extern volatile CM2CON1bits_t CM2CON1bits @ 0x114;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2428: extern volatile unsigned char CMOUT @ 0x115;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2430: asm("CMOUT equ 0115h");
[; <" CMOUT equ 0115h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2433: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2434: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2435: unsigned MC1OUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2436: unsigned MC2OUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2437: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2438: } CMOUTbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2439: extern volatile CMOUTbits_t CMOUTbits @ 0x115;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2453: extern volatile unsigned char BORCON @ 0x116;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2455: asm("BORCON equ 0116h");
[; <" BORCON equ 0116h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2458: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2459: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2460: unsigned BORRDY :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2461: unsigned :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2462: unsigned SBOREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2463: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2464: } BORCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2465: extern volatile BORCONbits_t BORCONbits @ 0x116;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2479: extern volatile unsigned char FVRCON @ 0x117;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2481: asm("FVRCON equ 0117h");
[; <" FVRCON equ 0117h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2484: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2485: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2486: unsigned ADFVR0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2487: unsigned ADFVR1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2488: unsigned CDAFVR0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2489: unsigned CDAFVR1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2490: unsigned TSRNG :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2491: unsigned TSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2492: unsigned FVRRDY :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2493: unsigned FVREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2494: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2495: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2496: unsigned ADFVR :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2497: unsigned CDAFVR :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2498: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2499: } FVRCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2500: extern volatile FVRCONbits_t FVRCONbits @ 0x117;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2554: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON0 @ 0x118;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2556: asm("DACCON0 equ 0118h");
[; <" DACCON0 equ 0118h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2559: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2560: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2561: unsigned DACNSS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2562: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2563: unsigned DACPSS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2564: unsigned DACPSS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2565: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2566: unsigned DACOE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2567: unsigned DACLPS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2568: unsigned DACEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2569: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2570: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2571: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2572: unsigned DACPSS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2573: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2574: } DACCON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2575: extern volatile DACCON0bits_t DACCON0bits @ 0x118;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2614: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON1 @ 0x119;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2616: asm("DACCON1 equ 0119h");
[; <" DACCON1 equ 0119h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2619: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2620: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2621: unsigned DACR0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2622: unsigned DACR1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2623: unsigned DACR2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2624: unsigned DACR3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2625: unsigned DACR4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2626: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2627: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2628: unsigned DACR :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2629: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2630: } DACCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2631: extern volatile DACCON1bits_t DACCON1bits @ 0x119;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2665: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON0 @ 0x11A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2667: asm("SRCON0 equ 011Ah");
[; <" SRCON0 equ 011Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2670: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2671: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2672: unsigned SRPR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2673: unsigned SRPS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2674: unsigned SRNQEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2675: unsigned SRQEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2676: unsigned SRCLK0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2677: unsigned SRCLK1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2678: unsigned SRCLK2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2679: unsigned SRLEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2680: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2681: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2682: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2683: unsigned SRCLK :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2684: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2685: } SRCON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2686: extern volatile SRCON0bits_t SRCON0bits @ 0x11A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2735: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON1 @ 0x11B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2737: asm("SRCON1 equ 011Bh");
[; <" SRCON1 equ 011Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2740: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2741: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2742: unsigned SRRC1E :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2743: unsigned SRRC2E :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2744: unsigned SRRCKE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2745: unsigned SRRPE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2746: unsigned SRSC1E :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2747: unsigned SRSC2E :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2748: unsigned SRSCKE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2749: unsigned SRSPE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2750: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2751: } SRCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2752: extern volatile SRCON1bits_t SRCON1bits @ 0x11B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2796: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON0 @ 0x11D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2798: asm("APFCON0 equ 011Dh");
[; <" APFCON0 equ 011Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2801: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2802: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2803: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2804: unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2805: unsigned T1GSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2806: unsigned :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2807: unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2808: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2809: } APFCON0bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2810: extern volatile APFCON0bits_t APFCON0bits @ 0x11D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2829: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON1 @ 0x11E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2831: asm("APFCON1 equ 011Eh");
[; <" APFCON1 equ 011Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2834: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2835: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2836: unsigned CCP2SEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2837: unsigned P2BSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2838: unsigned P1CSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2839: unsigned P1DSEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2840: unsigned SS2SEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2841: unsigned SDO2SEL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2842: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2843: } APFCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2844: extern volatile APFCON1bits_t APFCON1bits @ 0x11E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2878: extern volatile unsigned char ANSELA @ 0x18C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2880: asm("ANSELA equ 018Ch");
[; <" ANSELA equ 018Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2883: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2884: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2885: unsigned ANSA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2886: unsigned ANSA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2887: unsigned ANSA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2888: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2889: unsigned ANSA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2890: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2891: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2892: unsigned ANSELA :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2893: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2894: } ANSELAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2895: extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits @ 0x18C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2924: extern volatile unsigned char ANSELB @ 0x18D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2926: asm("ANSELB equ 018Dh");
[; <" ANSELB equ 018Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2929: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2930: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2931: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2932: unsigned ANSB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2933: unsigned ANSB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2934: unsigned ANSB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2935: unsigned ANSB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2936: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2937: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2938: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2939: unsigned ANSELB :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2940: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2941: } ANSELBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2942: extern volatile ANSELBbits_t ANSELBbits @ 0x18D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2971: extern volatile unsigned char ANSELC @ 0x18E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2973: asm("ANSELC equ 018Eh");
[; <" ANSELC equ 018Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2976: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2977: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2978: unsigned ANSC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2979: unsigned ANSC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2980: unsigned ANSC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2981: unsigned ANSC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2982: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2983: unsigned ANSC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2984: unsigned ANSC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2985: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2986: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2987: unsigned ANSELC :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2988: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2989: } ANSELCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 2990: extern volatile ANSELCbits_t ANSELCbits @ 0x18E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3029: extern volatile unsigned short EEADR @ 0x191;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3031: asm("EEADR equ 0191h");
[; <" EEADR equ 0191h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3035: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRL @ 0x191;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3037: asm("EEADRL equ 0191h");
[; <" EEADRL equ 0191h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3040: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3041: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3042: unsigned EEADRL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3043: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3044: } EEADRLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3045: extern volatile EEADRLbits_t EEADRLbits @ 0x191;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3054: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x192;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3056: asm("EEADRH equ 0192h");
[; <" EEADRH equ 0192h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3059: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3060: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3061: unsigned EEADRH :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3062: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3063: } EEADRHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3064: extern volatile EEADRHbits_t EEADRHbits @ 0x192;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3073: extern volatile unsigned short EEDAT @ 0x193;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3075: asm("EEDAT equ 0193h");
[; <" EEDAT equ 0193h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3079: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATL @ 0x193;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3081: asm("EEDATL equ 0193h");
[; <" EEDATL equ 0193h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3084: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x193;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3086: asm("EEDATA equ 0193h");
[; <" EEDATA equ 0193h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3089: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3090: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3091: unsigned EEDATL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3092: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3093: } EEDATLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3094: extern volatile EEDATLbits_t EEDATLbits @ 0x193;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3102: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3103: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3104: unsigned EEDATL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3105: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3106: } EEDATAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3107: extern volatile EEDATAbits_t EEDATAbits @ 0x193;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3116: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x194;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3118: asm("EEDATH equ 0194h");
[; <" EEDATH equ 0194h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3121: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3122: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3123: unsigned EEDATH :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3124: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3125: } EEDATHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3126: extern volatile EEDATHbits_t EEDATHbits @ 0x194;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3135: extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x195;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3137: asm("EECON1 equ 0195h");
[; <" EECON1 equ 0195h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3140: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3141: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3142: unsigned RD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3143: unsigned WR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3144: unsigned WREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3145: unsigned WRERR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3146: unsigned FREE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3147: unsigned LWLO :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3148: unsigned CFGS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3149: unsigned EEPGD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3150: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3151: } EECON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3152: extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x195;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3196: extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x196;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3198: asm("EECON2 equ 0196h");
[; <" EECON2 equ 0196h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3201: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3202: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3203: unsigned EECON2 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3204: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3205: } EECON2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3206: extern volatile EECON2bits_t EECON2bits @ 0x196;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3215: extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x199;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3217: asm("RCREG equ 0199h");
[; <" RCREG equ 0199h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3220: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3221: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3222: unsigned RCREG :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3223: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3224: } RCREGbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3225: extern volatile RCREGbits_t RCREGbits @ 0x199;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3234: extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x19A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3236: asm("TXREG equ 019Ah");
[; <" TXREG equ 019Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3239: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3240: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3241: unsigned TXREG :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3242: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3243: } TXREGbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3244: extern volatile TXREGbits_t TXREGbits @ 0x19A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3253: extern volatile unsigned short SPBRG @ 0x19B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3255: asm("SPBRG equ 019Bh");
[; <" SPBRG equ 019Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3259: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGL @ 0x19B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3261: asm("SPBRGL equ 019Bh");
[; <" SPBRGL equ 019Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3264: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3265: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3266: unsigned SPBRGL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3267: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3268: } SPBRGLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3269: extern volatile SPBRGLbits_t SPBRGLbits @ 0x19B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3278: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH @ 0x19C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3280: asm("SPBRGH equ 019Ch");
[; <" SPBRGH equ 019Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3283: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3284: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3285: unsigned SPBRGH :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3286: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3287: } SPBRGHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3288: extern volatile SPBRGHbits_t SPBRGHbits @ 0x19C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3297: extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x19D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3299: asm("RCSTA equ 019Dh");
[; <" RCSTA equ 019Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3302: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3303: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3304: unsigned RX9D :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3305: unsigned OERR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3306: unsigned FERR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3307: unsigned ADDEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3308: unsigned CREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3309: unsigned SREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3310: unsigned RX9 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3311: unsigned SPEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3312: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3313: } RCSTAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3314: extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x19D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3358: extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x19E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3360: asm("TXSTA equ 019Eh");
[; <" TXSTA equ 019Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3363: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3364: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3365: unsigned TX9D :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3366: unsigned TRMT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3367: unsigned BRGH :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3368: unsigned SENDB :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3369: unsigned SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3370: unsigned TXEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3371: unsigned TX9 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3372: unsigned CSRC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3373: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3374: } TXSTAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3375: extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x19E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3419: extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON @ 0x19F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3421: asm("BAUDCON equ 019Fh");
[; <" BAUDCON equ 019Fh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3424: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3425: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3426: unsigned ABDEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3427: unsigned WUE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3428: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3429: unsigned BRG16 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3430: unsigned SCKP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3431: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3432: unsigned RCIDL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3433: unsigned ABDOVF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3434: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3435: } BAUDCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3436: extern volatile BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits @ 0x19F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3470: extern volatile unsigned char WPUA @ 0x20C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3472: asm("WPUA equ 020Ch");
[; <" WPUA equ 020Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3475: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3476: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3477: unsigned WPUA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3478: unsigned WPUA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3479: unsigned WPUA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3480: unsigned WPUA3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3481: unsigned WPUA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3482: unsigned WPUA5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3483: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3484: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3485: unsigned WPUA :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3486: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3487: } WPUAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3488: extern volatile WPUAbits_t WPUAbits @ 0x20C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3527: extern volatile unsigned char WPUB @ 0x20D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3529: asm("WPUB equ 020Dh");
[; <" WPUB equ 020Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3532: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3533: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3534: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3535: unsigned WPUB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3536: unsigned WPUB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3537: unsigned WPUB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3538: unsigned WPUB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3539: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3540: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3541: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3542: unsigned WPUB :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3543: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3544: } WPUBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3545: extern volatile WPUBbits_t WPUBbits @ 0x20D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3574: extern volatile unsigned char WPUC @ 0x20E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3576: asm("WPUC equ 020Eh");
[; <" WPUC equ 020Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3579: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3580: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3581: unsigned WPUC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3582: unsigned WPUC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3583: unsigned WPUC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3584: unsigned WPUC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3585: unsigned WPUC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3586: unsigned WPUC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3587: unsigned WPUC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3588: unsigned WPUC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3589: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3590: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3591: unsigned WPUC :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3592: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3593: } WPUCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3594: extern volatile WPUCbits_t WPUCbits @ 0x20E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3643: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1BUF @ 0x211;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3645: asm("SSP1BUF equ 0211h");
[; <" SSP1BUF equ 0211h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3648: extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x211;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3650: asm("SSPBUF equ 0211h");
[; <" SSPBUF equ 0211h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3653: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3654: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3655: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3656: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3657: } SSP1BUFbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3658: extern volatile SSP1BUFbits_t SSP1BUFbits @ 0x211;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3666: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3667: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3668: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3669: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3670: } SSPBUFbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3671: extern volatile SSPBUFbits_t SSPBUFbits @ 0x211;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3680: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1ADD @ 0x212;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3682: asm("SSP1ADD equ 0212h");
[; <" SSP1ADD equ 0212h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3685: extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x212;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3687: asm("SSPADD equ 0212h");
[; <" SSPADD equ 0212h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3690: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3691: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3692: unsigned SSPADD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3693: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3694: } SSP1ADDbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3695: extern volatile SSP1ADDbits_t SSP1ADDbits @ 0x212;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3703: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3704: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3705: unsigned SSPADD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3706: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3707: } SSPADDbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3708: extern volatile SSPADDbits_t SSPADDbits @ 0x212;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3717: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1MSK @ 0x213;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3719: asm("SSP1MSK equ 0213h");
[; <" SSP1MSK equ 0213h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3722: extern volatile unsigned char SSPMSK @ 0x213;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3724: asm("SSPMSK equ 0213h");
[; <" SSPMSK equ 0213h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3727: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3728: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3729: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3730: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3731: } SSP1MSKbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3732: extern volatile SSP1MSKbits_t SSP1MSKbits @ 0x213;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3740: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3741: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3742: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3743: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3744: } SSPMSKbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3745: extern volatile SSPMSKbits_t SSPMSKbits @ 0x213;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3754: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1STAT @ 0x214;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3756: asm("SSP1STAT equ 0214h");
[; <" SSP1STAT equ 0214h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3759: extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x214;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3761: asm("SSPSTAT equ 0214h");
[; <" SSPSTAT equ 0214h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3764: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3765: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3766: unsigned BF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3767: unsigned UA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3768: unsigned R_nW :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3769: unsigned S :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3770: unsigned P :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3771: unsigned D_nA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3772: unsigned CKE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3773: unsigned SMP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3774: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3775: } SSP1STATbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3776: extern volatile SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits @ 0x214;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3819: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3820: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3821: unsigned BF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3822: unsigned UA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3823: unsigned R_nW :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3824: unsigned S :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3825: unsigned P :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3826: unsigned D_nA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3827: unsigned CKE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3828: unsigned SMP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3829: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3830: } SSPSTATbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3831: extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x214;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3875: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON1 @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3877: asm("SSP1CON1 equ 0215h");
[; <" SSP1CON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3880: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON1 @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3882: asm("SSPCON1 equ 0215h");
[; <" SSPCON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3884: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3886: asm("SSPCON equ 0215h");
[; <" SSPCON equ 0215h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3889: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3890: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3891: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3892: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3893: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3894: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3895: unsigned CKP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3896: unsigned SSPEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3897: unsigned SSPOV :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3898: unsigned WCOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3899: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3900: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3901: unsigned SSPM :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3902: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3903: } SSP1CON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3904: extern volatile SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3952: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3953: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3954: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3955: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3956: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3957: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3958: unsigned CKP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3959: unsigned SSPEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3960: unsigned SSPOV :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3961: unsigned WCOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3962: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3963: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3964: unsigned SSPM :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3965: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3966: } SSPCON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 3967: extern volatile SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4014: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4015: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4016: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4017: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4018: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4019: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4020: unsigned CKP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4021: unsigned SSPEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4022: unsigned SSPOV :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4023: unsigned WCOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4024: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4025: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4026: unsigned SSPM :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4027: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4028: } SSPCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4029: extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x215;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4078: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON2 @ 0x216;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4080: asm("SSP1CON2 equ 0216h");
[; <" SSP1CON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4083: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON2 @ 0x216;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4085: asm("SSPCON2 equ 0216h");
[; <" SSPCON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4088: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4089: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4090: unsigned SEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4091: unsigned RSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4092: unsigned PEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4093: unsigned RCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4094: unsigned ACKEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4095: unsigned ACKDT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4096: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4097: unsigned GCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4098: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4099: } SSP1CON2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4100: extern volatile SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits @ 0x216;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4143: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4144: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4145: unsigned SEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4146: unsigned RSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4147: unsigned PEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4148: unsigned RCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4149: unsigned ACKEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4150: unsigned ACKDT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4151: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4152: unsigned GCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4153: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4154: } SSPCON2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4155: extern volatile SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits @ 0x216;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4199: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON3 @ 0x217;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4201: asm("SSP1CON3 equ 0217h");
[; <" SSP1CON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4204: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON3 @ 0x217;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4206: asm("SSPCON3 equ 0217h");
[; <" SSPCON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4209: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4210: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4211: unsigned DHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4212: unsigned AHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4213: unsigned SBCDE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4214: unsigned SDAHT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4215: unsigned BOEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4216: unsigned SCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4217: unsigned PCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4218: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4219: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4220: } SSP1CON3bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4221: extern volatile SSP1CON3bits_t SSP1CON3bits @ 0x217;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4264: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4265: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4266: unsigned DHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4267: unsigned AHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4268: unsigned SBCDE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4269: unsigned SDAHT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4270: unsigned BOEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4271: unsigned SCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4272: unsigned PCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4273: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4274: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4275: } SSPCON3bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4276: extern volatile SSPCON3bits_t SSPCON3bits @ 0x217;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4320: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2BUF @ 0x219;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4322: asm("SSP2BUF equ 0219h");
[; <" SSP2BUF equ 0219h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4325: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4326: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4327: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4328: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4329: } SSP2BUFbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4330: extern volatile SSP2BUFbits_t SSP2BUFbits @ 0x219;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4339: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2ADD @ 0x21A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4341: asm("SSP2ADD equ 021Ah");
[; <" SSP2ADD equ 021Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4344: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4345: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4346: unsigned SSPADD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4347: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4348: } SSP2ADDbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4349: extern volatile SSP2ADDbits_t SSP2ADDbits @ 0x21A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4358: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2MSK @ 0x21B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4360: asm("SSP2MSK equ 021Bh");
[; <" SSP2MSK equ 021Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4363: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4364: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4365: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4366: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4367: } SSP2MSKbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4368: extern volatile SSP2MSKbits_t SSP2MSKbits @ 0x21B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4377: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2STAT @ 0x21C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4379: asm("SSP2STAT equ 021Ch");
[; <" SSP2STAT equ 021Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4382: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4383: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4384: unsigned BF :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4385: unsigned UA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4386: unsigned R_nW :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4387: unsigned S :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4388: unsigned P :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4389: unsigned D_nA :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4390: unsigned CKE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4391: unsigned SMP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4392: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4393: } SSP2STATbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4394: extern volatile SSP2STATbits_t SSP2STATbits @ 0x21C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4438: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON1 @ 0x21D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4440: asm("SSP2CON1 equ 021Dh");
[; <" SSP2CON1 equ 021Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4443: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4444: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4445: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4446: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4447: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4448: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4449: unsigned CKP :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4450: unsigned SSPEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4451: unsigned SSPOV :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4452: unsigned WCOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4453: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4454: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4455: unsigned SSPM :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4456: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4457: } SSP2CON1bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4458: extern volatile SSP2CON1bits_t SSP2CON1bits @ 0x21D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4507: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON2 @ 0x21E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4509: asm("SSP2CON2 equ 021Eh");
[; <" SSP2CON2 equ 021Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4512: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4513: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4514: unsigned SEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4515: unsigned RSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4516: unsigned PEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4517: unsigned RCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4518: unsigned ACKEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4519: unsigned ACKDT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4520: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4521: unsigned GCEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4522: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4523: } SSP2CON2bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4524: extern volatile SSP2CON2bits_t SSP2CON2bits @ 0x21E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4568: extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON3 @ 0x21F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4570: asm("SSP2CON3 equ 021Fh");
[; <" SSP2CON3 equ 021Fh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4573: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4574: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4575: unsigned DHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4576: unsigned AHEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4577: unsigned SBCDE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4578: unsigned SDAHT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4579: unsigned BOEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4580: unsigned SCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4581: unsigned PCIE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4582: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4583: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4584: } SSP2CON3bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4585: extern volatile SSP2CON3bits_t SSP2CON3bits @ 0x21F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4629: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x291;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4631: asm("CCPR1L equ 0291h");
[; <" CCPR1L equ 0291h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4634: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4635: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4636: unsigned CCPR1L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4637: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4638: } CCPR1Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4639: extern volatile CCPR1Lbits_t CCPR1Lbits @ 0x291;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4648: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x292;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4650: asm("CCPR1H equ 0292h");
[; <" CCPR1H equ 0292h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4653: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4654: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4655: unsigned CCPR1H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4656: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4657: } CCPR1Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4658: extern volatile CCPR1Hbits_t CCPR1Hbits @ 0x292;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4667: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x293;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4669: asm("CCP1CON equ 0293h");
[; <" CCP1CON equ 0293h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4672: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4673: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4674: unsigned CCP1M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4675: unsigned CCP1M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4676: unsigned CCP1M2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4677: unsigned CCP1M3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4678: unsigned DC1B0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4679: unsigned DC1B1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4680: unsigned P1M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4681: unsigned P1M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4682: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4683: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4684: unsigned CCP1M :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4685: unsigned DC1B :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4686: unsigned P1M :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4687: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4688: } CCP1CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4689: extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x293;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4748: extern volatile unsigned char PWM1CON @ 0x294;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4750: asm("PWM1CON equ 0294h");
[; <" PWM1CON equ 0294h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4753: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4754: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4755: unsigned P1DC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4756: unsigned P1DC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4757: unsigned P1DC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4758: unsigned P1DC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4759: unsigned P1DC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4760: unsigned P1DC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4761: unsigned P1DC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4762: unsigned P1RSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4763: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4764: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4765: unsigned P1DC :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4766: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4767: } PWM1CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4768: extern volatile PWM1CONbits_t PWM1CONbits @ 0x294;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4817: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1AS @ 0x295;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4819: asm("CCP1AS equ 0295h");
[; <" CCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4822: extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1AS @ 0x295;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4824: asm("ECCP1AS equ 0295h");
[; <" ECCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4827: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4828: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4829: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4830: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4831: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4832: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4833: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4834: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4835: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4836: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4837: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4838: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4839: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4840: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4841: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4842: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4843: } CCP1ASbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4844: extern volatile CCP1ASbits_t CCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4902: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4903: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4904: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4905: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4906: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4907: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4908: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4909: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4910: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4911: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4912: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4913: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4914: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4915: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4916: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4917: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4918: } ECCP1ASbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4919: extern volatile ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4978: extern volatile unsigned char PSTR1CON @ 0x296;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4980: asm("PSTR1CON equ 0296h");
[; <" PSTR1CON equ 0296h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4983: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4984: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4985: unsigned STR1A :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4986: unsigned STR1B :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4987: unsigned STR1C :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4988: unsigned STR1D :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4989: unsigned STR1SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4990: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4991: } PSTR1CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 4992: extern volatile PSTR1CONbits_t PSTR1CONbits @ 0x296;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5021: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2L @ 0x298;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5023: asm("CCPR2L equ 0298h");
[; <" CCPR2L equ 0298h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5026: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5027: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5028: unsigned CCPR2L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5029: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5030: } CCPR2Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5031: extern volatile CCPR2Lbits_t CCPR2Lbits @ 0x298;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5040: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2H @ 0x299;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5042: asm("CCPR2H equ 0299h");
[; <" CCPR2H equ 0299h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5045: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5046: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5047: unsigned CCP2RH :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5048: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5049: } CCPR2Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5050: extern volatile CCPR2Hbits_t CCPR2Hbits @ 0x299;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5059: extern volatile unsigned char CCP2CON @ 0x29A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5061: asm("CCP2CON equ 029Ah");
[; <" CCP2CON equ 029Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5064: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5065: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5066: unsigned CCP2M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5067: unsigned CCP2M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5068: unsigned CCP2M2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5069: unsigned CCP2M3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5070: unsigned DC2B0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5071: unsigned DC2B1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5072: unsigned P2M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5073: unsigned P2M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5074: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5075: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5076: unsigned CCP2M :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5077: unsigned DC2B :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5078: unsigned P2M :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5079: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5080: } CCP2CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5081: extern volatile CCP2CONbits_t CCP2CONbits @ 0x29A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5140: extern volatile unsigned char PWM2CON @ 0x29B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5142: asm("PWM2CON equ 029Bh");
[; <" PWM2CON equ 029Bh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5145: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5146: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5147: unsigned P2DC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5148: unsigned P2DC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5149: unsigned P2DC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5150: unsigned P2DC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5151: unsigned P2DC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5152: unsigned P2DC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5153: unsigned P2DC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5154: unsigned P2RSEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5155: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5156: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5157: unsigned P2DC :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5158: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5159: } PWM2CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5160: extern volatile PWM2CONbits_t PWM2CONbits @ 0x29B;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5209: extern volatile unsigned char CCP2AS @ 0x29C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5211: asm("CCP2AS equ 029Ch");
[; <" CCP2AS equ 029Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5214: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5215: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5216: unsigned PSS2BD0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5217: unsigned PSS2BD1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5218: unsigned PSS2AC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5219: unsigned PSS2AC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5220: unsigned CCP2AS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5221: unsigned CCP2AS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5222: unsigned CCP2AS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5223: unsigned CCP2ASE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5224: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5225: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5226: unsigned PSS2BD :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5227: unsigned PSS2AC :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5228: unsigned CCP2AS :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5229: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5230: } CCP2ASbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5231: extern volatile CCP2ASbits_t CCP2ASbits @ 0x29C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5290: extern volatile unsigned char PSTR2CON @ 0x29D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5292: asm("PSTR2CON equ 029Dh");
[; <" PSTR2CON equ 029Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5295: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5296: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5297: unsigned STR2A :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5298: unsigned STR2B :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5299: unsigned STR2C :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5300: unsigned STR2D :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5301: unsigned STR2SYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5302: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5303: } PSTR2CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5304: extern volatile PSTR2CONbits_t PSTR2CONbits @ 0x29D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5333: extern volatile unsigned char CCPTMRS @ 0x29E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5335: asm("CCPTMRS equ 029Eh");
[; <" CCPTMRS equ 029Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5338: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5339: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5340: unsigned C1TSEL0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5341: unsigned C1TSEL1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5342: unsigned C2TSEL0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5343: unsigned C2TSEL1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5344: unsigned C3TSEL0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5345: unsigned C3TSEL1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5346: unsigned C4TSEL0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5347: unsigned C4TSEL1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5348: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5349: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5350: unsigned C1TSEL :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5351: unsigned C2TSEL :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5352: unsigned C3TSEL :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5353: unsigned C4TSEL :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5354: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5355: } CCPTMRSbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5356: extern volatile CCPTMRSbits_t CCPTMRSbits @ 0x29E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5420: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3L @ 0x311;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5422: asm("CCPR3L equ 0311h");
[; <" CCPR3L equ 0311h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5425: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5426: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5427: unsigned CCPR3L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5428: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5429: } CCPR3Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5430: extern volatile CCPR3Lbits_t CCPR3Lbits @ 0x311;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5439: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3H @ 0x312;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5441: asm("CCPR3H equ 0312h");
[; <" CCPR3H equ 0312h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5444: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5445: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5446: unsigned CCPR3H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5447: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5448: } CCPR3Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5449: extern volatile CCPR3Hbits_t CCPR3Hbits @ 0x312;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5458: extern volatile unsigned char CCP3CON @ 0x313;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5460: asm("CCP3CON equ 0313h");
[; <" CCP3CON equ 0313h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5463: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5464: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5465: unsigned CCP3M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5466: unsigned CCP3M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5467: unsigned CCP3M2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5468: unsigned CCP3M3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5469: unsigned DC3B0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5470: unsigned DC3B1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5471: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5472: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5473: unsigned CCP3M :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5474: unsigned DC3B :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5475: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5476: } CCP3CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5477: extern volatile CCP3CONbits_t CCP3CONbits @ 0x313;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5521: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4L @ 0x318;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5523: asm("CCPR4L equ 0318h");
[; <" CCPR4L equ 0318h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5526: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5527: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5528: unsigned CCPR4L :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5529: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5530: } CCPR4Lbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5531: extern volatile CCPR4Lbits_t CCPR4Lbits @ 0x318;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5540: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4H @ 0x319;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5542: asm("CCPR4H equ 0319h");
[; <" CCPR4H equ 0319h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5545: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5546: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5547: unsigned CCPR4H :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5548: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5549: } CCPR4Hbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5550: extern volatile CCPR4Hbits_t CCPR4Hbits @ 0x319;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5559: extern volatile unsigned char CCP4CON @ 0x31A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5561: asm("CCP4CON equ 031Ah");
[; <" CCP4CON equ 031Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5564: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5565: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5566: unsigned CCP4M0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5567: unsigned CCP4M1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5568: unsigned CCP4M2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5569: unsigned CCP4M3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5570: unsigned DC4B0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5571: unsigned DC4B1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5572: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5573: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5574: unsigned CCP4M :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5575: unsigned DC4B :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5576: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5577: } CCP4CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5578: extern volatile CCP4CONbits_t CCP4CONbits @ 0x31A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5622: extern volatile unsigned char INLVLA @ 0x38C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5624: asm("INLVLA equ 038Ch");
[; <" INLVLA equ 038Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5627: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5628: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5629: unsigned INLVLA0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5630: unsigned INLVLA1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5631: unsigned INLVLA2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5632: unsigned INLVLA3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5633: unsigned INLVLA4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5634: unsigned INLVLA5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5635: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5636: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5637: unsigned INLVLA :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5638: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5639: } INLVLAbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5640: extern volatile INLVLAbits_t INLVLAbits @ 0x38C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5679: extern volatile unsigned char INLVLB @ 0x38D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5681: asm("INLVLB equ 038Dh");
[; <" INLVLB equ 038Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5684: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5685: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5686: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5687: unsigned INLVLB4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5688: unsigned INLVLB5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5689: unsigned INLVLB6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5690: unsigned INLVLB7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5691: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5692: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5693: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5694: unsigned INLVLB :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5695: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5696: } INLVLBbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5697: extern volatile INLVLBbits_t INLVLBbits @ 0x38D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5726: extern volatile unsigned char INLVLC @ 0x38E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5728: asm("INLVLC equ 038Eh");
[; <" INLVLC equ 038Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5731: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5732: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5733: unsigned INLVLC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5734: unsigned INLVLC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5735: unsigned INLVLC2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5736: unsigned INLVLC3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5737: unsigned INLVLC4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5738: unsigned INLVLC5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5739: unsigned INLVLC6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5740: unsigned INLVLC7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5741: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5742: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5743: unsigned INLVLC :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5744: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5745: } INLVLCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5746: extern volatile INLVLCbits_t INLVLCbits @ 0x38E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5795: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAP @ 0x391;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5797: asm("IOCAP equ 0391h");
[; <" IOCAP equ 0391h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5800: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5801: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5802: unsigned IOCAP0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5803: unsigned IOCAP1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5804: unsigned IOCAP2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5805: unsigned IOCAP3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5806: unsigned IOCAP4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5807: unsigned IOCAP5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5808: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5809: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5810: unsigned IOCAP :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5811: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5812: } IOCAPbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5813: extern volatile IOCAPbits_t IOCAPbits @ 0x391;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5852: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAN @ 0x392;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5854: asm("IOCAN equ 0392h");
[; <" IOCAN equ 0392h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5857: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5858: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5859: unsigned IOCAN0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5860: unsigned IOCAN1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5861: unsigned IOCAN2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5862: unsigned IOCAN3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5863: unsigned IOCAN4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5864: unsigned IOCAN5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5865: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5866: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5867: unsigned IOCAN :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5868: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5869: } IOCANbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5870: extern volatile IOCANbits_t IOCANbits @ 0x392;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5909: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAF @ 0x393;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5911: asm("IOCAF equ 0393h");
[; <" IOCAF equ 0393h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5914: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5915: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5916: unsigned IOCAF0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5917: unsigned IOCAF1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5918: unsigned IOCAF2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5919: unsigned IOCAF3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5920: unsigned IOCAF4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5921: unsigned IOCAF5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5922: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5923: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5924: unsigned IOCAF :6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5925: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5926: } IOCAFbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5927: extern volatile IOCAFbits_t IOCAFbits @ 0x393;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5966: extern volatile unsigned char IOCBP @ 0x394;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5968: asm("IOCBP equ 0394h");
[; <" IOCBP equ 0394h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5971: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5972: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5973: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5974: unsigned IOCBP4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5975: unsigned IOCBP5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5976: unsigned IOCBP6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5977: unsigned IOCBP7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5978: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5979: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5980: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5981: unsigned IOCBP :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5982: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5983: } IOCBPbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 5984: extern volatile IOCBPbits_t IOCBPbits @ 0x394;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6013: extern volatile unsigned char IOCBN @ 0x395;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6015: asm("IOCBN equ 0395h");
[; <" IOCBN equ 0395h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6018: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6019: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6020: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6021: unsigned IOCBN4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6022: unsigned IOCBN5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6023: unsigned IOCBN6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6024: unsigned IOCBN7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6025: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6026: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6027: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6028: unsigned IOCBN :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6029: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6030: } IOCBNbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6031: extern volatile IOCBNbits_t IOCBNbits @ 0x395;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6060: extern volatile unsigned char IOCBF @ 0x396;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6062: asm("IOCBF equ 0396h");
[; <" IOCBF equ 0396h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6065: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6066: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6067: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6068: unsigned IOCBF4 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6069: unsigned IOCBF5 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6070: unsigned IOCBF6 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6071: unsigned IOCBF7 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6072: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6073: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6074: unsigned :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6075: unsigned IOCBF :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6076: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6077: } IOCBFbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6078: extern volatile IOCBFbits_t IOCBFbits @ 0x396;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6107: extern volatile unsigned char CLKRCON @ 0x39A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6109: asm("CLKRCON equ 039Ah");
[; <" CLKRCON equ 039Ah ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6112: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6113: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6114: unsigned CLKRDIV0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6115: unsigned CLKRDIV1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6116: unsigned CLKRDIV2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6117: unsigned CLKRDC0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6118: unsigned CLKRDC1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6119: unsigned CLKRSLR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6120: unsigned CLKROE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6121: unsigned CLKREN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6122: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6123: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6124: unsigned CLKRDIV :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6125: unsigned CLKRDC :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6126: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6127: } CLKRCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6128: extern volatile CLKRCONbits_t CLKRCONbits @ 0x39A;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6182: extern volatile unsigned char MDCON @ 0x39C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6184: asm("MDCON equ 039Ch");
[; <" MDCON equ 039Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6187: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6188: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6189: unsigned MDBIT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6190: unsigned :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6191: unsigned MDOUT :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6192: unsigned MDOPOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6193: unsigned MDSLR :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6194: unsigned MDOE :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6195: unsigned MDEN :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6196: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6197: } MDCONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6198: extern volatile MDCONbits_t MDCONbits @ 0x39C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6232: extern volatile unsigned char MDSRC @ 0x39D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6234: asm("MDSRC equ 039Dh");
[; <" MDSRC equ 039Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6237: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6238: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6239: unsigned MDMS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6240: unsigned MDMS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6241: unsigned MDMS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6242: unsigned MDMS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6243: unsigned :3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6244: unsigned MDMSODIS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6245: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6246: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6247: unsigned MDMS :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6248: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6249: } MDSRCbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6250: extern volatile MDSRCbits_t MDSRCbits @ 0x39D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6284: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARL @ 0x39E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6286: asm("MDCARL equ 039Eh");
[; <" MDCARL equ 039Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6289: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6290: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6291: unsigned MDCL0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6292: unsigned MDCL1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6293: unsigned MDCL2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6294: unsigned MDCL3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6295: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6296: unsigned MDCLSYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6297: unsigned MDCLPOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6298: unsigned MDCLODIS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6299: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6300: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6301: unsigned MDCL :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6302: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6303: } MDCARLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6304: extern volatile MDCARLbits_t MDCARLbits @ 0x39E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6348: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARH @ 0x39F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6350: asm("MDCARH equ 039Fh");
[; <" MDCARH equ 039Fh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6353: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6354: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6355: unsigned MDCH0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6356: unsigned MDCH1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6357: unsigned MDCH2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6358: unsigned MDCH3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6359: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6360: unsigned MDCHSYNC :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6361: unsigned MDCHPOL :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6362: unsigned MDCHODIS :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6363: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6364: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6365: unsigned MDCH :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6366: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6367: } MDCARHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6368: extern volatile MDCARHbits_t MDCARHbits @ 0x39F;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6412: extern volatile unsigned char TMR4 @ 0x415;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6414: asm("TMR4 equ 0415h");
[; <" TMR4 equ 0415h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6417: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6418: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6419: unsigned TMR4 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6420: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6421: } TMR4bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6422: extern volatile TMR4bits_t TMR4bits @ 0x415;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6431: extern volatile unsigned char PR4 @ 0x416;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6433: asm("PR4 equ 0416h");
[; <" PR4 equ 0416h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6436: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6437: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6438: unsigned PR4 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6439: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6440: } PR4bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6441: extern volatile PR4bits_t PR4bits @ 0x416;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6450: extern volatile unsigned char T4CON @ 0x417;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6452: asm("T4CON equ 0417h");
[; <" T4CON equ 0417h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6455: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6456: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6457: unsigned T4CKPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6458: unsigned T4CKPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6459: unsigned TMR4ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6460: unsigned T4OUTPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6461: unsigned T4OUTPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6462: unsigned T4OUTPS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6463: unsigned T4OUTPS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6464: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6465: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6466: unsigned T4CKPS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6467: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6468: unsigned T4OUTPS :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6469: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6470: } T4CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6471: extern volatile T4CONbits_t T4CONbits @ 0x417;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6520: extern volatile unsigned char TMR6 @ 0x41C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6522: asm("TMR6 equ 041Ch");
[; <" TMR6 equ 041Ch ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6525: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6526: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6527: unsigned TMR6 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6528: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6529: } TMR6bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6530: extern volatile TMR6bits_t TMR6bits @ 0x41C;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6539: extern volatile unsigned char PR6 @ 0x41D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6541: asm("PR6 equ 041Dh");
[; <" PR6 equ 041Dh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6544: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6545: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6546: unsigned PR6 :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6547: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6548: } PR6bits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6549: extern volatile PR6bits_t PR6bits @ 0x41D;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6558: extern volatile unsigned char T6CON @ 0x41E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6560: asm("T6CON equ 041Eh");
[; <" T6CON equ 041Eh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6563: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6564: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6565: unsigned T6CKPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6566: unsigned T6CKPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6567: unsigned TMR6ON :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6568: unsigned T6OUTPS0 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6569: unsigned T6OUTPS1 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6570: unsigned T6OUTPS2 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6571: unsigned T6OUTPS3 :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6572: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6573: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6574: unsigned T6CKPS :2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6575: unsigned :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6576: unsigned T6OUTPS :4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6577: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6578: } T6CONbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6579: extern volatile T6CONbits_t T6CONbits @ 0x41E;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6628: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS_SHAD @ 0xFE4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6630: asm("STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h");
[; <" STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6633: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6634: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6635: unsigned C_SHAD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6636: unsigned DC_SHAD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6637: unsigned Z_SHAD :1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6638: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6639: } STATUS_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6640: extern volatile STATUS_SHADbits_t STATUS_SHADbits @ 0xFE4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6659: extern volatile unsigned char WREG_SHAD @ 0xFE5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6661: asm("WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h");
[; <" WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6664: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6665: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6666: unsigned WREG_SHAD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6667: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6668: } WREG_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6669: extern volatile WREG_SHADbits_t WREG_SHADbits @ 0xFE5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6678: extern volatile unsigned char BSR_SHAD @ 0xFE6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6680: asm("BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h");
[; <" BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6683: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6684: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6685: unsigned BSR_SHAD :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6686: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6687: } BSR_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6688: extern volatile BSR_SHADbits_t BSR_SHADbits @ 0xFE6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6697: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH_SHAD @ 0xFE7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6699: asm("PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h");
[; <" PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6702: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6703: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6704: unsigned PCLATH_SHAD :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6705: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6706: } PCLATH_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6707: extern volatile PCLATH_SHADbits_t PCLATH_SHADbits @ 0xFE7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6716: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L_SHAD @ 0xFE8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6718: asm("FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h");
[; <" FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6721: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6722: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6723: unsigned FSR0L_SHAD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6724: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6725: } FSR0L_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6726: extern volatile FSR0L_SHADbits_t FSR0L_SHADbits @ 0xFE8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6735: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H_SHAD @ 0xFE9;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6737: asm("FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h");
[; <" FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6740: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6741: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6742: unsigned FSR0H_SHAD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6743: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6744: } FSR0H_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6745: extern volatile FSR0H_SHADbits_t FSR0H_SHADbits @ 0xFE9;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6754: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L_SHAD @ 0xFEA;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6756: asm("FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh");
[; <" FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6759: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6760: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6761: unsigned FSR1L_SHAD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6762: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6763: } FSR1L_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6764: extern volatile FSR1L_SHADbits_t FSR1L_SHADbits @ 0xFEA;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6773: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H_SHAD @ 0xFEB;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6775: asm("FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh");
[; <" FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6778: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6779: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6780: unsigned FSR1H_SHAD :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6781: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6782: } FSR1H_SHADbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6783: extern volatile FSR1H_SHADbits_t FSR1H_SHADbits @ 0xFEB;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6792: extern volatile unsigned char STKPTR @ 0xFED;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6794: asm("STKPTR equ 0FEDh");
[; <" STKPTR equ 0FEDh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6797: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6798: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6799: unsigned STKPTR :5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6800: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6801: } STKPTRbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6802: extern volatile STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits @ 0xFED;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6811: extern volatile unsigned char TOSL @ 0xFEE;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6813: asm("TOSL equ 0FEEh");
[; <" TOSL equ 0FEEh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6816: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6817: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6818: unsigned TOSL :8;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6819: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6820: } TOSLbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6821: extern volatile TOSLbits_t TOSLbits @ 0xFEE;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6830: extern volatile unsigned char TOSH @ 0xFEF;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6832: asm("TOSH equ 0FEFh");
[; <" TOSH equ 0FEFh ;# ">
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6835: typedef union {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6836: struct {
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6837: unsigned TOSH :7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6838: };
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6839: } TOSHbits_t;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6840: extern volatile TOSHbits_t TOSHbits @ 0xFEF;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6855: extern volatile __bit ABDEN @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6857: extern volatile __bit ABDOVF @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6859: extern volatile __bit ADCS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6861: extern volatile __bit ADCS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6863: extern volatile __bit ADCS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6865: extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6867: extern volatile __bit ADFM @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6869: extern volatile __bit ADFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6871: extern volatile __bit ADFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6873: extern volatile __bit ADGO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6875: extern volatile __bit ADIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6877: extern volatile __bit ADIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6879: extern volatile __bit ADNREF @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6881: extern volatile __bit ADON @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6883: extern volatile __bit ADPREF0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6885: extern volatile __bit ADPREF1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6887: extern volatile __bit ANSA0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6889: extern volatile __bit ANSA1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6891: extern volatile __bit ANSA2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6893: extern volatile __bit ANSA4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6895: extern volatile __bit ANSB4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6897: extern volatile __bit ANSB5 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6899: extern volatile __bit ANSB6 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6901: extern volatile __bit ANSB7 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6903: extern volatile __bit ANSC0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6905: extern volatile __bit ANSC1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6907: extern volatile __bit ANSC2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6909: extern volatile __bit ANSC3 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6911: extern volatile __bit ANSC6 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6913: extern volatile __bit ANSC7 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6915: extern volatile __bit BCL1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6917: extern volatile __bit BCL1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6919: extern volatile __bit BCL2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE4)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6921: extern volatile __bit BCL2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR4)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6923: extern volatile __bit BORRDY @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6925: extern volatile __bit BRG16 @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6927: extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6929: extern volatile __bit BSR0 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6931: extern volatile __bit BSR1 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6933: extern volatile __bit BSR2 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6935: extern volatile __bit BSR3 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6937: extern volatile __bit BSR4 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6939: extern volatile __bit C1HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6941: extern volatile __bit C1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6943: extern volatile __bit C1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6945: extern volatile __bit C1INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6947: extern volatile __bit C1INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6949: extern volatile __bit C1NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6951: extern volatile __bit C1NCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6953: extern volatile __bit C1OE @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6955: extern volatile __bit C1ON @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6957: extern volatile __bit C1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6959: extern volatile __bit C1PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6961: extern volatile __bit C1PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6963: extern volatile __bit C1POL @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6965: extern volatile __bit C1SP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6967: extern volatile __bit C1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6969: extern volatile __bit C1TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6971: extern volatile __bit C1TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6973: extern volatile __bit C2HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6975: extern volatile __bit C2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6977: extern volatile __bit C2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6979: extern volatile __bit C2INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6981: extern volatile __bit C2INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6983: extern volatile __bit C2NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6985: extern volatile __bit C2NCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6987: extern volatile __bit C2OE @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6989: extern volatile __bit C2ON @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6991: extern volatile __bit C2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6993: extern volatile __bit C2PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6995: extern volatile __bit C2PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6997: extern volatile __bit C2POL @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 6999: extern volatile __bit C2SP @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7001: extern volatile __bit C2SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7003: extern volatile __bit C2TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7005: extern volatile __bit C2TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7007: extern volatile __bit C3TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7009: extern volatile __bit C3TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7011: extern volatile __bit C4TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7013: extern volatile __bit C4TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7015: extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7017: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7019: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7021: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7023: extern volatile __bit CCP1ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7025: extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7027: extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7029: extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7031: extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7033: extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7035: extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7037: extern volatile __bit CCP2AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7039: extern volatile __bit CCP2AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7041: extern volatile __bit CCP2AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7043: extern volatile __bit CCP2ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7045: extern volatile __bit CCP2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7047: extern volatile __bit CCP2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7049: extern volatile __bit CCP2M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7051: extern volatile __bit CCP2M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7053: extern volatile __bit CCP2M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7055: extern volatile __bit CCP2M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7057: extern volatile __bit CCP2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7059: extern volatile __bit CCP3IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7061: extern volatile __bit CCP3IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7063: extern volatile __bit CCP3M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7065: extern volatile __bit CCP3M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7067: extern volatile __bit CCP3M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7069: extern volatile __bit CCP3M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7071: extern volatile __bit CCP4IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7073: extern volatile __bit CCP4IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7075: extern volatile __bit CCP4M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7077: extern volatile __bit CCP4M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7079: extern volatile __bit CCP4M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7081: extern volatile __bit CCP4M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7083: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7085: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7087: extern volatile __bit CFGS @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7089: extern volatile __bit CHS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7091: extern volatile __bit CHS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7093: extern volatile __bit CHS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7095: extern volatile __bit CHS3 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7097: extern volatile __bit CHS4 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7099: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7101: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7103: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7105: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7107: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV2 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7109: extern volatile __bit CLKREN @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7111: extern volatile __bit CLKROE @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7113: extern volatile __bit CLKRSLR @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7115: extern volatile __bit CPSCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7117: extern volatile __bit CPSCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7119: extern volatile __bit CPSCH2 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7121: extern volatile __bit CPSCH3 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7123: extern volatile __bit CPSON @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7125: extern volatile __bit CPSOUT @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7127: extern volatile __bit CPSRM @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7129: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7131: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7133: extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7135: extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7137: extern volatile __bit C_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7139: extern volatile __bit DACEN @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7141: extern volatile __bit DACLPS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7143: extern volatile __bit DACNSS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7145: extern volatile __bit DACOE @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7147: extern volatile __bit DACPSS0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7149: extern volatile __bit DACPSS1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7151: extern volatile __bit DACR0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7153: extern volatile __bit DACR1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7155: extern volatile __bit DACR2 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7157: extern volatile __bit DACR3 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7159: extern volatile __bit DACR4 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7161: extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7163: extern volatile __bit DC1B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7165: extern volatile __bit DC1B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7167: extern volatile __bit DC2B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7169: extern volatile __bit DC2B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7171: extern volatile __bit DC3B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7173: extern volatile __bit DC3B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7175: extern volatile __bit DC4B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7177: extern volatile __bit DC4B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7179: extern volatile __bit DC_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7181: extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7183: extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7185: extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7187: extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7189: extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7191: extern volatile __bit FVREN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7193: extern volatile __bit FVRRDY @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7195: extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7197: extern volatile __bit GO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7199: extern volatile __bit GO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7201: extern volatile __bit HFIOFL @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7203: extern volatile __bit HFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7205: extern volatile __bit HFIOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7207: extern volatile __bit INLVLA0 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7209: extern volatile __bit INLVLA1 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7211: extern volatile __bit INLVLA2 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7213: extern volatile __bit INLVLA3 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7215: extern volatile __bit INLVLA4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7217: extern volatile __bit INLVLA5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7219: extern volatile __bit INLVLB4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7221: extern volatile __bit INLVLB5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7223: extern volatile __bit INLVLB6 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7225: extern volatile __bit INLVLB7 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7227: extern volatile __bit INLVLC0 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7229: extern volatile __bit INLVLC1 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7231: extern volatile __bit INLVLC2 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7233: extern volatile __bit INLVLC3 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7235: extern volatile __bit INLVLC4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7237: extern volatile __bit INLVLC5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7239: extern volatile __bit INLVLC6 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7241: extern volatile __bit INLVLC7 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7243: extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7245: extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7247: extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7249: extern volatile __bit IOCAF0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7251: extern volatile __bit IOCAF1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7253: extern volatile __bit IOCAF2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7255: extern volatile __bit IOCAF3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7257: extern volatile __bit IOCAF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7259: extern volatile __bit IOCAF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7261: extern volatile __bit IOCAN0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7263: extern volatile __bit IOCAN1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7265: extern volatile __bit IOCAN2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7267: extern volatile __bit IOCAN3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7269: extern volatile __bit IOCAN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7271: extern volatile __bit IOCAN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7273: extern volatile __bit IOCAP0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7275: extern volatile __bit IOCAP1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7277: extern volatile __bit IOCAP2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7279: extern volatile __bit IOCAP3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7281: extern volatile __bit IOCAP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7283: extern volatile __bit IOCAP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7285: extern volatile __bit IOCBF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7287: extern volatile __bit IOCBF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7289: extern volatile __bit IOCBF6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7291: extern volatile __bit IOCBF7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7293: extern volatile __bit IOCBN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7295: extern volatile __bit IOCBN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7297: extern volatile __bit IOCBN6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7299: extern volatile __bit IOCBN7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7301: extern volatile __bit IOCBP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7303: extern volatile __bit IOCBP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7305: extern volatile __bit IOCBP6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7307: extern volatile __bit IOCBP7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7309: extern volatile __bit IOCIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7311: extern volatile __bit IOCIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7313: extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7315: extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7317: extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7319: extern volatile __bit IRCF3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7321: extern volatile __bit LATA0 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7323: extern volatile __bit LATA1 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7325: extern volatile __bit LATA2 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7327: extern volatile __bit LATA4 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7329: extern volatile __bit LATA5 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7331: extern volatile __bit LATB4 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7333: extern volatile __bit LATB5 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7335: extern volatile __bit LATB6 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7337: extern volatile __bit LATB7 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7339: extern volatile __bit LATC0 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7341: extern volatile __bit LATC1 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7343: extern volatile __bit LATC2 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7345: extern volatile __bit LATC3 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7347: extern volatile __bit LATC4 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7349: extern volatile __bit LATC5 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7351: extern volatile __bit LATC6 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7353: extern volatile __bit LATC7 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7355: extern volatile __bit LFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7357: extern volatile __bit LWLO @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7359: extern volatile __bit MC1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7361: extern volatile __bit MC2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7363: extern volatile __bit MDBIT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7365: extern volatile __bit MDCH0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7367: extern volatile __bit MDCH1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7369: extern volatile __bit MDCH2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7371: extern volatile __bit MDCH3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7373: extern volatile __bit MDCHODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7375: extern volatile __bit MDCHPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7377: extern volatile __bit MDCHSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7379: extern volatile __bit MDCL0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7381: extern volatile __bit MDCL1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7383: extern volatile __bit MDCL2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7385: extern volatile __bit MDCL3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7387: extern volatile __bit MDCLODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7389: extern volatile __bit MDCLPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7391: extern volatile __bit MDCLSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7393: extern volatile __bit MDEN @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7395: extern volatile __bit MDMS0 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7397: extern volatile __bit MDMS1 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7399: extern volatile __bit MDMS2 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7401: extern volatile __bit MDMS3 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7403: extern volatile __bit MDMSODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7405: extern volatile __bit MDOE @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7407: extern volatile __bit MDOPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7409: extern volatile __bit MDOUT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7411: extern volatile __bit MDSLR @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7413: extern volatile __bit MFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7415: extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7417: extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7419: extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7421: extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7423: extern volatile __bit P1CSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7425: extern volatile __bit P1DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7427: extern volatile __bit P1DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7429: extern volatile __bit P1DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7431: extern volatile __bit P1DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7433: extern volatile __bit P1DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7435: extern volatile __bit P1DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7437: extern volatile __bit P1DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7439: extern volatile __bit P1DSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7441: extern volatile __bit P1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7443: extern volatile __bit P1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7445: extern volatile __bit P1RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7447: extern volatile __bit P2BSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7449: extern volatile __bit P2DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7451: extern volatile __bit P2DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7453: extern volatile __bit P2DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7455: extern volatile __bit P2DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7457: extern volatile __bit P2DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7459: extern volatile __bit P2DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7461: extern volatile __bit P2DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7463: extern volatile __bit P2M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7465: extern volatile __bit P2M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7467: extern volatile __bit P2RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7469: extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7471: extern volatile __bit PLLR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7473: extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7475: extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7477: extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7479: extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7481: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7483: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7485: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7487: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7489: extern volatile __bit PSS2AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7491: extern volatile __bit PSS2AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7493: extern volatile __bit PSS2BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7495: extern volatile __bit PSS2BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7497: extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7499: extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7501: extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7503: extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7505: extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7507: extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7509: extern volatile __bit RB4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7511: extern volatile __bit RB5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7513: extern volatile __bit RB6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7515: extern volatile __bit RB7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7517: extern volatile __bit RC0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7519: extern volatile __bit RC1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7521: extern volatile __bit RC2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7523: extern volatile __bit RC3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7525: extern volatile __bit RC4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7527: extern volatile __bit RC5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7529: extern volatile __bit RC6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7531: extern volatile __bit RC7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7533: extern volatile __bit RCIDL @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7535: extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7537: extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7539: extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7541: extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7543: extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7545: extern volatile __bit RXDTSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7547: extern volatile __bit SBOREN @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7549: extern volatile __bit SCKP @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7551: extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7553: extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7555: extern volatile __bit SDO2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7557: extern volatile __bit SENDB @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7559: extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7561: extern volatile __bit SPLLEN @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7563: extern volatile __bit SRCLK0 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7565: extern volatile __bit SRCLK1 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7567: extern volatile __bit SRCLK2 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7569: extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7571: extern volatile __bit SRLEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7573: extern volatile __bit SRNQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7575: extern volatile __bit SRPR @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7577: extern volatile __bit SRPS @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7579: extern volatile __bit SRQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7581: extern volatile __bit SRRC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7583: extern volatile __bit SRRC2E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7585: extern volatile __bit SRRCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7587: extern volatile __bit SRRPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7589: extern volatile __bit SRSC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7591: extern volatile __bit SRSC2E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7593: extern volatile __bit SRSCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7595: extern volatile __bit SRSPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7597: extern volatile __bit SS2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7599: extern volatile __bit SSP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7601: extern volatile __bit SSP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7603: extern volatile __bit SSP2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE4)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7605: extern volatile __bit SSP2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR4)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7607: extern volatile __bit STKOVF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7609: extern volatile __bit STKUNF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7611: extern volatile __bit STR1A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7613: extern volatile __bit STR1B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7615: extern volatile __bit STR1C @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7617: extern volatile __bit STR1D @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7619: extern volatile __bit STR1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7621: extern volatile __bit STR2A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7623: extern volatile __bit STR2B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7625: extern volatile __bit STR2C @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7627: extern volatile __bit STR2D @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7629: extern volatile __bit STR2SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7631: extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7633: extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7635: extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7637: extern volatile __bit T0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7639: extern volatile __bit T0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7641: extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7643: extern volatile __bit T0XCS @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7645: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7647: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7649: extern volatile __bit T1GGO @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7651: extern volatile __bit T1GPOL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7653: extern volatile __bit T1GSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7655: extern volatile __bit T1GSPM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7657: extern volatile __bit T1GSS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7659: extern volatile __bit T1GSS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7661: extern volatile __bit T1GTM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7663: extern volatile __bit T1GVAL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7665: extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7667: extern volatile __bit T1OSCR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7669: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7671: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7673: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7675: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7677: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7679: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7681: extern volatile __bit T4CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7683: extern volatile __bit T4CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7685: extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7687: extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7689: extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7691: extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7693: extern volatile __bit T6CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7695: extern volatile __bit T6CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7697: extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7699: extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7701: extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7703: extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7705: extern volatile __bit TMR0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7707: extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7709: extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7711: extern volatile __bit TMR0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7713: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7715: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7717: extern volatile __bit TMR1GE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7719: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7721: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7723: extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7725: extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7727: extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7729: extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7731: extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7733: extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7735: extern volatile __bit TMR4IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7737: extern volatile __bit TMR4IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7739: extern volatile __bit TMR4ON @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7741: extern volatile __bit TMR6IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7743: extern volatile __bit TMR6IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7745: extern volatile __bit TMR6ON @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7747: extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7749: extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7751: extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7753: extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7755: extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7757: extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7759: extern volatile __bit TRISB4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7761: extern volatile __bit TRISB5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7763: extern volatile __bit TRISB6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7765: extern volatile __bit TRISB7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7767: extern volatile __bit TRISC0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7769: extern volatile __bit TRISC1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7771: extern volatile __bit TRISC2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7773: extern volatile __bit TRISC3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7775: extern volatile __bit TRISC4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7777: extern volatile __bit TRISC5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7779: extern volatile __bit TRISC6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7781: extern volatile __bit TRISC7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7783: extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7785: extern volatile __bit TSEN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7787: extern volatile __bit TSRNG @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7789: extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7791: extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7793: extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7795: extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7797: extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7799: extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7801: extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7803: extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7805: extern volatile __bit TXCKSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7807: extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7809: extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7811: extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7813: extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7815: extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7817: extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7819: extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7821: extern volatile __bit WDTPS4 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7823: extern volatile __bit WPUA0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7825: extern volatile __bit WPUA1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7827: extern volatile __bit WPUA2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7829: extern volatile __bit WPUA3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7831: extern volatile __bit WPUA4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7833: extern volatile __bit WPUA5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7835: extern volatile __bit WPUB4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7837: extern volatile __bit WPUB5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7839: extern volatile __bit WPUB6 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7841: extern volatile __bit WPUB7 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7843: extern volatile __bit WPUC0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7845: extern volatile __bit WPUC1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7847: extern volatile __bit WPUC2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7849: extern volatile __bit WPUC3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7851: extern volatile __bit WPUC4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7853: extern volatile __bit WPUC5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 5;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7855: extern volatile __bit WPUC6 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 6;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7857: extern volatile __bit WPUC7 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7859: extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7861: extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7863: extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7865: extern volatile __bit WUE @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7867: extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7869: extern volatile __bit Z_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7871: extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7873: extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7875: extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7877: extern volatile __bit nRI @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7879: extern volatile __bit nRMCLR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 3;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7881: extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7883: extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4;
[; ;pic16f1829.h: 7885: extern volatile __bit nWPUEN @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7;
[; ;pic.h: 28: extern void _nop(void);
[; ;pic.h: 77: extern unsigned int flash_read(unsigned short addr);
[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 41: extern void eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value);
[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 42: extern unsigned char eeprom_read(unsigned char addr);
[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 43: extern void eecpymem(volatile unsigned char *to, __eeprom unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 44: extern void memcpyee(__eeprom unsigned char *to, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
[; ;pic.h: 151: extern void _delay(unsigned long);
"4 main.c
[p x WDTE=OFF ]
[p x PWRTE=OFF ]
[p x MCLRE=ON ]
[p x CP=OFF ]
[p x CPD=OFF ]
[p x BOREN=ON ]
[p x IESO=ON ]
[p x FCMEN=ON ]
[p x WRT=OFF ]
[p x PLLEN=ON ]
[p x STVREN=ON ]
[p x BORV=LO ]
[p x LVP=ON ]
[v _main `(i ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
[; ;main.c: 22: int main() {
[e :U _main ]
[f ]
[; ;main.c: 23: while(1);
[e :U 370 ]
[e :U 369 ]
[e $U 370 ]
[e :U 371 ]
[; ;main.c: 24: }
[e :UE 368 ]
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/build/default/production/main.p1.d
0,0 → 1,3
build/default/production/main.d \
build/default/production/main.p1: \
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/build/default/production/main.pre
0,0 → 1,3915
# 1 "main.c"
# 44 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
extern volatile unsigned char INDF0 @ 0x000;
asm("INDF0 equ 00h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned INDF0 :8;
} INDF0bits_t;
extern volatile INDF0bits_t INDF0bits @ 0x000;
# 63
extern volatile unsigned char INDF1 @ 0x001;
asm("INDF1 equ 01h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned INDF1 :8;
} INDF1bits_t;
extern volatile INDF1bits_t INDF1bits @ 0x001;
# 82
extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
asm("PCL equ 02h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PCL :8;
} PCLbits_t;
extern volatile PCLbits_t PCLbits @ 0x002;
# 101
extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
asm("STATUS equ 03h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C :1;
unsigned DC :1;
unsigned Z :1;
unsigned nPD :1;
unsigned nTO :1;
struct {
unsigned CARRY :1;
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned ZERO :1;
} STATUSbits_t;
extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003;
# 161
extern volatile unsigned short FSR0 @ 0x004;
extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L @ 0x004;
asm("FSR0L equ 04h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR0L :8;
} FSR0Lbits_t;
extern volatile FSR0Lbits_t FSR0Lbits @ 0x004;
# 183
extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H @ 0x005;
asm("FSR0H equ 05h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR0H :8;
} FSR0Hbits_t;
extern volatile FSR0Hbits_t FSR0Hbits @ 0x005;
# 202
extern volatile unsigned short FSR1 @ 0x006;
extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L @ 0x006;
asm("FSR1L equ 06h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR1L :8;
} FSR1Lbits_t;
extern volatile FSR1Lbits_t FSR1Lbits @ 0x006;
# 224
extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H @ 0x007;
asm("FSR1H equ 07h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR1H :8;
} FSR1Hbits_t;
extern volatile FSR1Hbits_t FSR1Hbits @ 0x007;
# 243
extern volatile unsigned char BSR @ 0x008;
asm("BSR equ 08h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BSR0 :1;
unsigned BSR1 :1;
unsigned BSR2 :1;
unsigned BSR3 :1;
unsigned BSR4 :1;
struct {
unsigned BSR :5;
} BSRbits_t;
extern volatile BSRbits_t BSRbits @ 0x008;
# 294
extern volatile unsigned char WREG @ 0x009;
asm("WREG equ 09h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned WREG0 :8;
} WREGbits_t;
extern volatile WREGbits_t WREGbits @ 0x009;
# 313
extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PCLATH :7;
} PCLATHbits_t;
extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
# 332
extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
asm("INTCON equ 0Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned IOCIF :1;
unsigned INTF :1;
unsigned TMR0IF :1;
unsigned IOCIE :1;
unsigned INTE :1;
unsigned TMR0IE :1;
unsigned PEIE :1;
unsigned GIE :1;
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned T0IF :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned T0IE :1;
} INTCONbits_t;
extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
# 409
extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x00C;
asm("PORTA equ 0Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned RA0 :1;
unsigned RA1 :1;
unsigned RA2 :1;
unsigned RA3 :1;
unsigned RA4 :1;
unsigned RA5 :1;
} PORTAbits_t;
extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x00C;
# 458
extern volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x00D;
asm("PORTB equ 0Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned RB4 :1;
unsigned RB5 :1;
unsigned RB6 :1;
unsigned RB7 :1;
} PORTBbits_t;
extern volatile PORTBbits_t PORTBbits @ 0x00D;
# 496
extern volatile unsigned char PORTC @ 0x00E;
asm("PORTC equ 0Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned RC0 :1;
unsigned RC1 :1;
unsigned RC2 :1;
unsigned RC3 :1;
unsigned RC4 :1;
unsigned RC5 :1;
unsigned RC6 :1;
unsigned RC7 :1;
} PORTCbits_t;
extern volatile PORTCbits_t PORTCbits @ 0x00E;
# 557
extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x011;
asm("PIR1 equ 011h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IF :1;
unsigned TMR2IF :1;
unsigned CCP1IF :1;
unsigned SSP1IF :1;
unsigned TXIF :1;
unsigned RCIF :1;
unsigned ADIF :1;
unsigned TMR1GIF :1;
} PIR1bits_t;
extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x011;
# 618
extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x012;
asm("PIR2 equ 012h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP2IF :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned BCL1IF :1;
unsigned EEIF :1;
unsigned C1IF :1;
unsigned C2IF :1;
unsigned OSFIF :1;
} PIR2bits_t;
extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x012;
# 668
extern volatile unsigned char PIR3 @ 0x013;
asm("PIR3 equ 013h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :1;
unsigned TMR4IF :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned TMR6IF :1;
unsigned CCP3IF :1;
unsigned CCP4IF :1;
} PIR3bits_t;
extern volatile PIR3bits_t PIR3bits @ 0x013;
# 707
extern volatile unsigned char PIR4 @ 0x014;
asm("PIR4 equ 014h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSP2IF :1;
unsigned BCL2IF :1;
} PIR4bits_t;
extern volatile PIR4bits_t PIR4bits @ 0x014;
# 732
extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x015;
asm("TMR0 equ 015h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR0 :8;
} TMR0bits_t;
extern volatile TMR0bits_t TMR0bits @ 0x015;
# 751
extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x016;
asm("TMR1 equ 016h");
extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x016;
asm("TMR1L equ 016h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1L :8;
} TMR1Lbits_t;
extern volatile TMR1Lbits_t TMR1Lbits @ 0x016;
# 776
extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x017;
asm("TMR1H equ 017h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1H :8;
} TMR1Hbits_t;
extern volatile TMR1Hbits_t TMR1Hbits @ 0x017;
# 795
extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x018;
asm("T1CON equ 018h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1ON :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned nT1SYNC :1;
unsigned T1OSCEN :1;
unsigned T1CKPS0 :1;
unsigned T1CKPS1 :1;
unsigned TMR1CS0 :1;
unsigned TMR1CS1 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned T1CKPS :2;
unsigned TMR1CS :2;
} T1CONbits_t;
extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x018;
# 866
extern volatile unsigned char T1GCON @ 0x019;
asm("T1GCON equ 019h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned T1GSS0 :1;
unsigned T1GSS1 :1;
unsigned T1GVAL :1;
unsigned T1GGO :1;
unsigned T1GSPM :1;
unsigned T1GTM :1;
unsigned T1GPOL :1;
unsigned TMR1GE :1;
struct {
unsigned T1GSS :2;
} T1GCONbits_t;
extern volatile T1GCONbits_t T1GCONbits @ 0x019;
# 935
extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x01A;
asm("TMR2 equ 01Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR2 :8;
} TMR2bits_t;
extern volatile TMR2bits_t TMR2bits @ 0x01A;
# 954
extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x01B;
asm("PR2 equ 01Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PR2 :8;
} PR2bits_t;
extern volatile PR2bits_t PR2bits @ 0x01B;
# 973
extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x01C;
asm("T2CON equ 01Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS0 :1;
unsigned T2CKPS1 :1;
unsigned TMR2ON :1;
unsigned T2OUTPS0 :1;
unsigned T2OUTPS1 :1;
unsigned T2OUTPS2 :1;
unsigned T2OUTPS3 :1;
struct {
unsigned T2CKPS :2;
unsigned :1;
unsigned T2OUTPS :4;
} T2CONbits_t;
extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x01C;
# 1043
extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON0 @ 0x01E;
asm("CPSCON0 equ 01Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned T0XCS :1;
unsigned CPSOUT :1;
unsigned CPSRNG0 :1;
unsigned CPSRNG1 :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned CPSRM :1;
unsigned CPSON :1;
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned CPSRNG :2;
} CPSCON0bits_t;
extern volatile CPSCON0bits_t CPSCON0bits @ 0x01E;
# 1102
extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON1 @ 0x01F;
asm("CPSCON1 equ 01Fh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CPSCH0 :1;
unsigned CPSCH1 :1;
unsigned CPSCH2 :1;
unsigned CPSCH3 :1;
struct {
unsigned CPSCH :3;
} CPSCON1bits_t;
extern volatile CPSCON1bits_t CPSCON1bits @ 0x01F;
# 1147
extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x08C;
asm("TRISA equ 08Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TRISA0 :1;
unsigned TRISA1 :1;
unsigned TRISA2 :1;
unsigned TRISA3 :1;
unsigned TRISA4 :1;
unsigned TRISA5 :1;
} TRISAbits_t;
extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x08C;
# 1196
extern volatile unsigned char TRISB @ 0x08D;
asm("TRISB equ 08Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned TRISB4 :1;
unsigned TRISB5 :1;
unsigned TRISB6 :1;
unsigned TRISB7 :1;
} TRISBbits_t;
extern volatile TRISBbits_t TRISBbits @ 0x08D;
# 1234
extern volatile unsigned char TRISC @ 0x08E;
asm("TRISC equ 08Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TRISC0 :1;
unsigned TRISC1 :1;
unsigned TRISC2 :1;
unsigned TRISC3 :1;
unsigned TRISC4 :1;
unsigned TRISC5 :1;
unsigned TRISC6 :1;
unsigned TRISC7 :1;
} TRISCbits_t;
extern volatile TRISCbits_t TRISCbits @ 0x08E;
# 1295
extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x091;
asm("PIE1 equ 091h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR1IE :1;
unsigned TMR2IE :1;
unsigned CCP1IE :1;
unsigned SSP1IE :1;
unsigned TXIE :1;
unsigned RCIE :1;
unsigned ADIE :1;
unsigned TMR1GIE :1;
} PIE1bits_t;
extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x091;
# 1356
extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x092;
asm("PIE2 equ 092h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP2IE :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned BCL1IE :1;
unsigned EEIE :1;
unsigned C1IE :1;
unsigned C2IE :1;
unsigned OSFIE :1;
} PIE2bits_t;
extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x092;
# 1406
extern volatile unsigned char PIE3 @ 0x093;
asm("PIE3 equ 093h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :1;
unsigned TMR4IE :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned TMR6IE :1;
unsigned CCP3IE :1;
unsigned CCP4IE :1;
} PIE3bits_t;
extern volatile PIE3bits_t PIE3bits @ 0x093;
# 1445
extern volatile unsigned char PIE4 @ 0x094;
asm("PIE4 equ 094h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSP2IE :1;
unsigned BCL2IE :1;
} PIE4bits_t;
extern volatile PIE4bits_t PIE4bits @ 0x094;
# 1470
extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x095;
asm("OPTION_REG equ 095h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PS0 :1;
unsigned PS1 :1;
unsigned PS2 :1;
unsigned PSA :1;
unsigned TMR0SE :1;
unsigned TMR0CS :1;
unsigned INTEDG :1;
unsigned nWPUEN :1;
struct {
unsigned PS :3;
unsigned :1;
unsigned T0SE :1;
unsigned T0CS :1;
} OPTION_REGbits_t;
extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x095;
# 1552
extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x096;
asm("PCON equ 096h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned nBOR :1;
unsigned nPOR :1;
unsigned nRI :1;
unsigned nRMCLR :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned STKUNF :1;
unsigned STKOVF :1;
} PCONbits_t;
extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x096;
# 1602
extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x097;
asm("WDTCON equ 097h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SWDTEN :1;
unsigned WDTPS0 :1;
unsigned WDTPS1 :1;
unsigned WDTPS2 :1;
unsigned WDTPS3 :1;
unsigned WDTPS4 :1;
struct {
unsigned :1;
unsigned WDTPS :5;
} WDTCONbits_t;
extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x097;
# 1660
extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x098;
asm("OSCTUNE equ 098h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TUN0 :1;
unsigned TUN1 :1;
unsigned TUN2 :1;
unsigned TUN3 :1;
unsigned TUN4 :1;
unsigned TUN5 :1;
struct {
unsigned TUN :6;
} OSCTUNEbits_t;
extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x098;
# 1717
extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x099;
asm("OSCCON equ 099h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SCS0 :1;
unsigned SCS1 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned IRCF0 :1;
unsigned IRCF1 :1;
unsigned IRCF2 :1;
unsigned IRCF3 :1;
unsigned SPLLEN :1;
struct {
unsigned SCS :2;
unsigned :1;
unsigned IRCF :4;
} OSCCONbits_t;
extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x099;
# 1788
extern volatile unsigned char OSCSTAT @ 0x09A;
asm("OSCSTAT equ 09Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned HFIOFS :1;
unsigned LFIOFR :1;
unsigned MFIOFR :1;
unsigned HFIOFL :1;
unsigned HFIOFR :1;
unsigned OSTS :1;
unsigned PLLR :1;
unsigned T1OSCR :1;
} OSCSTATbits_t;
extern volatile OSCSTATbits_t OSCSTATbits @ 0x09A;
# 1849
extern volatile unsigned short ADRES @ 0x09B;
asm("ADRES equ 09Bh");
extern volatile unsigned char ADRESL @ 0x09B;
asm("ADRESL equ 09Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ADRESL :8;
} ADRESLbits_t;
extern volatile ADRESLbits_t ADRESLbits @ 0x09B;
# 1874
extern volatile unsigned char ADRESH @ 0x09C;
asm("ADRESH equ 09Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ADRESH :8;
} ADRESHbits_t;
extern volatile ADRESHbits_t ADRESHbits @ 0x09C;
# 1893
extern volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x09D;
asm("ADCON0 equ 09Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ADON :1;
unsigned GO_nDONE :1;
unsigned CHS0 :1;
unsigned CHS1 :1;
unsigned CHS2 :1;
unsigned CHS3 :1;
unsigned CHS4 :1;
struct {
unsigned :1;
unsigned ADGO :1;
unsigned CHS :5;
struct {
unsigned :1;
unsigned GO :1;
} ADCON0bits_t;
extern volatile ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits @ 0x09D;
# 1972
extern volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09E;
asm("ADCON1 equ 09Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ADPREF0 :1;
unsigned ADPREF1 :1;
unsigned ADNREF :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned ADCS0 :1;
unsigned ADCS1 :1;
unsigned ADCS2 :1;
unsigned ADFM :1;
struct {
unsigned ADPREF :2;
unsigned :2;
unsigned ADCS :3;
} ADCON1bits_t;
extern volatile ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits @ 0x09E;
# 2043
extern volatile unsigned char LATA @ 0x10C;
asm("LATA equ 010Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned LATA0 :1;
unsigned LATA1 :1;
unsigned LATA2 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned LATA4 :1;
unsigned LATA5 :1;
} LATAbits_t;
extern volatile LATAbits_t LATAbits @ 0x10C;
# 2087
extern volatile unsigned char LATB @ 0x10D;
asm("LATB equ 010Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned LATB4 :1;
unsigned LATB5 :1;
unsigned LATB6 :1;
unsigned LATB7 :1;
} LATBbits_t;
extern volatile LATBbits_t LATBbits @ 0x10D;
# 2125
extern volatile unsigned char LATC @ 0x10E;
asm("LATC equ 010Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned LATC0 :1;
unsigned LATC1 :1;
unsigned LATC2 :1;
unsigned LATC3 :1;
unsigned LATC4 :1;
unsigned LATC5 :1;
unsigned LATC6 :1;
unsigned LATC7 :1;
} LATCbits_t;
extern volatile LATCbits_t LATCbits @ 0x10E;
# 2186
extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON0 @ 0x111;
asm("CM1CON0 equ 0111h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C1SYNC :1;
unsigned C1HYS :1;
unsigned C1SP :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned C1POL :1;
unsigned C1OE :1;
unsigned C1OUT :1;
unsigned C1ON :1;
} CM1CON0bits_t;
extern volatile CM1CON0bits_t CM1CON0bits @ 0x111;
# 2242
extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON1 @ 0x112;
asm("CM1CON1 equ 0112h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C1NCH0 :1;
unsigned C1NCH1 :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned C1PCH0 :1;
unsigned C1PCH1 :1;
unsigned C1INTN :1;
unsigned C1INTP :1;
struct {
unsigned C1NCH :2;
unsigned :2;
unsigned C1PCH :2;
} CM1CON1bits_t;
extern volatile CM1CON1bits_t CM1CON1bits @ 0x112;
# 2307
extern volatile unsigned char CM2CON0 @ 0x113;
asm("CM2CON0 equ 0113h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C2SYNC :1;
unsigned C2HYS :1;
unsigned C2SP :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned C2POL :1;
unsigned C2OE :1;
unsigned C2OUT :1;
unsigned C2ON :1;
} CM2CON0bits_t;
extern volatile CM2CON0bits_t CM2CON0bits @ 0x113;
# 2363
extern volatile unsigned char CM2CON1 @ 0x114;
asm("CM2CON1 equ 0114h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C2NCH0 :1;
unsigned C2NCH1 :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned C2PCH0 :1;
unsigned C2PCH1 :1;
unsigned C2INTN :1;
unsigned C2INTP :1;
struct {
unsigned C2NCH :2;
unsigned :2;
unsigned C2PCH :2;
} CM2CON1bits_t;
extern volatile CM2CON1bits_t CM2CON1bits @ 0x114;
# 2428
extern volatile unsigned char CMOUT @ 0x115;
asm("CMOUT equ 0115h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned MC1OUT :1;
unsigned MC2OUT :1;
} CMOUTbits_t;
extern volatile CMOUTbits_t CMOUTbits @ 0x115;
# 2453
extern volatile unsigned char BORCON @ 0x116;
asm("BORCON equ 0116h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BORRDY :1;
unsigned :6;
unsigned SBOREN :1;
} BORCONbits_t;
extern volatile BORCONbits_t BORCONbits @ 0x116;
# 2479
extern volatile unsigned char FVRCON @ 0x117;
asm("FVRCON equ 0117h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ADFVR0 :1;
unsigned ADFVR1 :1;
unsigned CDAFVR0 :1;
unsigned CDAFVR1 :1;
unsigned TSRNG :1;
unsigned TSEN :1;
unsigned FVRRDY :1;
unsigned FVREN :1;
struct {
unsigned ADFVR :2;
unsigned CDAFVR :2;
} FVRCONbits_t;
extern volatile FVRCONbits_t FVRCONbits @ 0x117;
# 2554
extern volatile unsigned char DACCON0 @ 0x118;
asm("DACCON0 equ 0118h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned DACNSS :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned DACPSS0 :1;
unsigned DACPSS1 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned DACOE :1;
unsigned DACLPS :1;
unsigned DACEN :1;
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned DACPSS :2;
} DACCON0bits_t;
extern volatile DACCON0bits_t DACCON0bits @ 0x118;
# 2614
extern volatile unsigned char DACCON1 @ 0x119;
asm("DACCON1 equ 0119h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned DACR0 :1;
unsigned DACR1 :1;
unsigned DACR2 :1;
unsigned DACR3 :1;
unsigned DACR4 :1;
struct {
unsigned DACR :5;
} DACCON1bits_t;
extern volatile DACCON1bits_t DACCON1bits @ 0x119;
# 2665
extern volatile unsigned char SRCON0 @ 0x11A;
asm("SRCON0 equ 011Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SRPR :1;
unsigned SRPS :1;
unsigned SRNQEN :1;
unsigned SRQEN :1;
unsigned SRCLK0 :1;
unsigned SRCLK1 :1;
unsigned SRCLK2 :1;
unsigned SRLEN :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned SRCLK :3;
} SRCON0bits_t;
extern volatile SRCON0bits_t SRCON0bits @ 0x11A;
# 2735
extern volatile unsigned char SRCON1 @ 0x11B;
asm("SRCON1 equ 011Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SRRC1E :1;
unsigned SRRC2E :1;
unsigned SRRCKE :1;
unsigned SRRPE :1;
unsigned SRSC1E :1;
unsigned SRSC2E :1;
unsigned SRSCKE :1;
unsigned SRSPE :1;
} SRCON1bits_t;
extern volatile SRCON1bits_t SRCON1bits @ 0x11B;
# 2796
extern volatile unsigned char APFCON0 @ 0x11D;
asm("APFCON0 equ 011Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :2;
unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
unsigned T1GSEL :1;
unsigned :3;
unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
} APFCON0bits_t;
extern volatile APFCON0bits_t APFCON0bits @ 0x11D;
# 2829
extern volatile unsigned char APFCON1 @ 0x11E;
asm("APFCON1 equ 011Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP2SEL :1;
unsigned P2BSEL :1;
unsigned P1CSEL :1;
unsigned P1DSEL :1;
unsigned SS2SEL :1;
unsigned SDO2SEL :1;
} APFCON1bits_t;
extern volatile APFCON1bits_t APFCON1bits @ 0x11E;
# 2878
extern volatile unsigned char ANSELA @ 0x18C;
asm("ANSELA equ 018Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ANSA0 :1;
unsigned ANSA1 :1;
unsigned ANSA2 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned ANSA4 :1;
struct {
unsigned ANSELA :5;
} ANSELAbits_t;
extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits @ 0x18C;
# 2924
extern volatile unsigned char ANSELB @ 0x18D;
asm("ANSELB equ 018Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned ANSB4 :1;
unsigned ANSB5 :1;
unsigned ANSB6 :1;
unsigned ANSB7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned ANSELB :4;
} ANSELBbits_t;
extern volatile ANSELBbits_t ANSELBbits @ 0x18D;
# 2971
extern volatile unsigned char ANSELC @ 0x18E;
asm("ANSELC equ 018Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ANSC0 :1;
unsigned ANSC1 :1;
unsigned ANSC2 :1;
unsigned ANSC3 :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned ANSC6 :1;
unsigned ANSC7 :1;
struct {
unsigned ANSELC :8;
} ANSELCbits_t;
extern volatile ANSELCbits_t ANSELCbits @ 0x18E;
# 3029
extern volatile unsigned short EEADR @ 0x191;
asm("EEADR equ 0191h");
extern volatile unsigned char EEADRL @ 0x191;
asm("EEADRL equ 0191h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EEADRL :8;
} EEADRLbits_t;
extern volatile EEADRLbits_t EEADRLbits @ 0x191;
# 3054
extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x192;
asm("EEADRH equ 0192h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EEADRH :7;
} EEADRHbits_t;
extern volatile EEADRHbits_t EEADRHbits @ 0x192;
# 3073
extern volatile unsigned short EEDAT @ 0x193;
asm("EEDAT equ 0193h");
extern volatile unsigned char EEDATL @ 0x193;
asm("EEDATL equ 0193h");
extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x193;
asm("EEDATA equ 0193h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EEDATL :8;
} EEDATLbits_t;
extern volatile EEDATLbits_t EEDATLbits @ 0x193;
# 3102
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EEDATL :8;
} EEDATAbits_t;
extern volatile EEDATAbits_t EEDATAbits @ 0x193;
# 3116
extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x194;
asm("EEDATH equ 0194h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EEDATH :6;
} EEDATHbits_t;
extern volatile EEDATHbits_t EEDATHbits @ 0x194;
# 3135
extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x195;
asm("EECON1 equ 0195h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned RD :1;
unsigned WR :1;
unsigned WREN :1;
unsigned WRERR :1;
unsigned FREE :1;
unsigned LWLO :1;
unsigned CFGS :1;
unsigned EEPGD :1;
} EECON1bits_t;
extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x195;
# 3196
extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x196;
asm("EECON2 equ 0196h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned EECON2 :8;
} EECON2bits_t;
extern volatile EECON2bits_t EECON2bits @ 0x196;
# 3215
extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x199;
asm("RCREG equ 0199h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned RCREG :8;
} RCREGbits_t;
extern volatile RCREGbits_t RCREGbits @ 0x199;
# 3234
extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x19A;
asm("TXREG equ 019Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TXREG :8;
} TXREGbits_t;
extern volatile TXREGbits_t TXREGbits @ 0x19A;
# 3253
extern volatile unsigned short SPBRG @ 0x19B;
asm("SPBRG equ 019Bh");
extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGL @ 0x19B;
asm("SPBRGL equ 019Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SPBRGL :8;
} SPBRGLbits_t;
extern volatile SPBRGLbits_t SPBRGLbits @ 0x19B;
# 3278
extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH @ 0x19C;
asm("SPBRGH equ 019Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SPBRGH :8;
} SPBRGHbits_t;
extern volatile SPBRGHbits_t SPBRGHbits @ 0x19C;
# 3297
extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x19D;
asm("RCSTA equ 019Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned RX9D :1;
unsigned OERR :1;
unsigned FERR :1;
unsigned ADDEN :1;
unsigned CREN :1;
unsigned SREN :1;
unsigned RX9 :1;
unsigned SPEN :1;
} RCSTAbits_t;
extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x19D;
# 3358
extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x19E;
asm("TXSTA equ 019Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TX9D :1;
unsigned TRMT :1;
unsigned BRGH :1;
unsigned SENDB :1;
unsigned SYNC :1;
unsigned TXEN :1;
unsigned TX9 :1;
unsigned CSRC :1;
} TXSTAbits_t;
extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x19E;
# 3419
extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON @ 0x19F;
asm("BAUDCON equ 019Fh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned ABDEN :1;
unsigned WUE :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned BRG16 :1;
unsigned SCKP :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned RCIDL :1;
unsigned ABDOVF :1;
} BAUDCONbits_t;
extern volatile BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits @ 0x19F;
# 3470
extern volatile unsigned char WPUA @ 0x20C;
asm("WPUA equ 020Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned WPUA0 :1;
unsigned WPUA1 :1;
unsigned WPUA2 :1;
unsigned WPUA3 :1;
unsigned WPUA4 :1;
unsigned WPUA5 :1;
struct {
unsigned WPUA :6;
} WPUAbits_t;
extern volatile WPUAbits_t WPUAbits @ 0x20C;
# 3527
extern volatile unsigned char WPUB @ 0x20D;
asm("WPUB equ 020Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned WPUB4 :1;
unsigned WPUB5 :1;
unsigned WPUB6 :1;
unsigned WPUB7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned WPUB :4;
} WPUBbits_t;
extern volatile WPUBbits_t WPUBbits @ 0x20D;
# 3574
extern volatile unsigned char WPUC @ 0x20E;
asm("WPUC equ 020Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned WPUC0 :1;
unsigned WPUC1 :1;
unsigned WPUC2 :1;
unsigned WPUC3 :1;
unsigned WPUC4 :1;
unsigned WPUC5 :1;
unsigned WPUC6 :1;
unsigned WPUC7 :1;
struct {
unsigned WPUC :8;
} WPUCbits_t;
extern volatile WPUCbits_t WPUCbits @ 0x20E;
# 3643
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1BUF @ 0x211;
asm("SSP1BUF equ 0211h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x211;
asm("SSPBUF equ 0211h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPBUF :8;
} SSP1BUFbits_t;
extern volatile SSP1BUFbits_t SSP1BUFbits @ 0x211;
# 3666
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPBUF :8;
} SSPBUFbits_t;
extern volatile SSPBUFbits_t SSPBUFbits @ 0x211;
# 3680
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1ADD @ 0x212;
asm("SSP1ADD equ 0212h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x212;
asm("SSPADD equ 0212h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPADD :8;
} SSP1ADDbits_t;
extern volatile SSP1ADDbits_t SSP1ADDbits @ 0x212;
# 3703
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPADD :8;
} SSPADDbits_t;
extern volatile SSPADDbits_t SSPADDbits @ 0x212;
# 3717
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1MSK @ 0x213;
asm("SSP1MSK equ 0213h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPMSK @ 0x213;
asm("SSPMSK equ 0213h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPMSK :8;
} SSP1MSKbits_t;
extern volatile SSP1MSKbits_t SSP1MSKbits @ 0x213;
# 3740
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPMSK :8;
} SSPMSKbits_t;
extern volatile SSPMSKbits_t SSPMSKbits @ 0x213;
# 3754
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1STAT @ 0x214;
asm("SSP1STAT equ 0214h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x214;
asm("SSPSTAT equ 0214h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BF :1;
unsigned UA :1;
unsigned R_nW :1;
unsigned S :1;
unsigned P :1;
unsigned D_nA :1;
unsigned CKE :1;
unsigned SMP :1;
} SSP1STATbits_t;
extern volatile SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits @ 0x214;
# 3819
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BF :1;
unsigned UA :1;
unsigned R_nW :1;
unsigned S :1;
unsigned P :1;
unsigned D_nA :1;
unsigned CKE :1;
unsigned SMP :1;
} SSPSTATbits_t;
extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x214;
# 3875
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON1 @ 0x215;
asm("SSP1CON1 equ 0215h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON1 @ 0x215;
asm("SSPCON1 equ 0215h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x215;
asm("SSPCON equ 0215h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 :1;
unsigned SSPM1 :1;
unsigned SSPM2 :1;
unsigned SSPM3 :1;
unsigned CKP :1;
unsigned SSPEN :1;
unsigned SSPOV :1;
unsigned WCOL :1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM :4;
} SSP1CON1bits_t;
extern volatile SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits @ 0x215;
# 3952
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 :1;
unsigned SSPM1 :1;
unsigned SSPM2 :1;
unsigned SSPM3 :1;
unsigned CKP :1;
unsigned SSPEN :1;
unsigned SSPOV :1;
unsigned WCOL :1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM :4;
} SSPCON1bits_t;
extern volatile SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits @ 0x215;
# 4014
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 :1;
unsigned SSPM1 :1;
unsigned SSPM2 :1;
unsigned SSPM3 :1;
unsigned CKP :1;
unsigned SSPEN :1;
unsigned SSPOV :1;
unsigned WCOL :1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM :4;
} SSPCONbits_t;
extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x215;
# 4078
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON2 @ 0x216;
asm("SSP1CON2 equ 0216h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON2 @ 0x216;
asm("SSPCON2 equ 0216h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SEN :1;
unsigned RSEN :1;
unsigned PEN :1;
unsigned RCEN :1;
unsigned ACKEN :1;
unsigned ACKDT :1;
unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
unsigned GCEN :1;
} SSP1CON2bits_t;
extern volatile SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits @ 0x216;
# 4143
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SEN :1;
unsigned RSEN :1;
unsigned PEN :1;
unsigned RCEN :1;
unsigned ACKEN :1;
unsigned ACKDT :1;
unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
unsigned GCEN :1;
} SSPCON2bits_t;
extern volatile SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits @ 0x216;
# 4199
extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON3 @ 0x217;
asm("SSP1CON3 equ 0217h");
extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON3 @ 0x217;
asm("SSPCON3 equ 0217h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned DHEN :1;
unsigned AHEN :1;
unsigned SBCDE :1;
unsigned SDAHT :1;
unsigned BOEN :1;
unsigned SCIE :1;
unsigned PCIE :1;
unsigned ACKTIM :1;
} SSP1CON3bits_t;
extern volatile SSP1CON3bits_t SSP1CON3bits @ 0x217;
# 4264
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned DHEN :1;
unsigned AHEN :1;
unsigned SBCDE :1;
unsigned SDAHT :1;
unsigned BOEN :1;
unsigned SCIE :1;
unsigned PCIE :1;
unsigned ACKTIM :1;
} SSPCON3bits_t;
extern volatile SSPCON3bits_t SSPCON3bits @ 0x217;
# 4320
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2BUF @ 0x219;
asm("SSP2BUF equ 0219h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPBUF :8;
} SSP2BUFbits_t;
extern volatile SSP2BUFbits_t SSP2BUFbits @ 0x219;
# 4339
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2ADD @ 0x21A;
asm("SSP2ADD equ 021Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPADD :8;
} SSP2ADDbits_t;
extern volatile SSP2ADDbits_t SSP2ADDbits @ 0x21A;
# 4358
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2MSK @ 0x21B;
asm("SSP2MSK equ 021Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPMSK :8;
} SSP2MSKbits_t;
extern volatile SSP2MSKbits_t SSP2MSKbits @ 0x21B;
# 4377
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2STAT @ 0x21C;
asm("SSP2STAT equ 021Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BF :1;
unsigned UA :1;
unsigned R_nW :1;
unsigned S :1;
unsigned P :1;
unsigned D_nA :1;
unsigned CKE :1;
unsigned SMP :1;
} SSP2STATbits_t;
extern volatile SSP2STATbits_t SSP2STATbits @ 0x21C;
# 4438
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON1 @ 0x21D;
asm("SSP2CON1 equ 021Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SSPM0 :1;
unsigned SSPM1 :1;
unsigned SSPM2 :1;
unsigned SSPM3 :1;
unsigned CKP :1;
unsigned SSPEN :1;
unsigned SSPOV :1;
unsigned WCOL :1;
struct {
unsigned SSPM :4;
} SSP2CON1bits_t;
extern volatile SSP2CON1bits_t SSP2CON1bits @ 0x21D;
# 4507
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON2 @ 0x21E;
asm("SSP2CON2 equ 021Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned SEN :1;
unsigned RSEN :1;
unsigned PEN :1;
unsigned RCEN :1;
unsigned ACKEN :1;
unsigned ACKDT :1;
unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
unsigned GCEN :1;
} SSP2CON2bits_t;
extern volatile SSP2CON2bits_t SSP2CON2bits @ 0x21E;
# 4568
extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON3 @ 0x21F;
asm("SSP2CON3 equ 021Fh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned DHEN :1;
unsigned AHEN :1;
unsigned SBCDE :1;
unsigned SDAHT :1;
unsigned BOEN :1;
unsigned SCIE :1;
unsigned PCIE :1;
unsigned ACKTIM :1;
} SSP2CON3bits_t;
extern volatile SSP2CON3bits_t SSP2CON3bits @ 0x21F;
# 4629
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x291;
asm("CCPR1L equ 0291h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR1L :8;
} CCPR1Lbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR1Lbits_t CCPR1Lbits @ 0x291;
# 4648
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x292;
asm("CCPR1H equ 0292h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR1H :8;
} CCPR1Hbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR1Hbits_t CCPR1Hbits @ 0x292;
# 4667
extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x293;
asm("CCP1CON equ 0293h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP1M0 :1;
unsigned CCP1M1 :1;
unsigned CCP1M2 :1;
unsigned CCP1M3 :1;
unsigned DC1B0 :1;
unsigned DC1B1 :1;
unsigned P1M0 :1;
unsigned P1M1 :1;
struct {
unsigned CCP1M :4;
unsigned DC1B :2;
unsigned P1M :2;
} CCP1CONbits_t;
extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x293;
# 4748
extern volatile unsigned char PWM1CON @ 0x294;
asm("PWM1CON equ 0294h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned P1DC0 :1;
unsigned P1DC1 :1;
unsigned P1DC2 :1;
unsigned P1DC3 :1;
unsigned P1DC4 :1;
unsigned P1DC5 :1;
unsigned P1DC6 :1;
unsigned P1RSEN :1;
struct {
unsigned P1DC :7;
} PWM1CONbits_t;
extern volatile PWM1CONbits_t PWM1CONbits @ 0x294;
# 4817
extern volatile unsigned char CCP1AS @ 0x295;
asm("CCP1AS equ 0295h");
extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1AS @ 0x295;
asm("ECCP1AS equ 0295h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
struct {
unsigned PSS1BD :2;
unsigned PSS1AC :2;
unsigned CCP1AS :3;
} CCP1ASbits_t;
extern volatile CCP1ASbits_t CCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
# 4902
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
struct {
unsigned PSS1BD :2;
unsigned PSS1AC :2;
unsigned CCP1AS :3;
} ECCP1ASbits_t;
extern volatile ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
# 4978
extern volatile unsigned char PSTR1CON @ 0x296;
asm("PSTR1CON equ 0296h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned STR1A :1;
unsigned STR1B :1;
unsigned STR1C :1;
unsigned STR1D :1;
unsigned STR1SYNC :1;
} PSTR1CONbits_t;
extern volatile PSTR1CONbits_t PSTR1CONbits @ 0x296;
# 5021
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2L @ 0x298;
asm("CCPR2L equ 0298h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR2L :8;
} CCPR2Lbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR2Lbits_t CCPR2Lbits @ 0x298;
# 5040
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2H @ 0x299;
asm("CCPR2H equ 0299h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP2RH :8;
} CCPR2Hbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR2Hbits_t CCPR2Hbits @ 0x299;
# 5059
extern volatile unsigned char CCP2CON @ 0x29A;
asm("CCP2CON equ 029Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP2M0 :1;
unsigned CCP2M1 :1;
unsigned CCP2M2 :1;
unsigned CCP2M3 :1;
unsigned DC2B0 :1;
unsigned DC2B1 :1;
unsigned P2M0 :1;
unsigned P2M1 :1;
struct {
unsigned CCP2M :4;
unsigned DC2B :2;
unsigned P2M :2;
} CCP2CONbits_t;
extern volatile CCP2CONbits_t CCP2CONbits @ 0x29A;
# 5140
extern volatile unsigned char PWM2CON @ 0x29B;
asm("PWM2CON equ 029Bh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned P2DC0 :1;
unsigned P2DC1 :1;
unsigned P2DC2 :1;
unsigned P2DC3 :1;
unsigned P2DC4 :1;
unsigned P2DC5 :1;
unsigned P2DC6 :1;
unsigned P2RSEN :1;
struct {
unsigned P2DC :7;
} PWM2CONbits_t;
extern volatile PWM2CONbits_t PWM2CONbits @ 0x29B;
# 5209
extern volatile unsigned char CCP2AS @ 0x29C;
asm("CCP2AS equ 029Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PSS2BD0 :1;
unsigned PSS2BD1 :1;
unsigned PSS2AC0 :1;
unsigned PSS2AC1 :1;
unsigned CCP2AS0 :1;
unsigned CCP2AS1 :1;
unsigned CCP2AS2 :1;
unsigned CCP2ASE :1;
struct {
unsigned PSS2BD :2;
unsigned PSS2AC :2;
unsigned CCP2AS :3;
} CCP2ASbits_t;
extern volatile CCP2ASbits_t CCP2ASbits @ 0x29C;
# 5290
extern volatile unsigned char PSTR2CON @ 0x29D;
asm("PSTR2CON equ 029Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned STR2A :1;
unsigned STR2B :1;
unsigned STR2C :1;
unsigned STR2D :1;
unsigned STR2SYNC :1;
} PSTR2CONbits_t;
extern volatile PSTR2CONbits_t PSTR2CONbits @ 0x29D;
# 5333
extern volatile unsigned char CCPTMRS @ 0x29E;
asm("CCPTMRS equ 029Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C1TSEL0 :1;
unsigned C1TSEL1 :1;
unsigned C2TSEL0 :1;
unsigned C2TSEL1 :1;
unsigned C3TSEL0 :1;
unsigned C3TSEL1 :1;
unsigned C4TSEL0 :1;
unsigned C4TSEL1 :1;
struct {
unsigned C1TSEL :2;
unsigned C2TSEL :2;
unsigned C3TSEL :2;
unsigned C4TSEL :2;
} CCPTMRSbits_t;
extern volatile CCPTMRSbits_t CCPTMRSbits @ 0x29E;
# 5420
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3L @ 0x311;
asm("CCPR3L equ 0311h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR3L :8;
} CCPR3Lbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR3Lbits_t CCPR3Lbits @ 0x311;
# 5439
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3H @ 0x312;
asm("CCPR3H equ 0312h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR3H :8;
} CCPR3Hbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR3Hbits_t CCPR3Hbits @ 0x312;
# 5458
extern volatile unsigned char CCP3CON @ 0x313;
asm("CCP3CON equ 0313h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP3M0 :1;
unsigned CCP3M1 :1;
unsigned CCP3M2 :1;
unsigned CCP3M3 :1;
unsigned DC3B0 :1;
unsigned DC3B1 :1;
struct {
unsigned CCP3M :4;
unsigned DC3B :2;
} CCP3CONbits_t;
extern volatile CCP3CONbits_t CCP3CONbits @ 0x313;
# 5521
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4L @ 0x318;
asm("CCPR4L equ 0318h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR4L :8;
} CCPR4Lbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR4Lbits_t CCPR4Lbits @ 0x318;
# 5540
extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4H @ 0x319;
asm("CCPR4H equ 0319h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCPR4H :8;
} CCPR4Hbits_t;
extern volatile CCPR4Hbits_t CCPR4Hbits @ 0x319;
# 5559
extern volatile unsigned char CCP4CON @ 0x31A;
asm("CCP4CON equ 031Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CCP4M0 :1;
unsigned CCP4M1 :1;
unsigned CCP4M2 :1;
unsigned CCP4M3 :1;
unsigned DC4B0 :1;
unsigned DC4B1 :1;
struct {
unsigned CCP4M :4;
unsigned DC4B :2;
} CCP4CONbits_t;
extern volatile CCP4CONbits_t CCP4CONbits @ 0x31A;
# 5622
extern volatile unsigned char INLVLA @ 0x38C;
asm("INLVLA equ 038Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned INLVLA0 :1;
unsigned INLVLA1 :1;
unsigned INLVLA2 :1;
unsigned INLVLA3 :1;
unsigned INLVLA4 :1;
unsigned INLVLA5 :1;
struct {
unsigned INLVLA :6;
} INLVLAbits_t;
extern volatile INLVLAbits_t INLVLAbits @ 0x38C;
# 5679
extern volatile unsigned char INLVLB @ 0x38D;
asm("INLVLB equ 038Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned INLVLB4 :1;
unsigned INLVLB5 :1;
unsigned INLVLB6 :1;
unsigned INLVLB7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned INLVLB :4;
} INLVLBbits_t;
extern volatile INLVLBbits_t INLVLBbits @ 0x38D;
# 5726
extern volatile unsigned char INLVLC @ 0x38E;
asm("INLVLC equ 038Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned INLVLC0 :1;
unsigned INLVLC1 :1;
unsigned INLVLC2 :1;
unsigned INLVLC3 :1;
unsigned INLVLC4 :1;
unsigned INLVLC5 :1;
unsigned INLVLC6 :1;
unsigned INLVLC7 :1;
struct {
unsigned INLVLC :8;
} INLVLCbits_t;
extern volatile INLVLCbits_t INLVLCbits @ 0x38E;
# 5795
extern volatile unsigned char IOCAP @ 0x391;
asm("IOCAP equ 0391h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned IOCAP0 :1;
unsigned IOCAP1 :1;
unsigned IOCAP2 :1;
unsigned IOCAP3 :1;
unsigned IOCAP4 :1;
unsigned IOCAP5 :1;
struct {
unsigned IOCAP :6;
} IOCAPbits_t;
extern volatile IOCAPbits_t IOCAPbits @ 0x391;
# 5852
extern volatile unsigned char IOCAN @ 0x392;
asm("IOCAN equ 0392h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned IOCAN0 :1;
unsigned IOCAN1 :1;
unsigned IOCAN2 :1;
unsigned IOCAN3 :1;
unsigned IOCAN4 :1;
unsigned IOCAN5 :1;
struct {
unsigned IOCAN :6;
} IOCANbits_t;
extern volatile IOCANbits_t IOCANbits @ 0x392;
# 5909
extern volatile unsigned char IOCAF @ 0x393;
asm("IOCAF equ 0393h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned IOCAF0 :1;
unsigned IOCAF1 :1;
unsigned IOCAF2 :1;
unsigned IOCAF3 :1;
unsigned IOCAF4 :1;
unsigned IOCAF5 :1;
struct {
unsigned IOCAF :6;
} IOCAFbits_t;
extern volatile IOCAFbits_t IOCAFbits @ 0x393;
# 5966
extern volatile unsigned char IOCBP @ 0x394;
asm("IOCBP equ 0394h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBP4 :1;
unsigned IOCBP5 :1;
unsigned IOCBP6 :1;
unsigned IOCBP7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBP :4;
} IOCBPbits_t;
extern volatile IOCBPbits_t IOCBPbits @ 0x394;
# 6013
extern volatile unsigned char IOCBN @ 0x395;
asm("IOCBN equ 0395h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBN4 :1;
unsigned IOCBN5 :1;
unsigned IOCBN6 :1;
unsigned IOCBN7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBN :4;
} IOCBNbits_t;
extern volatile IOCBNbits_t IOCBNbits @ 0x395;
# 6060
extern volatile unsigned char IOCBF @ 0x396;
asm("IOCBF equ 0396h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBF4 :1;
unsigned IOCBF5 :1;
unsigned IOCBF6 :1;
unsigned IOCBF7 :1;
struct {
unsigned :4;
unsigned IOCBF :4;
} IOCBFbits_t;
extern volatile IOCBFbits_t IOCBFbits @ 0x396;
# 6107
extern volatile unsigned char CLKRCON @ 0x39A;
asm("CLKRCON equ 039Ah");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned CLKRDIV0 :1;
unsigned CLKRDIV1 :1;
unsigned CLKRDIV2 :1;
unsigned CLKRDC0 :1;
unsigned CLKRDC1 :1;
unsigned CLKRSLR :1;
unsigned CLKROE :1;
unsigned CLKREN :1;
struct {
unsigned CLKRDIV :3;
unsigned CLKRDC :2;
} CLKRCONbits_t;
extern volatile CLKRCONbits_t CLKRCONbits @ 0x39A;
# 6182
extern volatile unsigned char MDCON @ 0x39C;
asm("MDCON equ 039Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned MDBIT :1;
unsigned :2;
unsigned MDOUT :1;
unsigned MDOPOL :1;
unsigned MDSLR :1;
unsigned MDOE :1;
unsigned MDEN :1;
} MDCONbits_t;
extern volatile MDCONbits_t MDCONbits @ 0x39C;
# 6232
extern volatile unsigned char MDSRC @ 0x39D;
asm("MDSRC equ 039Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned MDMS0 :1;
unsigned MDMS1 :1;
unsigned MDMS2 :1;
unsigned MDMS3 :1;
unsigned :3;
unsigned MDMSODIS :1;
struct {
unsigned MDMS :4;
} MDSRCbits_t;
extern volatile MDSRCbits_t MDSRCbits @ 0x39D;
# 6284
extern volatile unsigned char MDCARL @ 0x39E;
asm("MDCARL equ 039Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned MDCL0 :1;
unsigned MDCL1 :1;
unsigned MDCL2 :1;
unsigned MDCL3 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned MDCLSYNC :1;
unsigned MDCLPOL :1;
unsigned MDCLODIS :1;
struct {
unsigned MDCL :4;
} MDCARLbits_t;
extern volatile MDCARLbits_t MDCARLbits @ 0x39E;
# 6348
extern volatile unsigned char MDCARH @ 0x39F;
asm("MDCARH equ 039Fh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned MDCH0 :1;
unsigned MDCH1 :1;
unsigned MDCH2 :1;
unsigned MDCH3 :1;
unsigned :1;
unsigned MDCHSYNC :1;
unsigned MDCHPOL :1;
unsigned MDCHODIS :1;
struct {
unsigned MDCH :4;
} MDCARHbits_t;
extern volatile MDCARHbits_t MDCARHbits @ 0x39F;
# 6412
extern volatile unsigned char TMR4 @ 0x415;
asm("TMR4 equ 0415h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR4 :8;
} TMR4bits_t;
extern volatile TMR4bits_t TMR4bits @ 0x415;
# 6431
extern volatile unsigned char PR4 @ 0x416;
asm("PR4 equ 0416h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PR4 :8;
} PR4bits_t;
extern volatile PR4bits_t PR4bits @ 0x416;
# 6450
extern volatile unsigned char T4CON @ 0x417;
asm("T4CON equ 0417h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned T4CKPS0 :1;
unsigned T4CKPS1 :1;
unsigned TMR4ON :1;
unsigned T4OUTPS0 :1;
unsigned T4OUTPS1 :1;
unsigned T4OUTPS2 :1;
unsigned T4OUTPS3 :1;
struct {
unsigned T4CKPS :2;
unsigned :1;
unsigned T4OUTPS :4;
} T4CONbits_t;
extern volatile T4CONbits_t T4CONbits @ 0x417;
# 6520
extern volatile unsigned char TMR6 @ 0x41C;
asm("TMR6 equ 041Ch");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TMR6 :8;
} TMR6bits_t;
extern volatile TMR6bits_t TMR6bits @ 0x41C;
# 6539
extern volatile unsigned char PR6 @ 0x41D;
asm("PR6 equ 041Dh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PR6 :8;
} PR6bits_t;
extern volatile PR6bits_t PR6bits @ 0x41D;
# 6558
extern volatile unsigned char T6CON @ 0x41E;
asm("T6CON equ 041Eh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned T6CKPS0 :1;
unsigned T6CKPS1 :1;
unsigned TMR6ON :1;
unsigned T6OUTPS0 :1;
unsigned T6OUTPS1 :1;
unsigned T6OUTPS2 :1;
unsigned T6OUTPS3 :1;
struct {
unsigned T6CKPS :2;
unsigned :1;
unsigned T6OUTPS :4;
} T6CONbits_t;
extern volatile T6CONbits_t T6CONbits @ 0x41E;
# 6628
extern volatile unsigned char STATUS_SHAD @ 0xFE4;
asm("STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned C_SHAD :1;
unsigned DC_SHAD :1;
unsigned Z_SHAD :1;
} STATUS_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile STATUS_SHADbits_t STATUS_SHADbits @ 0xFE4;
# 6659
extern volatile unsigned char WREG_SHAD @ 0xFE5;
asm("WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned WREG_SHAD :8;
} WREG_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile WREG_SHADbits_t WREG_SHADbits @ 0xFE5;
# 6678
extern volatile unsigned char BSR_SHAD @ 0xFE6;
asm("BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned BSR_SHAD :5;
} BSR_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile BSR_SHADbits_t BSR_SHADbits @ 0xFE6;
# 6697
extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH_SHAD @ 0xFE7;
asm("PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned PCLATH_SHAD :7;
} PCLATH_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile PCLATH_SHADbits_t PCLATH_SHADbits @ 0xFE7;
# 6716
extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L_SHAD @ 0xFE8;
asm("FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR0L_SHAD :8;
} FSR0L_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile FSR0L_SHADbits_t FSR0L_SHADbits @ 0xFE8;
# 6735
extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H_SHAD @ 0xFE9;
asm("FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR0H_SHAD :8;
} FSR0H_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile FSR0H_SHADbits_t FSR0H_SHADbits @ 0xFE9;
# 6754
extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L_SHAD @ 0xFEA;
asm("FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR1L_SHAD :8;
} FSR1L_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile FSR1L_SHADbits_t FSR1L_SHADbits @ 0xFEA;
# 6773
extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H_SHAD @ 0xFEB;
asm("FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned FSR1H_SHAD :8;
} FSR1H_SHADbits_t;
extern volatile FSR1H_SHADbits_t FSR1H_SHADbits @ 0xFEB;
# 6792
extern volatile unsigned char STKPTR @ 0xFED;
asm("STKPTR equ 0FEDh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned STKPTR :5;
} STKPTRbits_t;
extern volatile STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits @ 0xFED;
# 6811
extern volatile unsigned char TOSL @ 0xFEE;
asm("TOSL equ 0FEEh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TOSL :8;
} TOSLbits_t;
extern volatile TOSLbits_t TOSLbits @ 0xFEE;
# 6830
extern volatile unsigned char TOSH @ 0xFEF;
asm("TOSH equ 0FEFh");
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned TOSH :7;
} TOSHbits_t;
extern volatile TOSHbits_t TOSHbits @ 0xFEF;
# 6855
extern volatile __bit ABDEN @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ABDOVF @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit ADCS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit ADCS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit ADCS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit ADFM @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit ADFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ADFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ADGO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ADIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit ADIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit ADNREF @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit ADON @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ADPREF0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ADPREF1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ANSA0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ANSA1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ANSA2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit ANSA4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit ANSB4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit ANSB5 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit ANSB6 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit ANSB7 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit ANSC0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit ANSC1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ANSC2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit ANSC3 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit ANSC6 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit ANSC7 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit BCL1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit BCL1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit BCL2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE4)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit BCL2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR4)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit BORRDY @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit BRG16 @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit BSR0 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit BSR1 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit BSR2 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit BSR3 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit BSR4 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C1HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit C1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C1INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C1INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit C1NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit C1NCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit C1OE @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C1ON @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit C1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C1PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C1PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C1POL @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C1SP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit C1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit C1TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit C1TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit C2HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit C2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C2INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C2INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit C2NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit C2NCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit C2OE @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C2ON @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit C2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C2PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C2PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C2POL @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C2SP @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit C2SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM2CON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit C2TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit C2TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit C3TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit C3TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit C4TSEL0 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit C4TSEL1 @ (((unsigned) &CCPTMRS)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP1AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CCP1AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CCP1AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CCP1ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CCP2AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CCP2AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CCP2AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CCP2ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit CCP2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP2M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP2M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CCP2M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP2M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CCP2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP3IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CCP3IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CCP3M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP3M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CCP3M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP3M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CCP4IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CCP4IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CCP4M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CCP4M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CCP4M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CCP4M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CDAFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CDAFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CFGS @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CHS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CHS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CHS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CHS3 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CHS4 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CLKRDC0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CLKRDC1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV2 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CLKREN @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit CLKROE @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CLKRSLR @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit CPSCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit CPSCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CPSCH2 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CPSCH3 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CPSON @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit CPSOUT @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit CPSRM @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit CPSRNG0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit CPSRNG1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit C_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit DACEN @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit DACLPS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit DACNSS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit DACOE @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit DACPSS0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit DACPSS1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit DACR0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit DACR1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit DACR2 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit DACR3 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit DACR4 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit DC1B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit DC1B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit DC2B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit DC2B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit DC3B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit DC3B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP3CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit DC4B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit DC4B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP4CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit DC_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit FVREN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit FVRRDY @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit GO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit GO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit HFIOFL @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit HFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit HFIOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA0 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA1 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA2 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA3 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit INLVLA5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit INLVLB4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit INLVLB5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit INLVLB6 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit INLVLB7 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC0 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC1 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC2 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC3 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC4 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC5 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC6 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit INLVLC7 @ (((unsigned) &INLVLC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCAF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCAN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCAP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCBF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCBF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCBF6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit IOCBF7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBF)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit IOCBN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCBN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCBN6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit IOCBN7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBN)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit IOCBP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IOCBP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IOCBP6 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit IOCBP7 @ (((unsigned) &IOCBP)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit IOCIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit IOCIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit IRCF3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit LATA0 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit LATA1 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit LATA2 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit LATA4 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit LATA5 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit LATB4 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit LATB5 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit LATB6 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit LATB7 @ (((unsigned) &LATB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit LATC0 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit LATC1 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit LATC2 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit LATC3 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit LATC4 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit LATC5 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit LATC6 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit LATC7 @ (((unsigned) &LATC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit LFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit LWLO @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit MC1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit MC2OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit MDBIT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit MDCH0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit MDCH1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit MDCH2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit MDCH3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit MDCHODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit MDCHPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit MDCHSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit MDCL0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit MDCL1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit MDCL2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit MDCL3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit MDCLODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit MDCLPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit MDCLSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit MDEN @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit MDMS0 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit MDMS1 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit MDMS2 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit MDMS3 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit MDMSODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit MDOE @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit MDOPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit MDOUT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit MDSLR @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit MFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit P1CSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit P1DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit P1DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit P1DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit P1DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit P1DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit P1DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit P1DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit P1DSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit P1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit P1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit P1RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit P2BSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit P2DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit P2DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit P2DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit P2DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit P2DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit P2DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit P2DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit P2M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit P2M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2CON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit P2RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM2CON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit PLLR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit PSS1AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit PSS1AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit PSS1BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit PSS1BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit PSS2AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit PSS2AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit PSS2BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit PSS2BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP2AS)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit RB4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit RB5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit RB6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit RB7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit RC0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit RC1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit RC2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit RC3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit RC4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit RC5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit RC6 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit RC7 @ (((unsigned) &PORTC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit RCIDL @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit RXDTSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SBOREN @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SCKP @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit SDO2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit SENDB @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SPLLEN @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SRCLK0 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit SRCLK1 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit SRCLK2 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit SRLEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SRNQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit SRPR @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit SRPS @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit SRQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit SRRC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit SRRC2E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit SRRCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit SRRPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit SRSC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit SRSC2E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit SRSCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit SRSPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit SS2SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit SSP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit SSP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit SSP2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE4)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit SSP2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR4)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit STKOVF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit STKUNF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit STR1A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit STR1B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit STR1C @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit STR1D @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit STR1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit STR2A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit STR2B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit STR2C @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit STR2D @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit STR2SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR2CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T0XCS @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T1GGO @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T1GPOL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit T1GSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T1GSPM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T1GSS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit T1GSS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit T1GTM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T1GVAL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T1OSCR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit T4CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit T4CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit T6CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit T6CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit T6OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit TMR0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TMR0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TMR1CS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit TMR1CS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TMR1GE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TMR1GIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TMR1GIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TMR4IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TMR4IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TMR4ON @ (((unsigned) &T4CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TMR6IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE3)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit TMR6IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR3)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit TMR6ON @ (((unsigned) &T6CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TRISB4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TRISB5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TRISB6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit TRISB7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TRISC0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TRISC1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TRISC2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TRISC3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit TRISC4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TRISC5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TRISC6 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit TRISC7 @ (((unsigned) &TRISC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TSEN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TSRNG @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit TXCKSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON0)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit WDTPS4 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit WPUA0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit WPUA1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit WPUA2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit WPUA3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit WPUA4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit WPUA5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit WPUB4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit WPUB5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit WPUB6 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit WPUB7 @ (((unsigned) &WPUB)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit WPUC0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit WPUC1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit WPUC2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit WPUC3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit WPUC4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit WPUC5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 5;
extern volatile __bit WPUC6 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 6;
extern volatile __bit WPUC7 @ (((unsigned) &WPUC)*8) + 7;
extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit WUE @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit Z_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0;
extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1;
extern volatile __bit nRI @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit nRMCLR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 3;
extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2;
extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4;
extern volatile __bit nWPUEN @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7;
# 27 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic.h"
#pragma intrinsic(_nop)
extern void _nop(void);
# 77
extern unsigned int flash_read(unsigned short addr);
# 41 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\eeprom_routines.h"
extern void eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value);
extern unsigned char eeprom_read(unsigned char addr);
extern void eecpymem(volatile unsigned char *to, __eeprom unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
extern void memcpyee(__eeprom unsigned char *to, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
# 150 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic.h"
#pragma intrinsic(_delay)
extern void _delay(unsigned long);
# 4 "main.c"
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC
#pragma config WDTE = OFF
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF
#pragma config MCLRE = ON
#pragma config CP = OFF
#pragma config CPD = OFF
#pragma config BOREN = ON
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF
#pragma config IESO = ON
#pragma config FCMEN = ON
#pragma config WRT = OFF
#pragma config PLLEN = ON
#pragma config STVREN = ON
#pragma config BORV = LO
#pragma config LVP = ON
int main() {
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.cof
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.cof
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.hex
0,0 → 1,5
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.hxl
0,0 → 1,28
### HEXMate logfile and output summary ###
### Memory Usage ###
Unused memory ranges:
8h - FF3h
1000h - FFFFh
10000h - 1000Dh
10012h - 1003Fh
dist/default/production\PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.hex ranges:
0h - 7h
FF4h - FFFh
1000Eh - 10011h
### Hex Memory Map ###
- = Unused memory
F = Filled ROM
S = Stored serial code
A = Stored ASCII string
R = Reserved for checksum
C = Stored checksum result
T = Trailing code
& = Find & replace opcode
X = Find & delete opcode
1 = dist/default/production\PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.hex
00000000: 11111111--------------------------------------------------------
00000FC0: ----------------------------------------------------111111111111
00010000: --------------1111----------------------------------------------
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.lst
0,0 → 1,924
Microchip Technology PIC LITE Macro Assembler V1.12 build 49521
Mon May 06 15:35:18 2013
HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521
1 0000 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
2 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
4 opt pagewidth 120
6 opt lm
8 processor 16F1829
9 clrc macro
10 0000 endm
11 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
13 0000 endm
14 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
16 0000 endm
17 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
19 0000 endm
20 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
22 0000 endm
23 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
25 0000 endm
26 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
28 0000 endm
29 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
31 0000 endm
32 0000 indf equ 0
33 0000 indf0 equ 0
34 0001 indf1 equ 1
35 0002 pc equ 2
36 0002 pcl equ 2
37 0003 status equ 3
38 0004 fsr0l equ 4
39 0005 fsr0h equ 5
40 0006 fsr1l equ 6
41 0007 fsr1h equ 7
42 0008 bsr equ 8
43 0009 wreg equ 9
44 000B intcon equ 11
45 0001 c equ 1
46 0000 z equ 0
47 000A pclath equ 10
48 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
49 0000 INDF0 equ 00h ;#
50 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
51 0001 INDF1 equ 01h ;#
52 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
53 0002 PCL equ 02h ;#
54 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
55 0003 STATUS equ 03h ;#
56 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
57 0004 FSR0L equ 04h ;#
58 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
59 0005 FSR0H equ 05h ;#
60 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
61 0006 FSR1L equ 06h ;#
62 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
63 0007 FSR1H equ 07h ;#
64 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
65 0008 BSR equ 08h ;#
66 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
67 0009 WREG equ 09h ;#
68 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
69 000A PCLATH equ 0Ah ;#
70 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
71 000B INTCON equ 0Bh ;#
72 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
73 000C PORTA equ 0Ch ;#
74 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
75 000D PORTB equ 0Dh ;#
76 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
77 000E PORTC equ 0Eh ;#
78 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
79 0011 PIR1 equ 011h ;#
80 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
81 0012 PIR2 equ 012h ;#
82 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
83 0013 PIR3 equ 013h ;#
84 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
85 0014 PIR4 equ 014h ;#
86 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
87 0015 TMR0 equ 015h ;#
88 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
89 0016 TMR1 equ 016h ;#
90 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
91 0016 TMR1L equ 016h ;#
92 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
93 0017 TMR1H equ 017h ;#
94 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
95 0018 T1CON equ 018h ;#
96 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
97 0019 T1GCON equ 019h ;#
98 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
99 001A TMR2 equ 01Ah ;#
100 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
101 001B PR2 equ 01Bh ;#
102 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
103 001C T2CON equ 01Ch ;#
104 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
105 001E CPSCON0 equ 01Eh ;#
106 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
107 001F CPSCON1 equ 01Fh ;#
108 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
109 008C TRISA equ 08Ch ;#
110 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
111 008D TRISB equ 08Dh ;#
112 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
113 008E TRISC equ 08Eh ;#
114 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
115 0091 PIE1 equ 091h ;#
116 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
117 0092 PIE2 equ 092h ;#
118 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
119 0093 PIE3 equ 093h ;#
120 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
121 0094 PIE4 equ 094h ;#
122 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
123 0095 OPTION_REG equ 095h ;#
124 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
125 0096 PCON equ 096h ;#
126 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
127 0097 WDTCON equ 097h ;#
128 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
129 0098 OSCTUNE equ 098h ;#
130 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
131 0099 OSCCON equ 099h ;#
132 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
133 009A OSCSTAT equ 09Ah ;#
134 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
135 009B ADRES equ 09Bh ;#
136 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
137 009B ADRESL equ 09Bh ;#
138 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
139 009C ADRESH equ 09Ch ;#
140 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
141 009D ADCON0 equ 09Dh ;#
142 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
143 009E ADCON1 equ 09Eh ;#
144 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
145 010C LATA equ 010Ch ;#
146 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
147 010D LATB equ 010Dh ;#
148 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
149 010E LATC equ 010Eh ;#
150 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
151 0111 CM1CON0 equ 0111h ;#
152 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
153 0112 CM1CON1 equ 0112h ;#
154 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
155 0113 CM2CON0 equ 0113h ;#
156 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
157 0114 CM2CON1 equ 0114h ;#
158 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
159 0115 CMOUT equ 0115h ;#
160 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
161 0116 BORCON equ 0116h ;#
162 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
163 0117 FVRCON equ 0117h ;#
164 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
165 0118 DACCON0 equ 0118h ;#
166 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
167 0119 DACCON1 equ 0119h ;#
168 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
169 011A SRCON0 equ 011Ah ;#
170 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
171 011B SRCON1 equ 011Bh ;#
172 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
173 011D APFCON0 equ 011Dh ;#
174 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
175 011E APFCON1 equ 011Eh ;#
176 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
177 018C ANSELA equ 018Ch ;#
178 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
179 018D ANSELB equ 018Dh ;#
180 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
181 018E ANSELC equ 018Eh ;#
182 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
183 0191 EEADR equ 0191h ;#
184 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
185 0191 EEADRL equ 0191h ;#
186 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
187 0192 EEADRH equ 0192h ;#
188 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
189 0193 EEDAT equ 0193h ;#
190 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
191 0193 EEDATL equ 0193h ;#
192 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
193 0193 EEDATA equ 0193h ;#
194 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
195 0194 EEDATH equ 0194h ;#
196 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
197 0195 EECON1 equ 0195h ;#
198 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
199 0196 EECON2 equ 0196h ;#
200 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
201 0199 RCREG equ 0199h ;#
202 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
203 019A TXREG equ 019Ah ;#
204 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
205 019B SPBRG equ 019Bh ;#
206 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
207 019B SPBRGL equ 019Bh ;#
208 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
209 019C SPBRGH equ 019Ch ;#
210 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
211 019D RCSTA equ 019Dh ;#
212 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
213 019E TXSTA equ 019Eh ;#
214 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
215 019F BAUDCON equ 019Fh ;#
216 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
217 020C WPUA equ 020Ch ;#
218 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
219 020D WPUB equ 020Dh ;#
220 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
221 020E WPUC equ 020Eh ;#
222 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
223 0211 SSP1BUF equ 0211h ;#
224 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
225 0211 SSPBUF equ 0211h ;#
226 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
227 0212 SSP1ADD equ 0212h ;#
228 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
229 0212 SSPADD equ 0212h ;#
230 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
231 0213 SSP1MSK equ 0213h ;#
232 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
233 0213 SSPMSK equ 0213h ;#
234 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
235 0214 SSP1STAT equ 0214h ;#
236 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
237 0214 SSPSTAT equ 0214h ;#
238 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
239 0215 SSP1CON1 equ 0215h ;#
240 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
241 0215 SSPCON1 equ 0215h ;#
242 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
243 0215 SSPCON equ 0215h ;#
244 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
245 0216 SSP1CON2 equ 0216h ;#
246 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
247 0216 SSPCON2 equ 0216h ;#
248 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
249 0217 SSP1CON3 equ 0217h ;#
250 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
251 0217 SSPCON3 equ 0217h ;#
252 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
253 0219 SSP2BUF equ 0219h ;#
254 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
255 021A SSP2ADD equ 021Ah ;#
256 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
257 021B SSP2MSK equ 021Bh ;#
258 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
259 021C SSP2STAT equ 021Ch ;#
260 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
261 021D SSP2CON1 equ 021Dh ;#
262 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
263 021E SSP2CON2 equ 021Eh ;#
264 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
265 021F SSP2CON3 equ 021Fh ;#
266 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
267 0291 CCPR1L equ 0291h ;#
268 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
269 0292 CCPR1H equ 0292h ;#
270 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
271 0293 CCP1CON equ 0293h ;#
272 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
273 0294 PWM1CON equ 0294h ;#
274 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
275 0295 CCP1AS equ 0295h ;#
276 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
277 0295 ECCP1AS equ 0295h ;#
278 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
279 0296 PSTR1CON equ 0296h ;#
280 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
281 0298 CCPR2L equ 0298h ;#
282 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
283 0299 CCPR2H equ 0299h ;#
284 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
285 029A CCP2CON equ 029Ah ;#
286 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
287 029B PWM2CON equ 029Bh ;#
288 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
289 029C CCP2AS equ 029Ch ;#
290 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
291 029D PSTR2CON equ 029Dh ;#
292 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
293 029E CCPTMRS equ 029Eh ;#
294 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
295 0311 CCPR3L equ 0311h ;#
296 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
297 0312 CCPR3H equ 0312h ;#
298 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
299 0313 CCP3CON equ 0313h ;#
300 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
301 0318 CCPR4L equ 0318h ;#
302 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
303 0319 CCPR4H equ 0319h ;#
304 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
305 031A CCP4CON equ 031Ah ;#
306 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
307 038C INLVLA equ 038Ch ;#
308 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
309 038D INLVLB equ 038Dh ;#
310 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
311 038E INLVLC equ 038Eh ;#
312 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
313 0391 IOCAP equ 0391h ;#
314 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
315 0392 IOCAN equ 0392h ;#
316 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
317 0393 IOCAF equ 0393h ;#
318 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
319 0394 IOCBP equ 0394h ;#
320 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
321 0395 IOCBN equ 0395h ;#
322 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
323 0396 IOCBF equ 0396h ;#
324 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
325 039A CLKRCON equ 039Ah ;#
326 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
327 039C MDCON equ 039Ch ;#
328 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
329 039D MDSRC equ 039Dh ;#
330 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
331 039E MDCARL equ 039Eh ;#
332 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
333 039F MDCARH equ 039Fh ;#
334 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
335 0415 TMR4 equ 0415h ;#
336 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
337 0416 PR4 equ 0416h ;#
338 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
339 0417 T4CON equ 0417h ;#
340 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
341 041C TMR6 equ 041Ch ;#
342 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
343 041D PR6 equ 041Dh ;#
344 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
345 041E T6CON equ 041Eh ;#
346 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
347 0FE4 STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h ;#
348 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
349 0FE5 WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h ;#
350 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
351 0FE6 BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h ;#
352 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
353 0FE7 PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h ;#
354 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
355 0FE8 FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h ;#
356 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
357 0FE9 FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h ;#
358 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
359 0FEA FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh ;#
360 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
361 0FEB FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh ;#
362 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
363 0FED STKPTR equ 0FEDh ;#
364 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
365 0FEE TOSL equ 0FEEh ;#
366 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
367 0FEF TOSH equ 0FEFh ;#
368 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
370 opt pagewidth 120
371 07FD __pmaintext: ;psect for function _main
372 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
374 0000 __CFG_CPD$OFF equ 0x0
375 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
376 0000 __CFG_BOREN$ON equ 0x0
377 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
378 0000 __CFG_IESO$ON equ 0x0
379 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
380 0000 __CFG_FOSC$INTOSC equ 0x0
381 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
382 0000 __CFG_FCMEN$ON equ 0x0
383 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
384 0000 __CFG_MCLRE$ON equ 0x0
385 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
386 0000 __CFG_WDTE$OFF equ 0x0
387 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
388 0000 __CFG_CP$OFF equ 0x0
389 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
390 0000 __CFG_PWRTE$OFF equ 0x0
391 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
392 0000 __CFG_CLKOUTEN$OFF equ 0x0
393 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
394 0000 __CFG_PLLEN$ON equ 0x0
395 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
396 0000 __CFG_WRT$OFF equ 0x0
397 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
398 0000 __CFG_STVREN$ON equ 0x0
399 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
400 0000 __CFG_BORV$LO equ 0x0
401 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
402 0000 __CFG_LVP$ON equ 0x0
403 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
405 opt pagewidth 120
407 07FA start_initialization:
408 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
410 07FA __initialization:
411 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
413 opt pagewidth 120
415 opt lm
416 07FA end_of_initialization:
417 07FA __end_of__initialization:movlb 0
+ 07FA 0020 movlb 0
418 07FB 3187 2FFD ljmp _main ;jump to C main() function
419 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
421 0000 __pcstackCOMMON:
422 0000 ??_main: ; 0 bytes @ 0x0
423 0000 ?_main: ; 2 bytes @ 0x0
424 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
426 opt pagewidth 120
428 opt lm
430 processor 16F1829
431 clrc macro
432 bcf 3,0
433 endm
434 clrz macro
435 bcf 3,2
436 endm
437 setc macro
438 bsf 3,0
439 endm
440 setz macro
441 bsf 3,2
442 endm
443 skipc macro
444 btfss 3,0
445 endm
446 skipz macro
447 btfss 3,2
448 endm
449 skipnc macro
450 btfsc 3,0
451 endm
452 skipnz macro
453 btfsc 3,2
454 endm
455 indf equ 0
456 indf0 equ 0
457 indf1 equ 1
458 pc equ 2
459 pcl equ 2
460 status equ 3
461 fsr0l equ 4
462 fsr0h equ 5
463 fsr1l equ 6
464 fsr1h equ 7
465 bsr equ 8
466 wreg equ 9
467 intcon equ 11
468 c equ 1
469 z equ 0
470 pclath equ 10
471 # 46 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
472 INDF0 equ 00h ;#
473 # 65 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
474 INDF1 equ 01h ;#
475 # 84 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
476 PCL equ 02h ;#
477 # 103 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
478 STATUS equ 03h ;#
479 # 166 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
480 FSR0L equ 04h ;#
481 # 185 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
482 FSR0H equ 05h ;#
483 # 207 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
484 FSR1L equ 06h ;#
485 # 226 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
486 FSR1H equ 07h ;#
487 # 245 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
488 BSR equ 08h ;#
489 # 296 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
490 WREG equ 09h ;#
491 # 315 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
492 PCLATH equ 0Ah ;#
493 # 334 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
494 INTCON equ 0Bh ;#
495 # 411 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
496 PORTA equ 0Ch ;#
497 # 460 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
498 PORTB equ 0Dh ;#
499 # 498 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
500 PORTC equ 0Eh ;#
501 # 559 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
502 PIR1 equ 011h ;#
503 # 620 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
504 PIR2 equ 012h ;#
505 # 670 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
506 PIR3 equ 013h ;#
507 # 709 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
508 PIR4 equ 014h ;#
509 # 734 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
510 TMR0 equ 015h ;#
511 # 753 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
512 TMR1 equ 016h ;#
513 # 759 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
514 TMR1L equ 016h ;#
515 # 778 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
516 TMR1H equ 017h ;#
517 # 797 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
518 T1CON equ 018h ;#
519 # 868 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
520 T1GCON equ 019h ;#
521 # 937 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
522 TMR2 equ 01Ah ;#
523 # 956 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
524 PR2 equ 01Bh ;#
525 # 975 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
526 T2CON equ 01Ch ;#
527 # 1045 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
528 CPSCON0 equ 01Eh ;#
529 # 1104 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
530 CPSCON1 equ 01Fh ;#
531 # 1149 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
532 TRISA equ 08Ch ;#
533 # 1198 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
534 TRISB equ 08Dh ;#
535 # 1236 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
536 TRISC equ 08Eh ;#
537 # 1297 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
538 PIE1 equ 091h ;#
539 # 1358 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
540 PIE2 equ 092h ;#
541 # 1408 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
542 PIE3 equ 093h ;#
543 # 1447 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
544 PIE4 equ 094h ;#
545 # 1472 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
546 OPTION_REG equ 095h ;#
547 # 1554 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
548 PCON equ 096h ;#
549 # 1604 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
550 WDTCON equ 097h ;#
551 # 1662 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
552 OSCTUNE equ 098h ;#
553 # 1719 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
554 OSCCON equ 099h ;#
555 # 1790 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
556 OSCSTAT equ 09Ah ;#
557 # 1851 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
558 ADRES equ 09Bh ;#
559 # 1857 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
560 ADRESL equ 09Bh ;#
561 # 1876 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
562 ADRESH equ 09Ch ;#
563 # 1895 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
564 ADCON0 equ 09Dh ;#
565 # 1974 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
566 ADCON1 equ 09Eh ;#
567 # 2045 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
568 LATA equ 010Ch ;#
569 # 2089 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
570 LATB equ 010Dh ;#
571 # 2127 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
572 LATC equ 010Eh ;#
573 # 2188 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
574 CM1CON0 equ 0111h ;#
575 # 2244 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
576 CM1CON1 equ 0112h ;#
577 # 2309 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
578 CM2CON0 equ 0113h ;#
579 # 2365 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
580 CM2CON1 equ 0114h ;#
581 # 2430 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
582 CMOUT equ 0115h ;#
583 # 2455 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
584 BORCON equ 0116h ;#
585 # 2481 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
586 FVRCON equ 0117h ;#
587 # 2556 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
588 DACCON0 equ 0118h ;#
589 # 2616 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
590 DACCON1 equ 0119h ;#
591 # 2667 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
592 SRCON0 equ 011Ah ;#
593 # 2737 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
594 SRCON1 equ 011Bh ;#
595 # 2798 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
596 APFCON0 equ 011Dh ;#
597 # 2831 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
598 APFCON1 equ 011Eh ;#
599 # 2880 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
600 ANSELA equ 018Ch ;#
601 # 2926 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
602 ANSELB equ 018Dh ;#
603 # 2973 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
604 ANSELC equ 018Eh ;#
605 # 3031 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
606 EEADR equ 0191h ;#
607 # 3037 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
608 EEADRL equ 0191h ;#
609 # 3056 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
610 EEADRH equ 0192h ;#
611 # 3075 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
612 EEDAT equ 0193h ;#
613 # 3081 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
614 EEDATL equ 0193h ;#
615 # 3086 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
616 EEDATA equ 0193h ;#
617 # 3118 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
618 EEDATH equ 0194h ;#
619 # 3137 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
620 EECON1 equ 0195h ;#
621 # 3198 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
622 EECON2 equ 0196h ;#
623 # 3217 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
624 RCREG equ 0199h ;#
625 # 3236 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
626 TXREG equ 019Ah ;#
627 # 3255 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
628 SPBRG equ 019Bh ;#
629 # 3261 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
630 SPBRGL equ 019Bh ;#
631 # 3280 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
632 SPBRGH equ 019Ch ;#
633 # 3299 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
634 RCSTA equ 019Dh ;#
635 # 3360 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
636 TXSTA equ 019Eh ;#
637 # 3421 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
638 BAUDCON equ 019Fh ;#
639 # 3472 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
640 WPUA equ 020Ch ;#
641 # 3529 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
642 WPUB equ 020Dh ;#
643 # 3576 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
644 WPUC equ 020Eh ;#
645 # 3645 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
646 SSP1BUF equ 0211h ;#
647 # 3650 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
648 SSPBUF equ 0211h ;#
649 # 3682 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
650 SSP1ADD equ 0212h ;#
651 # 3687 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
652 SSPADD equ 0212h ;#
653 # 3719 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
654 SSP1MSK equ 0213h ;#
655 # 3724 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
656 SSPMSK equ 0213h ;#
657 # 3756 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
658 SSP1STAT equ 0214h ;#
659 # 3761 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
660 SSPSTAT equ 0214h ;#
661 # 3877 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
662 SSP1CON1 equ 0215h ;#
663 # 3882 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
664 SSPCON1 equ 0215h ;#
665 # 3886 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
666 SSPCON equ 0215h ;#
667 # 4080 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
668 SSP1CON2 equ 0216h ;#
669 # 4085 "C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\include\pic16f1829.h"
670 0003 __size_of_main equ __end_of_main-_main
671 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
672 07FD _main:
673 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
675 opt pagewidth 120
677 opt lm
678 07FD l3:
679 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
680 07FD l4:
681 07FD 2FFD goto l3
682 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
683 07FE l5:
684 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
686 07FE l6:
687 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
688 07FE 3180 2802 ljmp start
689 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
691 0800 __end_of_main:
692 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
694 opt pagewidth 120
695 007E btemp set 07Eh
696 opt subtitle "HI-TECH Software Omniscient Code Generator (Lite mode) build 49521"
698 opt pagewidth 120
699 007E wtemp0 set btemp
Data Sizes:
Strings 0
Constant 0
Data 0
Persistent 0
Stack 0
Auto Spaces:
Space Size Autos Used
COMMON 14 0 0
BANK0 80 0 0
BANK1 80 0 0
BANK2 80 0 0
BANK3 80 0 0
BANK4 80 0 0
BANK5 80 0 0
BANK6 80 0 0
BANK7 80 0 0
BANK8 80 0 0
BANK9 80 0 0
BANK10 80 0 0
BANK11 80 0 0
BANK12 48 0 0
Pointer List with Targets:
Critical Paths under _main in COMMON
Critical Paths under _main in BANK0
Critical Paths under _main in BANK1
Critical Paths under _main in BANK2
Critical Paths under _main in BANK3
Critical Paths under _main in BANK4
Critical Paths under _main in BANK5
Critical Paths under _main in BANK6
Critical Paths under _main in BANK7
Critical Paths under _main in BANK8
Critical Paths under _main in BANK9
Critical Paths under _main in BANK10
Critical Paths under _main in BANK11
Critical Paths under _main in BANK12
Call Graph Tables:
(Depth) Function Calls Base Space Used Autos Params Refs
(0) _main 0 0 0 0
Estimated maximum stack depth 0
Call Graph Graphs:
_main (ROOT)
Address spaces:
Name Size Autos Total Cost Usage
BIGRAM 3F0 0 0 0 0.0%
EEDATA 100 0 0 0 0.0%
NULL 0 0 0 0 0.0%
CODE 0 0 0 0 0.0%
BITCOMMON E 0 0 1 0.0%
BITSFR0 0 0 0 1 0.0%
SFR0 0 0 0 1 0.0%
COMMON E 0 0 2 0.0%
BITSFR1 0 0 0 2 0.0%
SFR1 0 0 0 2 0.0%
BITSFR2 0 0 0 3 0.0%
SFR2 0 0 0 3 0.0%
STACK 0 0 0 3 0.0%
BITBANK0 50 0 0 4 0.0%
BITSFR3 0 0 0 4 0.0%
SFR3 0 0 0 4 0.0%
BANK0 50 0 0 5 0.0%
BITSFR4 0 0 0 5 0.0%
SFR4 0 0 0 5 0.0%
BITBANK1 50 0 0 6 0.0%
BITSFR5 0 0 0 6 0.0%
SFR5 0 0 0 6 0.0%
BANK1 50 0 0 7 0.0%
BITSFR6 0 0 0 7 0.0%
SFR6 0 0 0 7 0.0%
BITBANK2 50 0 0 8 0.0%
BITSFR7 0 0 0 8 0.0%
SFR7 0 0 0 8 0.0%
BANK2 50 0 0 9 0.0%
BITSFR8 0 0 0 9 0.0%
SFR8 0 0 0 9 0.0%
BITBANK3 50 0 0 10 0.0%
BITSFR9 0 0 0 10 0.0%
SFR9 0 0 0 10 0.0%
BANK3 50 0 0 11 0.0%
BITSFR10 0 0 0 11 0.0%
SFR10 0 0 0 11 0.0%
BITBANK4 50 0 0 12 0.0%
BITSFR11 0 0 0 12 0.0%
SFR11 0 0 0 12 0.0%
BANK4 50 0 0 13 0.0%
BITSFR12 0 0 0 13 0.0%
SFR12 0 0 0 13 0.0%
BITBANK5 50 0 0 14 0.0%
BITSFR13 0 0 0 14 0.0%
SFR13 0 0 0 14 0.0%
BANK5 50 0 0 15 0.0%
BITSFR14 0 0 0 15 0.0%
SFR14 0 0 0 15 0.0%
BITBANK6 50 0 0 16 0.0%
BITSFR15 0 0 0 16 0.0%
SFR15 0 0 0 16 0.0%
BANK6 50 0 0 17 0.0%
BITSFR16 0 0 0 17 0.0%
SFR16 0 0 0 17 0.0%
BITBANK7 50 0 0 18 0.0%
BITSFR17 0 0 0 18 0.0%
SFR17 0 0 0 18 0.0%
BANK7 50 0 0 19 0.0%
BITSFR18 0 0 0 19 0.0%
SFR18 0 0 0 19 0.0%
BITSFR19 0 0 0 20 0.0%
SFR19 0 0 0 20 0.0%
ABS 0 0 0 20 0.0%
BITBANK8 50 0 0 21 0.0%
BITSFR20 0 0 0 21 0.0%
SFR20 0 0 0 21 0.0%
BANK8 50 0 0 22 0.0%
BITSFR21 0 0 0 22 0.0%
SFR21 0 0 0 22 0.0%
BITBANK9 50 0 0 23 0.0%
BITSFR22 0 0 0 23 0.0%
SFR22 0 0 0 23 0.0%
BANK9 50 0 0 24 0.0%
BITSFR23 0 0 0 24 0.0%
SFR23 0 0 0 24 0.0%
BITBANK10 50 0 0 25 0.0%
BITSFR24 0 0 0 25 0.0%
SFR24 0 0 0 25 0.0%
BANK10 50 0 0 26 0.0%
BITSFR25 0 0 0 26 0.0%
SFR25 0 0 0 26 0.0%
BITBANK11 50 0 0 27 0.0%
BITSFR26 0 0 0 27 0.0%
SFR26 0 0 0 27 0.0%
BANK11 50 0 0 28 0.0%
BITSFR27 0 0 0 28 0.0%
SFR27 0 0 0 28 0.0%
BITBANK12 30 0 0 29 0.0%
BITSFR28 0 0 0 29 0.0%
SFR28 0 0 0 29 0.0%
BANK12 30 0 0 30 0.0%
BITSFR29 0 0 0 30 0.0%
SFR29 0 0 0 30 0.0%
BITSFR30 0 0 0 31 0.0%
SFR30 0 0 0 31 0.0%
DATA 0 0 0 31 0.0%
BITSFR31 0 0 0 32 0.0%
SFR31 0 0 0 32 0.0%
Microchip Technology PIC Macro Assembler V1.12 build 49521
Symbol Table Mon May 06 15:35:18 2013
l3 07FD l4 07FD l5 07FE
l6 07FE __CFG_CP$OFF 0000 __CFG_LVP$ON 0000
__CFG_CPD$OFF 0000 __CFG_BORV$LO 0000 __CFG_IESO$ON 0000
__CFG_WRT$OFF 0000 __CFG_FCMEN$ON 0000 _main 07FD
btemp 007E __CFG_BOREN$ON 0000 start 0002
__CFG_MCLRE$ON 0000 __CFG_PLLEN$ON 0000 ?_main 0000
__CFG_WDTE$OFF 0000 wtemp0 007E __initialization 07FA
__end_of_main 0800 ??_main 0000 __CFG_PWRTE$OFF 0000
__CFG_STVREN$ON 0000 __end_of__initialization 07FA __pcstackCOMMON 0000
__pmaintext 07FD end_of_initialization 07FA __CFG_FOSC$INTOSC 0000
start_initialization 07FA __size_of_main 0003 __CFG_CLKOUTEN$OFF 0000
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/
0,0 → 1,547
Microchip MPLAB XC8 Compiler V1.12 ()
Linker command line:
--edf=C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\dat\en_msgs.txt -cs \
-h+dist/default/production\PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.sym -z \
-Q16F1829 -ol.obj \
-Mdist/default/production/ -E1 \
-ver=XC8 -ACONST=00h-0FFhx32 -ACODE=00h-07FFhx4 -ASTRCODE=00h-01FFFh \
-AENTRY=00h-0FFhx32 -ASTRING=00h-0FFhx32 -ACOMMON=070h-07Fh \
-ABANK0=020h-06Fh -ABANK1=0A0h-0EFh -ABANK2=0120h-016Fh \
-ABANK3=01A0h-01EFh -ABANK4=0220h-026Fh -ABANK5=02A0h-02EFh \
-ABANK6=0320h-036Fh -ABANK7=03A0h-03EFh -ABANK8=0420h-046Fh \
-ABANK9=04A0h-04EFh -ABANK10=0520h-056Fh -ABANK11=05A0h-05EFh \
-ABANK12=0620h-064Fh -ABIGRAM=02000h-023EFh \
-ARAM=020h-06Fh,0A0h-0EFh,0120h-016Fh,01A0h-01EFh,0220h-026Fh,02A0h-02EFh,0320h-036Fh,03A0h-03EFh,0420h-046Fh,04A0h-04EFh,0520h-056Fh,05A0h-05EFh,0620h-064Fh \
-AABS1=020h-07Fh,0A0h-0EFh,0120h-016Fh,01A0h-01EFh,0220h-026Fh,02A0h-02EFh,0320h-036Fh,03A0h-03EFh,0420h-046Fh,04A0h-04EFh,0520h-056Fh,05A0h-05EFh,0620h-064Fh \
-ASFR0=00h-01Fh -ASFR1=080h-09Fh -ASFR2=0100h-011Fh -ASFR3=0180h-019Fh \
-ASFR4=0200h-021Fh -ASFR5=0280h-029Fh -ASFR6=0300h-031Fh \
-ASFR7=0380h-039Fh -ASFR8=0400h-041Fh -ASFR9=0480h-049Fh \
-ASFR10=0500h-051Fh -ASFR11=0580h-059Fh -ASFR12=0600h-061Fh \
-ASFR13=0680h-06EFh -ASFR14=0700h-076Fh -ASFR15=0780h-07EFh \
-ASFR16=0800h-086Fh -ASFR17=0880h-08EFh -ASFR18=0900h-096Fh \
-ASFR19=0980h-09EFh -ASFR20=0A00h-0A6Fh -ASFR21=0A80h-0AEFh \
-ASFR22=0B00h-0B6Fh -ASFR23=0B80h-0BEFh -ASFR24=0C00h-0C6Fh \
-ASFR25=0C80h-0CEFh -ASFR26=0D00h-0D6Fh -ASFR27=0D80h-0DEFh \
-ASFR28=0E00h-0E6Fh -ASFR29=0E80h-0EEFh -ASFR30=0F00h-0F6Fh \
-ASFR31=0F80h-0FEFh -preset_vec=00h,intentry,init,end_init -ppowerup=CODE \
-pfunctab=CODE -ACONFIG=08007h-08008h -pconfig=CONFIG -DCONFIG=2 \
-AIDLOC=08000h-08003h -pidloc=IDLOC -DIDLOC=2 -AEEDATA=00h-0FFh/0F000h \
-DENTRY=2 -k C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Temp\s3fc.obj \
Object code version is 3.10
Machine type is 16F1829
Name Link Load Length Selector Space Scale
end_init 2 2 2 0 0
reset_vec 0 0 2 0 0
config 8007 8007 2 1000E 0
cinit 7FA 7FA 3 FF4 0
maintext 7FD 7FD 3 FFA 0
TOTAL Name Link Load Length Space
end_init 2 2 2 0
reset_vec 0 0 2 0
cinit 7FA 7FA 3 0
maintext 7FD 7FD 3 0
abs_s1 7E 7E 2 1
config 8007 8007 2 0
SEGMENTS Name Load Length Top Selector Space Class Delta
reset_vec 000000 000004 000004 0 0 CODE 2
cinit 0007FA 000003 0007FD FF4 0 CODE 2
maintext 0007FD 000003 000800 FFA 0 CODE 2
config 008007 000002 008009 1000E 0 CONFIG 2
Name Unused Largest block Delta
BANK0 00020-0006F 50 1
BANK1 000A0-000EF 50 1
BANK10 00520-0056F 50 1
BANK11 005A0-005EF 50 1
BANK12 00620-0064F 30 1
BANK2 00120-0016F 50 1
BANK3 001A0-001EF 50 1
BANK4 00220-0026F 50 1
BANK5 002A0-002EF 50 1
BANK6 00320-0036F 50 1
BANK7 003A0-003EF 50 1
BANK8 00420-0046F 50 1
BANK9 004A0-004EF 50 1
BIGRAM 02000-023EF 3F0 1
CODE 00004-007F9 7F6 2
00800-01FFF 800
COMMON 00070-0007D E 1
CONST 00004-007F9 100 2
00800-01FFF 100
EEDATA 0F000-0F0FF 100 2
ENTRY 00004-007F9 100 2
00800-01FFF 100
IDLOC 08000-08003 4 2
RAM 00020-0006F 50 1
000A0-000EF 50
00120-0016F 50
001A0-001EF 50
00220-0026F 50
002A0-002EF 50
00320-0036F 50
003A0-003EF 50
00420-0046F 50
004A0-004EF 50
00520-0056F 50
005A0-005EF 50
00620-0064F 30
SFR0 00000-0001F 20 1
SFR1 00080-0009F 20 1
SFR10 00500-0051F 20 1
SFR11 00580-0059F 20 1
SFR12 00600-0061F 20 1
SFR13 00680-006EF 70 1
SFR14 00700-0076F 70 1
SFR15 00780-007EF 70 1
SFR16 00800-0086F 70 1
SFR17 00880-008EF 70 1
SFR18 00900-0096F 70 1
SFR19 00980-009EF 70 1
SFR2 00100-0011F 20 1
SFR20 00A00-00A6F 70 1
SFR21 00A80-00AEF 70 1
SFR22 00B00-00B6F 70 1
SFR23 00B80-00BEF 70 1
SFR24 00C00-00C6F 70 1
SFR25 00C80-00CEF 70 1
SFR26 00D00-00D6F 70 1
SFR27 00D80-00DEF 70 1
SFR28 00E00-00E6F 70 1
SFR29 00E80-00EEF 70 1
SFR3 00180-0019F 20 1
SFR30 00F00-00F6F 70 1
SFR31 00F80-00FEF 70 1
SFR4 00200-0021F 20 1
SFR5 00280-0029F 20 1
SFR6 00300-0031F 20 1
SFR7 00380-0039F 20 1
SFR8 00400-0041F 20 1
SFR9 00480-0049F 20 1
STRCODE 00004-007F9 7F6 2
00800-01FFF 1800
STRING 00004-007F9 100 2
00800-01FFF 100
Symbol Table
__CFG_BOREN$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_BORV$LO (abs) 00000
__CFG_CLKOUTEN$OFF (abs) 00000
__CFG_CP$OFF (abs) 00000
__CFG_CPD$OFF (abs) 00000
__CFG_FCMEN$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_FOSC$INTOSC (abs) 00000
__CFG_IESO$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_LVP$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_MCLRE$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_PLLEN$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_PWRTE$OFF (abs) 00000
__CFG_STVREN$ON (abs) 00000
__CFG_WDTE$OFF (abs) 00000
__CFG_WRT$OFF (abs) 00000
__Habs1 abs1 00000
__Hbank0 bank0 00000
__Hbank1 bank1 00000
__Hbank10 bank10 00000
__Hbank11 bank11 00000
__Hbank12 bank12 00000
__Hbank13 bank13 00000
__Hbank14 bank14 00000
__Hbank15 bank15 00000
__Hbank16 bank16 00000
__Hbank17 bank17 00000
__Hbank18 bank18 00000
__Hbank19 bank19 00000
__Hbank2 bank2 00000
__Hbank20 bank20 00000
__Hbank21 bank21 00000
__Hbank22 bank22 00000
__Hbank23 bank23 00000
__Hbank24 bank24 00000
__Hbank25 bank25 00000
__Hbank26 bank26 00000
__Hbank27 bank27 00000
__Hbank28 bank28 00000
__Hbank29 bank29 00000
__Hbank3 bank3 00000
__Hbank30 bank30 00000
__Hbank31 bank31 00000
__Hbank4 bank4 00000
__Hbank5 bank5 00000
__Hbank6 bank6 00000
__Hbank7 bank7 00000
__Hbank8 bank8 00000
__Hbank9 bank9 00000
__Hbigram bigram 00000
__Hcinit cinit 00000
__Hclrtext clrtext 00000
__Hcode code 00000
__Hcommon common 00000
__Hconfig config 08009
__HcstackCOMMON cstackCOMMON 00000
__Heeprom_data eeprom_data 00000
__Hend_init end_init 00004
__Hfunctab functab 00000
__Hidloc idloc 00000
__Hinit init 00002
__Hintentry intentry 00002
__Hmaintext maintext 00000
__Hpowerup powerup 00000
__Hram ram 00000
__Hreset_vec reset_vec 00002
__Hsfr0 sfr0 00000
__Hsfr1 sfr1 00000
__Hsfr10 sfr10 00000
__Hsfr11 sfr11 00000
__Hsfr12 sfr12 00000
__Hsfr13 sfr13 00000
__Hsfr14 sfr14 00000
__Hsfr15 sfr15 00000
__Hsfr16 sfr16 00000
__Hsfr17 sfr17 00000
__Hsfr18 sfr18 00000
__Hsfr19 sfr19 00000
__Hsfr2 sfr2 00000
__Hsfr20 sfr20 00000
__Hsfr21 sfr21 00000
__Hsfr22 sfr22 00000
__Hsfr23 sfr23 00000
__Hsfr24 sfr24 00000
__Hsfr25 sfr25 00000
__Hsfr26 sfr26 00000
__Hsfr27 sfr27 00000
__Hsfr28 sfr28 00000
__Hsfr29 sfr29 00000
__Hsfr3 sfr3 00000
__Hsfr30 sfr30 00000
__Hsfr31 sfr31 00000
__Hsfr4 sfr4 00000
__Hsfr5 sfr5 00000
__Hsfr6 sfr6 00000
__Hsfr7 sfr7 00000
__Hsfr8 sfr8 00000
__Hsfr9 sfr9 00000
__Hstrings strings 00000
__Htext text 00000
__Labs1 abs1 00000
__Lbank0 bank0 00000
__Lbank1 bank1 00000
__Lbank10 bank10 00000
__Lbank11 bank11 00000
__Lbank12 bank12 00000
__Lbank13 bank13 00000
__Lbank14 bank14 00000
__Lbank15 bank15 00000
__Lbank16 bank16 00000
__Lbank17 bank17 00000
__Lbank18 bank18 00000
__Lbank19 bank19 00000
__Lbank2 bank2 00000
__Lbank20 bank20 00000
__Lbank21 bank21 00000
__Lbank22 bank22 00000
__Lbank23 bank23 00000
__Lbank24 bank24 00000
__Lbank25 bank25 00000
__Lbank26 bank26 00000
__Lbank27 bank27 00000
__Lbank28 bank28 00000
__Lbank29 bank29 00000
__Lbank3 bank3 00000
__Lbank30 bank30 00000
__Lbank31 bank31 00000
__Lbank4 bank4 00000
__Lbank5 bank5 00000
__Lbank6 bank6 00000
__Lbank7 bank7 00000
__Lbank8 bank8 00000
__Lbank9 bank9 00000
__Lbigram bigram 00000
__Lcinit cinit 00000
__Lclrtext clrtext 00000
__Lcode code 00000
__Lcommon common 00000
__Lconfig config 08007
__LcstackCOMMON cstackCOMMON 00000
__Leeprom_data eeprom_data 00000
__Lend_init end_init 00002
__Lfunctab functab 00000
__Lidloc idloc 00000
__Linit init 00002
__Lintentry intentry 00002
__Lmaintext maintext 00000
__Lpowerup powerup 00000
__Lram ram 00000
__Lreset_vec reset_vec 00000
__Lsfr0 sfr0 00000
__Lsfr1 sfr1 00000
__Lsfr10 sfr10 00000
__Lsfr11 sfr11 00000
__Lsfr12 sfr12 00000
__Lsfr13 sfr13 00000
__Lsfr14 sfr14 00000
__Lsfr15 sfr15 00000
__Lsfr16 sfr16 00000
__Lsfr17 sfr17 00000
__Lsfr18 sfr18 00000
__Lsfr19 sfr19 00000
__Lsfr2 sfr2 00000
__Lsfr20 sfr20 00000
__Lsfr21 sfr21 00000
__Lsfr22 sfr22 00000
__Lsfr23 sfr23 00000
__Lsfr24 sfr24 00000
__Lsfr25 sfr25 00000
__Lsfr26 sfr26 00000
__Lsfr27 sfr27 00000
__Lsfr28 sfr28 00000
__Lsfr29 sfr29 00000
__Lsfr3 sfr3 00000
__Lsfr30 sfr30 00000
__Lsfr31 sfr31 00000
__Lsfr4 sfr4 00000
__Lsfr5 sfr5 00000
__Lsfr6 sfr6 00000
__Lsfr7 sfr7 00000
__Lsfr8 sfr8 00000
__Lsfr9 sfr9 00000
__Lstrings strings 00000
__Ltext text 00000
__S0 (abs) 08009
__S1 (abs) 00000
__S2 (abs) 00000
__end_of__initialization cinit 007FA
__end_of_main maintext 00800
__initialization cinit 007FA
__pcstackCOMMON cstackCOMMON 00000
__pmaintext maintext 007FD
__size_of_main (abs) 00000
_main maintext 007FD
btemp (abs) 0007E
end_of_initialization cinit 007FA
intlevel0 functab 00000
intlevel1 functab 00000
intlevel2 functab 00000
intlevel3 functab 00000
intlevel4 functab 00000
intlevel5 functab 00000
reset_vec reset_vec 00000
start init 00002
start_initialization cinit 007FA
wtemp0 (abs) 0007E
*************** function _main *****************
Defined at:
line 22 in file "main.c"
Parameters: Size Location Type
Auto vars: Size Location Type
Return value: Size Location Type
2 2[COMMON] int
Registers used:
Tracked objects:
On entry :
On exit :
Params: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Locals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Temps: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total ram usage: 0 bytes
This function calls:
This function is called by:
Startup code after reset
This function uses a non-reentrant model
Module Function Class Link Load Size
__initializatio CODE 07FA 0000 0
shared estimated size: 0
_main CODE 07FD 0000 3
main.c estimated size: 3
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.obj
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.obj
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.rlf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.rlf
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.sdb
0,0 → 1,129
[d version 1.1 ]
[d edition pro ]
[d chip 16F1829 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\abdiv.c
[v ___abdiv `(c 1 e 1 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\abmod.c
[v ___abmod `(c 1 e 1 0 ]
"34 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\abtoft.c
[v ___abtoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\aldiv.c
[v ___aldiv `(l 1 e 4 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\almod.c
[v ___almod `(l 1 e 4 0 ]
"43 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\altoft.c
[v ___altoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\atdiv.c
[v ___atdiv `(m 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\atmod.c
[v ___atmod `(m 1 e 3 0 ]
"38 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\attoft.c
[v ___attoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\awdiv.c
[v ___awdiv `(i 1 e 2 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\awmod.c
[v ___awmod `(i 1 e 2 0 ]
"33 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\awtoft.c
[v ___awtoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"3 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\bmul.c
[v ___bmul `(uc 1 e 1 0 ]
"63 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\float.c
[v ___ftpack `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"87 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftadd.c
[v ___ftadd `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"50 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftdiv.c
[v ___ftdiv `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftge.c
[v ___ftge `(b 1 e 0 0 ]
"52 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftmul.c
[v ___ftmul `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"16 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftneg.c
[v ___ftneg `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"17 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ftsub.c
[v ___ftsub `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"45 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\fttol.c
[v ___fttol `(l 1 e 4 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lbdiv.c
[v ___lbdiv `(uc 1 e 1 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lbmod.c
[v ___lbmod `(uc 1 e 1 0 ]
"28 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lbtoft.c
[v ___lbtoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lldiv.c
[v ___lldiv `(ul 1 e 4 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\llmod.c
[v ___llmod `(ul 1 e 4 0 ]
"36 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lltoft.c
[v ___lltoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"3 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lmul.c
[v ___lmul `(ul 1 e 4 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ltdiv.c
[v ___ltdiv `(um 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\ltmod.c
[v ___ltmod `(um 1 e 3 0 ]
"31 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lttoft.c
[v ___lttoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lwdiv.c
[v ___lwdiv `(ui 1 e 2 0 ]
"5 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lwmod.c
[v ___lwmod `(ui 1 e 2 0 ]
"29 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\lwtoft.c
[v ___lwtoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
"3 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\tmul.c
[v ___tmul `(um 1 e 3 0 ]
"3 C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\sources\wmul.c
[v ___wmul `(ui 1 e 2 0 ]
"7 eeprom.c
[v _eecpymem `(v 1 e 0 0 ]
[v _memcpyee `(v 1 e 0 0 ]
[v ___eetoc `(uc 1 e 1 0 ]
[v ___eetoi `(ui 1 e 2 0 ]
[v ___eetom `(um 1 e 3 0 ]
[v ___eetol `(ul 1 e 4 0 ]
[v ___ctoee `(uc 1 e 1 0 ]
[v ___itoee `(ui 1 e 2 0 ]
[v ___mtoee `(um 1 e 3 0 ]
[v ___ltoee `(ul 1 e 4 0 ]
[v ___eetoft `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
[v ___eetofl `(d 1 e 3 0 ]
[v ___fttoee `(f 1 e 3 0 ]
[v ___fltoee `(d 1 e 3 0 ]
"22 main.c
[v _main `(i 1 e 2 0 ]
"3029 /Volumes/build/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/XC8-RELEASE-JOB1/nz/build/dist/osx/include/pic16f1829.h
[v _EEADR `VEus 1 e 2 @401 ]
[v _EEDATA `VEuc 1 e 1 @403 ]
[v _EECON1 `VEuc 1 e 1 @405 ]
[v _EECON2 `VEuc 1 e 1 @406 ]
[v _CARRY `VEb 1 e 0 @24 ]
[v _GIE `VEb 1 e 0 @95 ]
[v _RD `VEb 1 e 0 @3240 ]
[v _WR `VEb 1 e 0 @3241 ]
[v _WREN `VEb 1 e 0 @3242 ]
"22 main.c
[v _main `(i 1 e 2 0 ]
} 0
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/dist/default/production/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.production.sym
0,0 → 1,218
__S0 8009 0 ABS 0
__S1 0 0 ABS 0
__S2 0 0 ABS 0
__Hintentry 2 0 CODE 0
__Lintentry 2 0 CODE 0
_main 7FD 0 CODE 0
btemp 7E 0 ABS 0
start 2 0 CODE 0
reset_vec 0 0 CODE 0
wtemp0 7E 0 ABS 0
__Hconfig 8009 0 CONFIG 0
__Lconfig 8007 0 CONFIG 0
__Hbigram 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbigram 0 0 ABS 0
__Hram 0 0 ABS 0
__Lram 0 0 ABS 0
__Hfunctab 0 0 CODE 0
__Lfunctab 0 0 CODE 0
__Hcommon 0 0 ABS 0
__Lcommon 0 0 ABS 0
__Heeprom_data 0 0 EEDATA 2
__Leeprom_data 0 0 EEDATA 2
__Habs1 0 0 ABS 0
__Labs1 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr0 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr0 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr1 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr1 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr2 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr2 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr3 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr3 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr4 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr4 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr5 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr5 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr6 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr6 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr7 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr7 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr8 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr8 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr9 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr9 0 0 ABS 0
__Hcode 0 0 ABS 0
__Lcode 0 0 ABS 0
__Hinit 2 0 CODE 0
__Linit 2 0 CODE 0
__end_of_main 800 0 CODE 0
__Htext 0 0 ABS 0
__Ltext 0 0 ABS 0
__CFG_LVP$ON 0 0 ABS 0
end_of_initialization 7FA 0 CODE 0
__Hsfr10 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr10 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr20 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr20 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr30 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr11 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr30 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr11 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr21 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr21 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr31 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr12 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr31 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr12 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr22 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr22 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr13 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr13 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr23 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr23 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr14 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr14 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr24 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr24 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr15 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr15 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr25 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr25 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr16 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr16 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr26 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr26 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr17 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr17 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr27 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr27 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr18 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr18 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr28 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr28 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr19 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr19 0 0 ABS 0
__Hsfr29 0 0 ABS 0
__Lsfr29 0 0 ABS 0
__Hstrings 0 0 ABS 0
__Lstrings 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank0 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank0 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank1 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank1 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank2 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank2 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank3 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank3 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank4 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank4 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank5 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank5 0 0 ABS 0
__Hpowerup 0 0 CODE 0
__Lpowerup 0 0 CODE 0
__Hbank6 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank6 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank7 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank7 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank8 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank8 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank9 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank9 0 0 ABS 0
__Hclrtext 0 0 ABS 0
__Lclrtext 0 0 ABS 0
__end_of__initialization 7FA 0 CODE 0
__Hidloc 0 0 IDLOC 0
__Lidloc 0 0 IDLOC 0
__Hcinit 0 0 ABS 0
__Lcinit 0 0 ABS 0
__size_of_main 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank10 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank10 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank20 0 0 BANK20 1
__Lbank20 0 0 BANK20 1
__Hbank30 0 0 BANK30 1
__Hbank11 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank30 0 0 BANK30 1
__Lbank11 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank21 0 0 BANK21 1
__Lbank21 0 0 BANK21 1
__Hbank31 0 0 BANK31 1
__Hbank12 0 0 ABS 0
__Lbank31 0 0 BANK31 1
__Lbank12 0 0 ABS 0
__Hbank22 0 0 BANK22 1
__Lbank22 0 0 BANK22 1
__Hbank13 0 0 BANK13 1
__Lbank13 0 0 BANK13 1
__Hbank23 0 0 BANK23 1
__Lbank23 0 0 BANK23 1
__Hbank14 0 0 BANK14 1
__Lbank14 0 0 BANK14 1
__Hbank24 0 0 BANK24 1
__Lbank24 0 0 BANK24 1
__Hbank15 0 0 BANK15 1
__Lbank15 0 0 BANK15 1
__Hbank25 0 0 BANK25 1
__Lbank25 0 0 BANK25 1
__Hbank16 0 0 BANK16 1
__Lbank16 0 0 BANK16 1
__Hbank26 0 0 BANK26 1
__Lbank26 0 0 BANK26 1
__Hbank17 0 0 BANK17 1
__Lbank17 0 0 BANK17 1
__Hbank27 0 0 BANK27 1
__Lbank27 0 0 BANK27 1
__Hbank18 0 0 BANK18 1
__Lbank18 0 0 BANK18 1
__Hbank28 0 0 BANK28 1
__Lbank28 0 0 BANK28 1
__Hbank19 0 0 BANK19 1
__Lbank19 0 0 BANK19 1
__Hbank29 0 0 BANK29 1
__Lbank29 0 0 BANK29 1
__Hend_init 4 0 CODE 0
__Lend_init 2 0 CODE 0
__Hreset_vec 2 0 CODE 0
__Lreset_vec 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel0 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel1 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel2 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel3 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel4 0 0 CODE 0
intlevel5 0 0 CODE 0
__HcstackCOMMON 0 0 ABS 0
__LcstackCOMMON 0 0 ABS 0
__pcstackCOMMON 0 0 COMMON 1
start_initialization 7FA 0 CODE 0
__Hmaintext 0 0 ABS 0
__Lmaintext 0 0 ABS 0
__pmaintext 7FD 0 CODE 0
__initialization 7FA 0 CODE 0
__CFG_CP$OFF 0 0 ABS 0
reset_vec 0 7 CODE 0 0
config 1000E 10011 CONFIG 1000E 0
maintext FFA FFF CODE FFA 0
cinit FF4 FF9 CODE FF4 0
23 7FD 0 CODE 0
24 7FE 0 CODE 0
417 7FA 0 CODE 0
418 7FB 0 CODE 0
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/funclist
0,0 → 1,3
_main: CODE, 2045 0 3
__initialization: CODE, 2042 0 0
Total: 3
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/main.c
0,0 → 1,25
#include <xc.h>
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // Oscillator Selection (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin)
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled)
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT disabled)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR)
#pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is disabled)
#pragma config CPD = OFF // Data Memory Code Protection (Data memory code protection is disabled)
#pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset enabled)
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is disabled. I/O or oscillator function on the CLKOUT pin)
#pragma config IESO = ON // Internal/External Switchover (Internal/External Switchover mode is enabled)
#pragma config FCMEN = ON // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled)
#pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off)
#pragma config PLLEN = ON // PLL Enable (4x PLL enabled)
#pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset)
#pragma config BORV = LO // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), low trip point selected.)
#pragma config LVP = ON // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (High-voltage on MCLR/VPP must be used for programming)
int main() {
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
0,0 → 1,132
# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
# has a -pre and a -post target defined where you can add customized code.
# This makefile implements configuration specific macros and targets.
# Include project Makefile
# do not include local makefile. User is passing all local related variables already
include Makefile
# Include makefile containing local settings
ifeq "$(wildcard nbproject/" "nbproject/"
include nbproject/
# Environment
MKDIR=gnumkdir -p
RM=rm -f
# Macros
# Object Directory
# Distribution Directory
# Object Files Quoted if spaced
# Object Files
############# Tool locations ##########################################
# If you copy a project from one host to another, the path where the #
# compiler is installed may be different. #
# If you open this project with MPLAB X in the new host, this #
# makefile will be regenerated and the paths will be corrected. #
# fixDeps replaces a bunch of sed/cat/printf statements that slow down the build
.build-conf: ${BUILD_SUBPROJECTS}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rules for buildStep: compile
${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1: main.c nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
@${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d
${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=pickit3 --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,-debug,9 --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%%f:%%l: error: %%s" "--warnformat=%%f:%%l: warning: %%s" "--msgformat=%%f:%%l: advisory: %%s" -o${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1 main.c
@-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.d ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d
@${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../
${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1: main.c nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
@${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d
${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,-debug,9 --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%%f:%%l: error: %%s" "--warnformat=%%f:%%l: warning: %%s" "--msgformat=%%f:%%l: advisory: %%s" -o${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1 main.c
@-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.d ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d
@${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rules for buildStep: assemble
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rules for buildStep: link
${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -G --asmlist -mdist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=pickit3 --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,-debug,9 --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%%f:%%l: error: %%s" "--warnformat=%%f:%%l: warning: %%s" "--msgformat=%%f:%%l: advisory: %%s" -odist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX} ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED}
@${RM} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.${IMAGE_TYPE}.hex
${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -G --asmlist -mdist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,-debug,9 --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%%f:%%l: error: %%s" "--warnformat=%%f:%%l: warning: %%s" "--msgformat=%%f:%%l: advisory: %%s" -odist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX} ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED}
# Subprojects
# Subprojects
# Clean Targets
.clean-conf: ${CLEAN_SUBPROJECTS}
${RM} -r build/default
${RM} -r dist/default
# Enable dependency checking .depcheck-impl
DEPFILES=$(shell mplabwildcard ${POSSIBLE_DEPFILES})
ifneq (${DEPFILES},)
include ${DEPFILES}
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
0,0 → 1,8
#Mon May 06 15:34:30 EDT 2013
default.languagetoolchain.dir=C\:\\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\\MICROCHIP\\XC8\\V1.12\\BIN
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
0,0 → 1,69
# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
# has a pre- and a post- target defined where you can add customization code.
# This makefile implements macros and targets common to all configurations.
# Building and Cleaning subprojects are done by default, but can be controlled with the SUB
# macro. If SUB=no, subprojects will not be built or cleaned. The following macro
# statements set BUILD_SUB-CONF and CLEAN_SUB-CONF to .build-reqprojects-conf
# and .clean-reqprojects-conf unless SUB has the value 'no'
# Project Name
# Active Configuration
# All Configurations
# build
.build-impl: .build-pre
${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .build-conf
# clean
.clean-impl: .clean-pre
${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .clean-conf
# clobber
.clobber-impl: .clobber-pre .depcheck-impl
# all
.all-impl: .all-pre .depcheck-impl
# dependency checking support
# @echo "# This code depends on make tool being used" >
# @if [ -n "${MAKE_VERSION}" ]; then \
# echo "DEPFILES=\$$(wildcard \$$(addsuffix .d, \$${OBJECTFILES}))" >>; \
# echo "ifneq (\$${DEPFILES},)" >>; \
# echo "include \$${DEPFILES}" >>; \
# echo "endif" >>; \
# else \
# echo ".KEEP_STATE:" >>; \
# echo ".KEEP_STATE_FILE:.make.state.\$${CONF}" >>; \
# fi
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
0,0 → 1,37
# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
# This file contains information about the location of compilers and other tools.
# If you commmit this file into your revision control server, you will be able to
# to checkout the project and build it from the command line with make. However,
# if more than one person works on the same project, then this file might show
# conflicts since different users are bound to have compilers in different places.
# In that case you might choose to not commit this file and let MPLAB X recreate this file
# for each user. The disadvantage of not commiting this file is that you must run MPLAB X at
# least once so the file gets created and the project can be built. Finally, you can also
# avoid using this file at all if you are only building from the command line with make.
# You can invoke make with the values of the macros:
# $ makeMP_CC="/opt/microchip/mplabc30/v3.30c/bin/pic30-gcc" ...
PATH_TO_IDE_BIN=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/mplab_ide/mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/
# Adding MPLAB X bin directory to path.
PATH:=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/mplab_ide/mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/:$(PATH)
# Path to java used to run MPLAB X when this makefile was created
MP_JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\sys\java\jre1.6.0_32-windows-x64\java-windows/bin/"
OS_CURRENT="$(shell uname -s)"
# MP_CPPC is not defined
# MP_BC is not defined
# MP_AS is not defined
# MP_LD is not defined
# MP_AR is not defined
DEP_GEN=${MP_JAVA_PATH}java -jar "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/mplab_ide/mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/extractobjectdependencies.jar"
# MP_CPPC_DIR is not defined
# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
# MP_AS_DIR is not defined
# MP_LD_DIR is not defined
# MP_AR_DIR is not defined
# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
0,0 → 1,13
# Generated - do not edit!
# default configuration
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/Package-default.bash
0,0 → 1,73
#!/bin/bash -x
# Generated - do not edit!
# Macros
# Functions
function checkReturnCode
if [ $rc != 0 ]
exit $rc
function makeDirectory
# $1 directory path
# $2 permission (optional)
mkdir -p "$1"
if [ "$2" != "" ]
chmod $2 "$1"
function copyFileToTmpDir
# $1 from-file path
# $2 to-file path
# $3 permission
cp "$1" "$2"
if [ "$3" != "" ]
chmod $3 "$2"
# Setup
cd "${TOP}"
mkdir -p ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package
rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
# Copy files and create directories and links
cd "${TOP}"
makeDirectory ${TMPDIR}/picx16f1829bleimu/bin
# Generate tar file
cd "${TOP}"
rm -f ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/picx16f1829bleimu.tar
cd ${TMPDIR}
tar -vcf ../../../../${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/picx16f1829bleimu.tar *
# Cleanup
cd "${TOP}"
rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/configurations.xml
0,0 → 1,148
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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displayName="Header Files"
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displayName="Linker Files"
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displayName="Source Files"
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displayName="Important Files"
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<property key="optimization-assembler-files" value="false"/>
<property key="optimization-debug" value="false"/>
<property key="optimization-global" value="true"/>
<property key="optimization-level" value="9"/>
<property key="optimization-set" value="default"/>
<property key="optimization-speed" value="true"/>
<property key="preprocess-assembler" value="true"/>
<property key="undefine-macros" value=""/>
<property key="use-cci" value="false"/>
<property key="verbose" value="false"/>
<property key="warning-level" value="0"/>
<property key="what-to-do" value="ignore"/>
<property key="additional-options-checksum" value=""/>
<property key="additional-options-code-offset" value=""/>
<property key="additional-options-errata" value=""/>
<property key="additional-options-extend-address" value="false"/>
<property key="additional-options-trace-type" value=""/>
<property key="additional-options-use-response-files" value="false"/>
<property key="backup-reset-condition-flags" value="false"/>
<property key="calibrate-oscillator" value="true"/>
<property key="calibrate-oscillator-value" value=""/>
<property key="clear-bss" value="true"/>
<property key="code-model-external" value="wordwrite"/>
<property key="code-model-rom" value=""/>
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<property key="data-model-size-of-float" value="24"/>
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<property key="display-overall-usage" value="true"/>
<property key="display-psect-usage" value="false"/>
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<property key="fill-flash-options-const" value=""/>
<property key="fill-flash-options-how" value="0"/>
<property key="fill-flash-options-inc-const" value="1"/>
<property key="fill-flash-options-increment" value=""/>
<property key="fill-flash-options-seq" value=""/>
<property key="fill-flash-options-what" value="0"/>
<property key="format-hex-file-for-download" value="false"/>
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<property key="" value="false"/>
<property key="link-in-c-library" value="true"/>
<property key="link-in-peripheral-library" value="true"/>
<property key="managed-stack" value="false"/>
<property key="opt-xc8-linker-file" value="false"/>
<property key="opt-xc8-linker-link_startup" value="false"/>
<property key="opt-xc8-linker-serial" value=""/>
<property key="program-the-device-with-default-config-words" value="true"/>
<property key="AutoSelectMemRanges" value="auto"/>
<property key="Freeze Peripherals" value="true"/>
<property key="SecureSegment.SegmentProgramming" value="FullChipProgramming"/>
<property key="ToolFirmwareFilePath"
value="Press to browse for a specific firmware version"/>
<property key="ToolFirmwareOption.UseLatestFirmware" value="true"/>
<property key="hwtoolclock.frcindebug" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.aux" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.bootflash" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.configurationmemory" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.eeprom" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.flashdata" value="true"/>
<property key="" value="false"/>
<property key="memories.programmemory" value="true"/>
<property key="memories.programmemory.end" value="0x1fff"/>
<property key="memories.programmemory.start" value="0x0"/>
<property key="poweroptions.powerenable" value="true"/>
<property key="programmertogo.imagename" value=""/>
<property key="programoptions.eraseb4program" value="true"/>
<property key="programoptions.pgmspeed" value="2"/>
<property key="programoptions.preserveeeprom" value="false"/>
<property key="programoptions.preserveprogramrange" value="false"/>
<property key="programoptions.preserveprogramrange.end" value="0x1fff"/>
<property key="programoptions.preserveprogramrange.start" value="0x0"/>
<property key="programoptions.preserveuserid" value="false"/>
<property key="programoptions.usehighvoltageonmclr" value="false"/>
<property key="programoptions.uselvpprogramming" value="true"/>
<property key="voltagevalue" value="3.25"/>
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/private/
0,0 → 1,17
#Tue Apr 23 03:06:46 EDT 2013
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/private/configurations.xml
0,0 → 1,25
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configurationDescriptor version="62">
<conf name="default" type="2">
<platformToolSN>:=MPLABCommUSB:=04D8:=900A:=0002:=Microchip Technology Inc.:=PICkit 3:=BUR114189291:=x:=en</platformToolSN>
<languageToolchainDir>C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROCHIP\XC8\V1.12\BIN</languageToolchainDir>
<mdbdebugger version="1">
<placeholder1>place holder 1</placeholder1>
<placeholder2>place holder 2</placeholder2>
<runprofile version="6">
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/private/
--- PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/private/private.xml (nonexistent)
+++ PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/private/private.xml (revision 197)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project-private xmlns="">
+ <editor-bookmarks xmlns=""/>
/PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/
--- PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/project.xml (nonexistent)
+++ PIC Stuff/PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU/nbproject/project.xml (revision 197)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="">
+ <type>com.microchip.mplab.nbide.embedded.makeproject</type>
+ <configuration>
+ <data xmlns="">
+ <name>PICX_16F1829_BLE_IMU</name>
+ <creation-uuid>ff750289-f357-4403-b705-1a1fce70e6e7</creation-uuid>
+ <make-project-type>0</make-project-type>
+ <c-extensions>c</c-extensions>
+ <cpp-extensions/>
+ <header-extensions/>
+ <sourceEncoding>ISO-8859-1</sourceEncoding>
+ <make-dep-projects/>
+ </data>
+ </configuration>