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Regard whitespace Rev 118 → Rev 119

/PIC Stuff/PIC_27J13/uart.c/uart.c
0,0 → 1,141
#include "maindefs.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include <string.h>
static UART_DATA uart_1_data;
void UART1_Init() {
// Configure the hardware USART device
TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0; // Tx pin set to output
TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1; // Rx pin set to input
BAUDCON1bits.BRG16 = 0; // 8-bit baud rate generator
SPBRG1 = 25; // Set UART speed to 115200 baud
TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1; // High speed mode
TXSTA1bits.SYNC = 0; // Async mode
RCSTA1bits.SPEN = 1; // Serial port enable
TXSTA1bits.TX9 = 0; // 8 bit transmission
RCSTA1bits.RX9 = 0; // 8 bit reception
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 0; // Enable transmission
RCSTA1bits.CREN = 1; // Continuous receive mode
PIE1bits.TX1IE = 1; // Enable TX interrupt
PIE1bits.RC1IE = 1; // Enable RX interrupt
// Initialize the buffer that holds UART messages
uart_1_data.buffer_in_read_ind = 0;
uart_1_data.buffer_in_write_ind = 0;
uart_1_data.buffer_in_len = 0;
//void uart_2_init() {
// // Configure the PPS USART ports
// // UART2 RX Pin RP5
// RPINR16 = 5; // 5 is PPS RP5
// // UART2 TX Pin RP6
// RPOR6 = 6; // 6 is TX2/CK2 (EUSART2 Asynchronous Transmit/Asynchronous Clock Output)
// Open2USART(USART_TX_INT_OFF & // Interrupt on TX off
// USART_RX_INT_ON & // Interrupt on RX on
// USART_ASYNCH_MODE & // Operate in async mode
// USART_EIGHT_BIT & // Operate in 8-bit mode
// USART_CONT_RX & // Continuously recieve messages
// USART_BRGH_HIGH, 25); // Set UART speed to 115200 baud
void UART1_Recv_Interrupt_Handler() {
unsigned char c;
if (PIR1bits.RC1IF) { // Check if data receive flag is set
if (uart_1_data.buffer_in_len == MAXUARTBUF-1) {
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 0; // Kill anything currently sending
DBG_PRINT_UART("UART1 Buffer Overflow!\r\n");
c = RCREG1; // Read RCREG to clear it
} else {
// Save received data into buffer
uart_1_data.buffer_in[uart_1_data.buffer_in_write_ind] = RCREG1;
if (uart_1_data.buffer_in_write_ind == MAXUARTBUF-1) {
uart_1_data.buffer_in_write_ind = 0;
} else {
if (RCSTAbits.OERR == 1) {
// We've overrun the USART and must reset
RCSTA1bits.CREN = 0; // Reset UART1
RCSTA1bits.CREN = 1;
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 0; // Kill anything currently sending
DBG_PRINT_UART("UART1 Overrun!\r\n");
//void uart_2_recv_interrupt_handler() {
// if (DataRdy2USART()) {
//// xbee_read_serial(Read2USART());
// }
// if (USART2_Status.OVERRUN_ERROR == 1) {
// // We've overrun the USART and must reset
// RCSTA2bits.CREN = 0; // Reset UART2
// RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
// }
void UART1_Send_Interrupt_Handler() {
// Put remaining data in TSR for transmit
if (uart_1_data.buffer_out_ind != uart_1_data.buffer_out_len) {
TXREG1 = uart_1_data.buffer_out[uart_1_data.buffer_out_ind];
} else {
while (!TXSTA1bits.TRMT); // Wait for last byte to finish sending
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 0; // End transmission and disable TX interrupt
uart_1_data.buffer_out_ind = 0;
uart_1_data.buffer_out_len = 0;
void UART1_WriteS(const rom char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
while (TXSTA1bits.TXEN); // Wait for previous message to finish sending
va_start(args, fmt);
vsprintf((char *)uart_1_data.buffer_out, fmt, args);
uart_1_data.buffer_out_len = strlen((char *)uart_1_data.buffer_out);
uart_1_data.buffer_out_ind = 1;
TXREG1 = uart_1_data.buffer_out[0]; // Put first byte in TSR
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 1; // Begin transmission
void UART1_WriteB(const char *msg, unsigned char length) {
unsigned char i;
while (TXSTA1bits.TXEN); // Wait for previous message to finish sending
uart_1_data.buffer_out_len = length;
uart_1_data.buffer_out_ind = 1;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uart_1_data.buffer_out[i] = msg[i];
TXREG1 = uart_1_data.buffer_out[0]; // Put first byte in TSR
TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 1; // Begin transmission
/* Reader interface to the UART buffer, returns the number of bytes read */
unsigned char UART1_Read(char *buffer) {
unsigned char i = 0;
while (uart_1_data.buffer_in_len != 0) {
buffer[i] = uart_1_data.buffer_in[uart_1_data.buffer_in_read_ind];
if (uart_1_data.buffer_in_read_ind == MAXUARTBUF-1) {
uart_1_data.buffer_in_read_ind = 0;
} else {
return i;