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Regard whitespace Rev 118 → Rev 119

/PIC Stuff/PIC_27J13/main.c
0,0 → 1,94
#include "maindefs.h"
#include "interrupts.h"
#include "uart.h"
//#include "i2c.h"
//#include "adc.h"
//#include "timers.h"
//#include "xbee.h"
//#include "led_driver.h"
//#include "pwm.h"
//#include "delays.h"
//#include "pin_interrupts.h"
#include <usart.h>
#include <delays.h>
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF // Turn off watchdog timer
#pragma config XINST = OFF // Turn off extended instruction set
#pragma config OSC = HSPLL // Use external oscillator (101)
#pragma config PLLDIV = 3 // Set PPL prescaler to 3 (to get 4MHz)
#pragma config CFGPLLEN = ON // Enable PLL on startup
#pragma config PLLSEL = PLL96 // Use 96MHz PLL 4MHz -> 96MHz / 2 = 48MHz
//#pragma config SOSCSEL = HIGH // High Power T1OSC/SOSC circuit selected
//#pragma config ADCSEL = BIT12 // 12-bit ADrC
//#pragma config IOL1WAY = OFF // IOLOCK bit can be set and cleared as needed
/* ----------- IO Pins -----------
* RA0 -
* RA1 -
* RA2 -
* RA3 -
* RA5 -
* RA6 - Oscillator
* RA7 - Oscillator
* RC0 -
* RC1 -
* RC2 -
* RC3 -
* RC4 -
* RC5 -
* RC6 - UART Debug Output
* RC7 - UART Debug Input
* RB0 -
* RB1 -
* RB2 -
* RB3 -
* RB4 -
* RB5 -
* RB6 -
* RB7 -
* ---------------------------- */
//static I2C_DATA i2c_data;
//static XBEE_DATA xbee_data;
void main(void) {
unsigned char i = 0;
unsigned char length = 0;
unsigned char buffer[100];
/* --------------------- Oscillator Configuration --------------------- */
// OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1; // Enable 4x PLL
OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b111; // Set INTOSC postscaler to 8MHz
OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00; // Use 96MHz PLL as primary clock source
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Set all ports as digial I/O
ANCON0 = 0xFF;
ANCON1 = 0x1F;
UART1_Init(); // Initialize the UART handler code
// xbee_init(&xbee_data); // Initialize the XBee handler code
// i2c_init(&i2c_data); // Initialize the I2C handler code
// adc_init(); // Initialize the ADC
// timers_init(); // Initialize timers
// port_b_int_init(); // Initialze Port B interrupt handler
// pwm_init(); // Initialize the PWM output driver
interrupt_enable(); // Enable high-priority interrupts and low-priority interrupts
interrupt_init(); // Initialize the interrupt priorities
DBG_PRINT_MAIN("\r\nBegin Program\r\n");
// Loop and process recieved messages from interrupts;
while (1) {
length = UART1_Read((char *)buffer);
if (length != 0) {
UART1_WriteB((char *)buffer, length) ;