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/PIC Stuff/PICX_27J13/interrupts.c
0,0 → 1,169
#include <xc.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "interrupts.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include "timers.h"
// Note: This code for processing interrupts is configured to allow for high and
// low priority interrupts. The high priority interrupt can interrupt the
// the processing of a low priority interrupt. However, only one of each type
// can be processed at the same time. It is possible to enable nesting of low
// priority interrupts, but this code is not setup for that and this nesting
// is not enabled.
void Interrupt_Init() {
// Peripheral interrupts can have their priority set to high or low
// Decide on the priority of the enabled peripheral interrupts (0 is low, 1 is high)
// High priority interrupts
IPR1bits.RC1IP = 1; // USART1 RX interrupt
IPR1bits.TX1IP = 1; // USART1 TX interrupt
// IPR3bits.RC2IP = 1; // USART2 RX interrupt
IPR1bits.SSPIP = 1; // I2C interrupt
// IPR3bits.SSP2IP = 1; // MSSP2 (SPI2) interrupt
// Low priority interrupts
// INTCON2bits.TMR0IP = 0; // Timer0 interrupt
IPR1bits.TMR1IP = 0; // Timer1 interrupt
// IPR2bits.TMR3IP = 0; // Timer 3 interrupt
// IPR1bits.ADIP = 0; // ADC interupt
// INTCON2bits.RBIP = 0; // Port B interrupt
// INTCON3bits.INT1IP = 0; // INT1 interrupt
// Enable Port B interrupt
// INTCONbits.RBIE = 1;
// Enable interrupt for INT1
// INTCON3bits.INT1IE = 1;
void Interrupt_Enable() {
// Peripheral interrupts can have their priority set to high or low.
// Enable both high-priority interrupts and low-priority interrupts
RCONbits.IPEN = 1;
INTCONbits.GIEH = 1;
INTCONbits.GIEL = 1;
void Interrupt_Disable() {
RCONbits.IPEN = 0;
INTCONbits.GIEH = 0;
INTCONbits.GIEL = 0;
void interrupt InterruptHandlerHigh(void) {
// We need to check the interrupt flag of each enabled high-priority interrupt to
// see which device generated this interrupt. Then we can call the correct handler.
// // Check to see if we have an SPI2 interrupt
// if (PIR3bits.SSP2IF) {
// // Call the handler
// SPI2_Recv_Interrupt_Handler();
// // Clear the interrupt flag
// PIR3bits.SSP2IF = 0;
// return;
// }
// Check to see if we have an I2C interrupt
if (PIR1bits.SSPIF) {
// Call the handler
// Clear the interrupt flag
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0;
// Check to see if we have an interrupt on USART1 RX
if (PIR1bits.RC1IF) {
// Call the interrupt handler
// Clear the interrupt flag
PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;
#ifndef _DEBUG // Disable UART1 TX interrupt for debug mode (using printf)
// Check to see if we have an interrupt on USART1 TX
if (PIR1bits.TX1IF) {
// Call the interrupt handler
// Clear the interrupt flag
PIR1bits.TX1IF = 0;
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on USART2 RX
// if (PIR3bits.RC2IF) {
// // Call the interrupt handler
// uart_2_recv_interrupt_handler();
// // Clear the interrupt flag
// PIR3bits.RC2IF = 0;
// }
void interrupt low_priority InterruptHandlerLow() {
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on INT1
// if (INTCON3bits.INT1IF) {
// DBG_PRINT_INT("INT: INT1\r\n");
// int1_interrupt_handler();
// INTCON3bits.INT1IF = 0;
// }
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on any port B inputs <4:7>
// if (INTCONbits.RBIF) {
// DBG_PRINT_INT("INT: Port B\r\n");
// port_b_int_interrupt_handler();
// INTCONbits.RBIF = 0;
// }
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on timer 0
// if (INTCONbits.TMR0IF) {
// DBG_PRINT_INT("INT: Timer 0\r\n");
// // Call the handler
// timer0_interrupt_handler();
// // Clear this interrupt flag
// INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;
// }
// Check to see if we have an interrupt on timer 1
if (PIR1bits.TMR1IF) {
// Call the interrupt handler
// Clear the interrupt flag
PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on timer 3
// if (PIR2bits.TMR3IF) {
// DBG_PRINT_INT("INT: Timer 3\r\n");
// timer3_interrupt_handler();
// PIR2bits.TMR3IF = 0;
// }
// // Check to see if we have an interrupt on ADC
// if (PIR1bits.ADIF) {
// // Call the interrupt handler
// ADC_Interrupt_Handler();
// // Clear the interrupt flag
// PIR1bits.ADIF = 0;
// }