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Ignore whitespace Rev 275 → Rev 276

/PIC Stuff/Cerebot_32MX7_LED_Cube/README.txt
5,14 → 5,14
Cube is occasionally flickering to ~60Hz. Need to figure out why.
Interrupts dont seem to be preempting properly. Not sure why.
>= 400MHz I2C1 doesn't seem to work very well the controllers
SPI1 - Used by the cube code to send data to the ube
SPI1 - Used by the cube code to send data to the cube
SPI4 - Unused
I2C1 - Used by the controller code
TIMER2 - Used by PWM2
TIMER4 - Used by the cube code for the overlay rotation interrupt
TIMER4 - Used by the cube code for the overlay rotation interrupt / controllers
TIMER5 - Used by the cube code for the update layer interrupt
UART1 - Used by the cube code for reading in frame data
PWM2 - Generates a constant ~20MHz output, uses TIMER2
20,10 → 20,10
IPL1 = lowest, IPL7 = highest priority
SPI1 - Priority 5, Subpriority 1
SPI1 - Priority 6, Subpriority 1
SPI4 - Priority 6, Subpriority 2
I2C1 - Priority 5, Subpriority 1
TIMER5 - Priority 3, Subpriority 1
I2C1 - Priority 5, Subpriority 2
TIMER5 - Priority 4, Subpriority 1
TIMER4 - Priority 1, Subpriority 1
UART1 - Priority 2, Subpriority 1
ETHERNET - Priority 1, Subpriority 1