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Ignore whitespace Rev 255 → Rev 261

/PIC Stuff/Cerebot_32MX7_LED_Cube/ETHERNET.c
179,14 → 179,14
ETHIENbits.TXBUSEIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on transmit BVCI bus error
ETHIENbits.RXBUSEIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on receive BVCI bus error
// ETHIENbits.RXDONEIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet received
ETHIENbits.PKTPENDIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet pending
ETHIENbits.RXDONEIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet received
// ETHIENbits.PKTPENDIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet pending
// ETHIENbits.RXACTIE = 1;
ETHIENbits.TXDONEIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet sent
ETHIENbits.TXABORTIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on packet send aborted
IPC12bits.ETHIP = 2; // Set interrupt priority to 2
IPC12bits.ETHIS = 2; // Set intererupt sub-priority to 2
IPC12bits.ETHIP = 1; // Set interrupt priority to 2
IPC12bits.ETHIS = 1; // Set intererupt sub-priority to 2
IEC1bits.ETHIE = 1; // Enable ethernet interrupts
EMAC1SUPPbits.RESETRMII = 0; // Bring the RMII module out of reset
233,10 → 233,10
// Read the packet data values into the buffer
size = eth_data->RX_ED_table.descriptor[descriptor_index].BYTE_COUNT - 18;
*length = size;
for (j = 0; j < size - 18; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
buffer[j] = eth_data->RX_ED_buffer[descriptor_index][j+14];
*length = size;
// Reset the descriptors
eth_data->RX_ED_table.descriptor[descriptor_index].SOP = 0;
307,7 → 307,7
void __ISR(_ETH_VECTOR, ipl1) __ETH_Interrupt_Handler(void) {
uint32_t value = ETHIRQ;
// uint32_t value = ETHIRQ;
if (ETHIRQbits.TXBUSE) {
316,14 → 316,15
// if (ETHIRQbits.RXDONE) {
// ETHIRQbits.RXDONE = 0;
// }
if (ETHIRQbits.RXDONE) {
if (eth_data->rx_callback != NULL)
// if (ETHIRQbits.PKTPEND) {
// ETHIRQbits.PKTPEND = 0;
// }
if (ETHIRQbits.TXDONE) {
if (eth_data->tx_callback != NULL)