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/PIC Projects/PIC_27J13/oled_ssd1331.h
0,0 → 1,122
#ifndef OLED_SSD1331_H
#define OLED_SSD1331_H
#define SSD1331_LCDWIDTH 96
#define SSD1331_LCDHEIGHT 64
// Select one of these defines to set the pixel color order
// #define SSD1331_COLORORDER_BGR
// SSD1331 Commands
#define SSD1331_CMD_DRAWLINE 0x21
#define SSD1331_CMD_DRAWRECT 0x22
#define SSD1331_CMD_CLEARWINDOW 0x25
#define SSD1331_CMD_FILL 0x26
#define SSD1331_CMD_SETCOLUMN 0x15
#define SSD1331_CMD_SETROW 0x75
#define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTA 0x81
#define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTB 0x82
#define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTC 0x83
#define SSD1331_CMD_MASTERCURRENT 0x87
#define SSD1331_CMD_SETREMAP 0xA0
#define SSD1331_CMD_STARTLINE 0xA1
#define SSD1331_CMD_SETMASTER 0xAD
#define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYON 0xAF
#define SSD1331_CMD_POWERMODE 0xB0
#define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGE 0xB1
#define SSD1331_CMD_CLOCKDIV 0xB3
#define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEA 0x8A
#define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEB 0x8B
#define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEC 0x8C
#define SSD1331_CMD_VCOMH 0xBE
// Color definitions
#define SSD1331_BLACK 0x0000
#define SSD1331_BLUE 0x001F
#define SSD1331_RED 0xF800
#define SSD1331_GREEN 0x07E0
#define SSD1331_CYAN 0x07FF
#define SSD1331_MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define SSD1331_YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define SSD1331_WHITE 0xFFFF
typedef struct __SSD1331_DATA {
int WIDTH, HEIGHT; // raw display size
int _width, _height; // size depending on rotation
int cursor_x, cursor_y;
unsigned int textcolor, textbgcolor;
unsigned char textsize;
unsigned char rotation;
unsigned char wrap; // If set, wrap text at right side
} SSD1331_DATA;
// Misc functions
int SSD1331_Abs(int i);
void SSD1331_Swap(int *a, int *b);
unsigned int SSD1331_Color565(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
// Core functions
void SSD1331_Init(void);
void SSD1331_Begin(void);
void SSD1331_GoTo(int x, int y);
void SSD1331_Command(unsigned char c);
void SSD1331_Data(unsigned char d);
// Display functions
void SSD1331_Clear_Display(void);
void SSD1331_Draw_Pixel(int x, int y, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Fast_VLine(int x, int y, int h, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Fast_HLine(int x, int y, int w, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Fill_Rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Circle(int x0, int y0, int r, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Circle_Helper(int x0, int y0, int r, unsigned char cornername, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Fill_Circle(int x0, int y0, int r, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Fill_Circle_Helper(int x0, int y0, int r, unsigned char cornername, int delta, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Triangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Fill_Triangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Round_Rect(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int radius, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Fill_Round_Rect(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int radius, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Bitmap(int x, int y, const unsigned char *bitmap, int w, int h, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Draw_Char(int x, int y, unsigned char c, unsigned int color, unsigned int bg, unsigned char size);
void SSD1331_Write(unsigned char c);
void SSD1331_Write_String(const rom char *fmt, ...);
//void SSD1331_Append_String(const rom char *fmt, ...);
void SSD1331_Set_Cursor(int x, int y);
void SSD1331_Set_Text_Color(unsigned int c);
void SSD1331_Set_Text_Color_BG(unsigned int c, unsigned int bg);
void SSD1331_Set_Text_Size(unsigned char s);
void SSD1331_Set_Text_Wrap(unsigned char w);
void SSD1331_Set_Rotation(unsigned char r);
// Test functions
void SSD1331_Test_DrawLines(unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Test_DrawRect(unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Test_FillRect(unsigned int color1, unsigned int color2);
void SSD1331_Test_DrawCircle(unsigned int radius, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Test_FillCircle(unsigned int radius, unsigned int color);
void SSD1331_Test_DrawTria(void);
void SSD1331_Test_DrawRoundRect(void);
void SSD1331_Test_MediaButtons(void);
void SSD1331_Test_Pattern(void);
#endif /* OLED_SSD1331_H */