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/PIC Projects/PICX_12F1840_Clock/NEOPIXEL.c
0,0 → 1,167
#include "defines.h"
#include "NEOPIXEL.h"
extern NEOPIXEL_DATA neopixel_data;
void NeoPixel_Init(void) {
// Clear buffer
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NEOPIXEL_LENGTH * 3; i++) {
neopixel_data.values[i] = 0x0;
neopixel_data.offset = 0;
// Output pin initially blocked
/* Initialize PWM module */
PR2 = 0x09; // 1.25us @ 32MHz
CCP1CONbits.P1M = 0b00; // Single output, P1A modulated only
CCP1CONbits.CCP1M = 0b1100; // PWM mode, P1A active-high, P1B active-high
// Idle the output till width is specified
CCPR1L = 0x00;
CCP1CONbits.DC1B = 0b00;
/* Initialize Timer 2 */
PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; // Clear the interrupt flag for Timer 2
T2CONbits.T2CKPS = 0b00; // Set a prescaler of 1:1
T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1; // Enable the timer
// Wait for the timer to overflow before enabling output
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
void NeoPixel_Offet(uint8_t value) {
neopixel_data.offset = value;
void NeoPixel_Clear(void) {
// Clear buffer
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NEOPIXEL_LENGTH * 3; i++) {
neopixel_data.values[i] = 0x0;
void NeoPixel_Set(uint8_t index, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t multiplier) {
uint8_t i = ((index + neopixel_data.offset) % NEOPIXEL_LENGTH);
if (G == 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 0] = 0;
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 0] = (G * multiplier) - 1;
if (R == 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 1] = 0;
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 1] = (R * multiplier) - 1;
if (B == 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 2] = 0;
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 2] = (B * multiplier) - 1;
void NeoPixel_Or(uint8_t index, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t multiplier) {
uint8_t i = ((index + neopixel_data.offset) % NEOPIXEL_LENGTH);
if (G != 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 0] |= (G * multiplier) - 1;
if (R != 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 1] |= (R * multiplier) - 1;
if (B != 0)
neopixel_data.values[(i * 3) + 2] |= (B * multiplier) - 1;
void NeoPixel_Write_All(void) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NEOPIXEL_LENGTH * 3; i++) {
// Delay for 50us to latch data
void NeoPixel_Write_One(uint8_t value) {
// Enable timer and wait for it to overflow
T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1;
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 7
if (value & 0x80) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 6
if (value & 0x40) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 5
if (value & 0x20) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 4
if (value & 0x10) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 3
if (value & 0x08) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 2
if (value & 0x04) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 1
if (value & 0x02) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
// Set pulse width for bit 0
if (value & 0x01) {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_1; // ~800ns high, ~450ns low (logic 1)
} else {
CCPR1L = NEOPIXEL_LOGIC_0; // ~400ns high, ~850ns low (logic 0)
// Idle line low
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
CCPR1L = 0b00000000;
// Disable and reset timer
while (!PIR1bits.TMR2IF);
T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 0;
TMR2 = 0x0;