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/Classwork/MATH4176 - Cryptography 2/
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def Extended_Euclidian(a, b):
''' Takes values a and b and returns a tuple (r,s,t) in the following format:
r = s * a + t * b where r is the GCD and s and t are the inverses of a and b'''
t_ = 0
t = 1
s_ = 1
s = 0
q = int(a/b)
r = a - q * b
# print("%d\t= %d * %d + %d" % (a, q, b, r))
while r > 0:
temp = t_ - q * t
t_ = t
t = temp
temp = s_ - q * s
s_ = s
s = temp
a = b
b = r
q = int(a/b)
r = a - q * b
# print("%d\t= %d * %d + %d" % (a, q, b, r))
r = b
return (r, s, t)
def GCD(q,N):
'''Returns the multiplicative inverse of a and b'''
ret = Extended_Euclidian(q,N)
return ret[0]
def Inverse(a, b):
'''Returns the multiplicative inverse of a mod b'''
if (a < 0):
a = a + b
ret = Extended_Euclidian(a,b)
if (ret[1] < 0):
inv = ret[1] + b
inv = ret[1]
return inv
def Elliptic_Curve_Add(p, a, b, point_1, point_2):
'''Adds two points on an Elliptical Curve and returns the result'''
# Adding a point at infinity results in the same point
if point_1[0] == 'x' and point_1[1] == 'x':
return point_2
if point_2[0] == 'x' and point_2[1] == 'x':
return point_1
# Test to make sure both points are on the curve
z = (point_1[0]**3 + a*point_1[0] + b) % p
if z**((p-1)//2)%p != 1:
print("Point", point_1, "is not on the elliptic curve!")
z = (point_2[0]**3 + a*point_2[0] + b) % p
if z**((p-1)//2)%p != 1:
print("Point", point_2, "is not on the elliptic curve!")
# If x_1 == x_2 and y_1 != y_2, return point at infinity
if point_1[0] == point_2[0] and point_1[1] != point_2[1]:
return ('x','x')
# If point_1 == point_2, slope = (3 x_1^2 + a)(2 y_1)^-1
if point_1[0] == point_2[0] and point_1[1] == point_2[1]:
inv = Inverse(2*point_1[1], p)
slope = ((3 * point_1[0]**2 + a) * inv) % p
else: # Otherwise point_1 != point_2, slope = (y_2 - y_1)(x_2 - x_1)^-1
inv = Inverse(point_2[0] - point_1[0], p)
slope = ((point_2[1] - point_1[1]) * inv) % p
# Calculate the third point given the slope
x_3 = (slope**2 - point_1[0] - point_2[0]) % p
y_3 = (slope * (point_1[0] - x_3) - point_1[1]) % p
return (x_3,y_3)
def Elliptic_Curve_Multiple(p, a, b, point, multiple):
'''Returns a multiple of a point on an Elliptical Curve'''
ret = point
for i in range(multiple-1):
ret = Elliptic_Curve_Add(p, a, b, ret, point)
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print("For the following tests, the curve y^2 = x^3 + x + 6 is used")
# print("\nResult when point is not on the curve (quadratic residue failed):")
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, (1,2), (2,7)))
# print("\nResult when one or both points being the point at infinity:")
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, ('x','x'), (2,7)))
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, (2,7), ('x','x')))
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, ('x','x'), ('x','x')))
# print("\nResult when adding two distinct points:")
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, (2,7), (7,9)))
# print("\nResult when adding a point to itself:")
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(11, 1, 6, (2,7), (2,7)))
# print("\nResult when computing multiples of a point:")
# Elliptic_Curve_Multiple(11, 1, 6, (2,7), 3)
# print("\nFor the following tests, the curve y^2 = x^3 + 5x + 4 is used")
# print("\nAttempting to add point (220,407) to itself:")
# print(Elliptic_Curve_Add(997, 5, 4, (220,407), (220,407)))
# print("\nResult of 267(220,407):")
# Elliptic_Curve_Multiple(997, 5, 4, (220,407), 267)