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/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/.swp
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/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/.swp
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/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/Makefile
0,0 → 1,49
# A simple Makefile to build 'esh'
LDLIBS=-ll -ldl -lreadline -lcurses
# The use of -Wall, -Werror, and -Wmissing-prototypes is mandatory
# for this assignment
CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC
LIB_OBJECTS=list.o esh-utils.o esh-sys-utils.o
HEADERS=list.h esh.h esh-sys-utils.h
PLUGIN_C=$(wildcard $(PLUGINDIR)/*.c)
PLUGIN_SO=$(patsubst %.c,,$(PLUGIN_C))
default: esh $(PLUGIN_SO)
# rules to build plugins
plugins/ plugins/deadline.c
gcc -g -Wall -shared -fPIC -o $@ -IcJSONFiles \
$< libesh.a $(shell curl-config --libs) cJSONFiles/cJSON.c -lm
# The rules assume each plugin is in its own file
$(PLUGIN_SO): : %.c
gcc -Wall -shared -fPIC -o $@ $< libesh.a
# build scanner and parser
esh-grammar.o: esh-grammar.y esh-grammar.l
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) $*.l
$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
$(CC) -Dlint -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS)
rm -f lex.yy.c
# build the shell
esh: libesh.a $(OBJECTS) $(HEADERS) esh-grammar.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) esh-grammar.o $(OBJECTS) libesh.a $(LDLIBS)
# build the supporting library
libesh.a: $(LIB_OBJECTS)
ar cr $@ $(LIB_OBJECTS)
ranlib $@
rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(LIB_OBJECTS) esh esh-grammar.o \
$(PLUGIN_SO) core.* libesh.a tests/*.pyc
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/README.txt
0,0 → 1,46
Student Information
Kevin Lee - klee482 - group244
How to execute the shell
The shell can be started by running ./esh
Basic functionality can be tested by running ./ -b
Advanced functionality can be tested by running ./ -a
Important Notes
A more comprehensive test for exclusive access can be done by
running/suspending vim from inside the shell.
Description of Base Functionality
The shell implements the following built in commands: jobs, fg, bg, kill, stop.
The shell also implements \^C and \^Z to stop and suspend foreground
processes. For each specified pipeline (seperated by ;), the first command
is checked to see if it is a built in command. If it is, the built in command is
executed and all following commands in the pipeline are ignored. The command
jobs outputs a list of all background jobs and the state of each job along with
a job ID. The job ID can then be used by commands fg, bg, kill, and stop. \^C
kills the current foreground job (including the esh shell) and \^Z suspends the
current foreground job.
Description of Extended Functionality
The shell also implements I/O redirection, pipes, and exclusive access.
Multilpe commands can be chained together using '|' so that the output of
the first process goes to the input of the second process. I/O redirection
is also implemented so that a file can be used as the imput to the first
command using '<' . The output of the last process can be directed to a file
as well using '>'. Appending the output to the specified file works as well
with '>>'. Exclusive access is also implemented using process groups and
terminal access to allow programs such as vim to work.
List of Plugins Implemented
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-grammar.l
0,0 → 1,22
* Tokens for esh.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
#include <string.h>
/* lex.yy.c uses 'ECHO;' which is in termbits.h defined as 0x10
* undefine this to avoid 'useless statement' warning.
#ifdef ECHO
#undef ECHO
#endif /* ECHO */
[ \t]* ;
">>" return GREATER_GREATER;
[|&;<>\n] return *yytext;
[^|&;<>\n\t ]+ { yylval.word = strdup(yytext); return WORD; }
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-grammar.y
0,0 → 1,247
* esh - the 'pluggable' shell.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
* This is based on an assignment I did in 1993 as an undergraduate
* student at Technische Universitaet Berlin.
* Known bugs: leaks memory when parse errors occur.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define YYDEBUG 1
int yydebug;
void yyerror(const char *msg);
int yylex(void);
* Error messages, csh-style
#define MISRED "Missing name for redirect."
#define INVNUL "Invalid null command."
#define AMBINP "Ambiguous input redirect."
#define AMBOUT "Ambiguous output redirect."
#include "esh.h"
#define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
#define obstack_chunk_free free
struct cmd_helper {
struct obstack words; /* an obstack of char * to collect argv */
char *iored_input;
char *iored_output;
bool append_to_output;
/* Initialize cmd_helper and, optionally, set first argv */
static void
init_cmd(struct cmd_helper *cmd, char *firstcmd,
char *iored_input, char *iored_output, bool append_to_output)
if (firstcmd)
obstack_ptr_grow(&cmd->words, firstcmd);
cmd->iored_output = iored_output;
cmd->iored_input = iored_input;
cmd->append_to_output = append_to_output;
/* print error message */
static void p_error(char *msg);
/* Convert cmd_helper to esh_command.
* Ensures NULL-terminated argv[] array
static struct esh_command *
make_esh_command(struct cmd_helper *cmd)
obstack_ptr_grow(&cmd->words, NULL);
int sz = obstack_object_size(&cmd->words);
char **argv = malloc(sz);
memcpy(argv, obstack_finish(&cmd->words), sz);
obstack_free(&cmd->words, NULL);
if (*argv == NULL) {
return NULL;
return esh_command_create(argv,
/* Called by parser when command line is complete */
static void cmdline_complete(struct esh_command_line *);
/* work-around for bug in flex 2.31 and later */
static void yyunput (int c,char *buf_ptr ) __attribute__((unused));
/* LALR stack types */
%union {
struct cmd_helper command;
struct esh_pipeline * pipe;
struct esh_command_line * cmdline;
char *word;
/* Nonterminals */
%type <command> input output
%type <command> command
%type <pipe> pipeline
%type <cmdline> cmd_list
/* Terminals */
%token <word> WORD
cmd_line: cmd_list { cmdline_complete($1); }
cmd_list: /* Null Command */ { $$ = esh_command_line_create_empty(); }
| pipeline {
$$ = esh_command_line_create($1);
| cmd_list ';'
| cmd_list '&' {
$$ = $1;
struct esh_pipeline * last;
last = list_entry(list_back(&$1->pipes),
struct esh_pipeline, elem);
last->bg_job = true;
| cmd_list ';' pipeline {
$$ = $1;
list_push_back(&$$->pipes, &$3->elem);
| cmd_list '&' pipeline {
$$ = $1;
struct esh_pipeline * last;
last = list_entry(list_back(&$1->pipes),
struct esh_pipeline, elem);
last->bg_job = true;
list_push_back(&$$->pipes, &$3->elem);
pipeline: command {
struct esh_command * pcmd = make_esh_command(&$1);
if (pcmd == NULL) { p_error(INVNUL); YYABORT; }
$$ = esh_pipeline_create(pcmd);
| pipeline '|' command {
/* Error: 'ls >x | wc' */
struct esh_command * last;
last = list_entry(list_back(&$1->commands),
struct esh_command, elem);
if (last->iored_output) { p_error(AMBOUT); YYABORT; }
/* Error: 'ls | <x wc' */
if ($3.iored_input) { p_error(AMBINP); YYABORT; }
struct esh_command * pcmd = make_esh_command(&$3);
if (pcmd == NULL) { p_error(INVNUL); YYABORT; }
list_push_back(&$1->commands, &pcmd->elem);
pcmd->pipeline = $1;
$$ = $1;
| '|' error { p_error(INVNUL); YYABORT; }
| pipeline '|' error { p_error(INVNUL); YYABORT; }
command: WORD {
init_cmd(&$$, $1, NULL, NULL, false);
| input
| output
| command WORD {
$$ = $1;
obstack_ptr_grow(&$$.words, $2);
| command input {
obstack_free(&$2.words, NULL);
/* Error: ambiguous redirect 'a <b <c' */
if($1.iored_input) { p_error(AMBINP); YYABORT; }
$$ = $1;
$$.iored_input = $2.iored_input;
| command output {
obstack_free(&$2.words, NULL);
/* Error: ambiguous redirect 'a >b >c' */
if ($1.iored_output) { p_error(AMBOUT); YYABORT; }
$$ = $1;
$$.iored_output = $2.iored_output;
$$.append_to_output = $2.append_to_output;
input: '<' WORD {
init_cmd(&$$, NULL, $2, NULL, false);
| '<' error { p_error(MISRED); YYABORT; }
output: '>' WORD {
init_cmd(&$$, NULL, NULL, $2, false);
init_cmd(&$$, NULL, NULL, $2, true);
/* Error: missing redirect */
| '>' error { p_error(MISRED); YYABORT; }
static char * inputline; /* currently processed input line */
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
{ \
result = *inputline ? (buf[0] = *inputline++, 1) : YY_NULL; \
#define YY_NO_UNPUT
#define YY_NO_INPUT
#include "lex.yy.c"
static void
p_error(char *msg)
/* print error */
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
extern int yyparse (void);
/* do not use default error handling since errors are handled above. */
yyerror(const char *msg) { }
static struct esh_command_line * commandline;
static void cmdline_complete(struct esh_command_line *cline)
commandline = cline;
* parse a commandline.
struct esh_command_line *
esh_parse_command_line(char * line)
inputline = line;
commandline = NULL;
int error = yyparse();
return error ? NULL : commandline;
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-handout.pdf
0,0 → 1,1784
5 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
8 0 obj
9 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2) >>
12 0 obj
(Base Functionality)
13 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >>
16 0 obj
17 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1) >>
20 0 obj
(Signal Handling)
21 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2) >>
24 0 obj
(Process Groups)
25 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3) >>
28 0 obj
(Managing Access To The Terminal)
29 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.4) >>
32 0 obj
(Pipes and I/O Redirection)
33 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4) >>
36 0 obj
(Use of SVN)
37 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.1) >>
40 0 obj
(Code Base)
41 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5) >>
44 0 obj
45 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6) >>
48 0 obj
49 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >>
52 0 obj
(Honor Code)
53 0 obj
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56 0 obj
57 0 obj
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/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-sys-utils.c
0,0 → 1,159
* esh - the 'extensible' shell.
* Utility functions for system calls.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
#include <termios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "esh-sys-utils.h"
static const char rcsid [] = "$Id: esh-sys-utils.c,v 1.4 2011/01/21 20:13:06 cs3214 Exp $";
/* Utility function for esh_sys_fatal_error and esh_sys_error */
static void
vesh_sys_error(char *fmt, va_list ap)
char errmsg[1024];
strerror_r(errno, errmsg, sizeof errmsg);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg);
/* Print information about the last syscall error */
esh_sys_error(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vesh_sys_error(fmt, ap);
/* Print information about the last syscall error and then exit */
esh_sys_fatal_error(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vesh_sys_error(fmt, ap);
static int terminal_fd = -1; /* the controlling terminal */
static struct termios saved_tty_state; /* the state of the terminal when shell
was started. */
/* Initialize tty support. Return pointer to saved initial terminal state */
struct termios *
char *tty;
assert(terminal_fd == -1 || !!!"esh_sys_tty_init already called");
terminal_fd = open(tty = ctermid(NULL), O_RDWR);
if (terminal_fd == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("opening controlling terminal %s failed: ", tty);
return &saved_tty_state;
/* Save current terminal settings.
* This function is used when a job is suspended.*/
esh_sys_tty_save(struct termios *saved_tty_state)
int rc = tcgetattr(terminal_fd, saved_tty_state);
if (rc == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("tcgetattr failed: ");
/* Restore terminal to saved settings.
* This function is used when resuming a suspended job. */
esh_sys_tty_restore(struct termios *saved_tty_state)
int rc = tcsetattr(terminal_fd, TCSADRAIN, saved_tty_state);
if (rc == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("could not restore tty attributes tcsetattr: ");
/* Get a file descriptor that refers to controlling terminal */
assert(terminal_fd != -1 || !!!"esh_sys_tty_init() must be called");
return terminal_fd;
/* Return true if this signal is blocked */
esh_signal_is_blocked(int sig)
sigset_t mask;
if (sigprocmask(0, NULL, &mask) == -1)
esh_sys_error("sigprocmask failed while retrieving current mask");
return sigismember(&mask, sig);
/* Helper for esh_signal_block and esh_signal_unblock */
static bool
__mask_signal(int sig, int how)
sigset_t mask, omask;
sigaddset(&mask, sig);
if (sigprocmask(how, &mask, &omask) != 0)
esh_sys_error("sigprocmask failed for %d/%d", sig, how);
return sigismember(&omask, sig);
/* Block a signal. Returns true it was blocked before */
esh_signal_block(int sig)
return __mask_signal(sig, SIG_BLOCK);
/* Unblock a signal. Returns true it was blocked before */
esh_signal_unblock(int sig)
return __mask_signal(sig, SIG_UNBLOCK);
/* Install signal handler for signal 'sig' */
esh_signal_sethandler(int sig, sa_sigaction_t handler)
sigset_t emptymask;
struct sigaction sa = {
.sa_sigaction = handler,
/* do not block any additional signals (besides 'sig') when
* signal handler is entered. */
.sa_mask = emptymask,
/* restart system calls when possible */
if (sigaction(sig, &sa, NULL) != 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("sigaction failed for signal %d", sig);
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-sys-utils.h
0,0 → 1,49
* esh - the 'extensible' shell.
* Utility functions for system calls.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <signal.h>
/* Print message to stderr, followed by information about current error.
* Use like 'printf' */
void esh_sys_error(char *fmt, ...);
void esh_sys_fatal_error(char *fmt, ...);
/* Get a file descriptor that refers to controlling terminal */
int esh_sys_tty_getfd(void);
/* Initialize tty support.
* Return pointer to static structure that saves initial state.
* Restore this state via esh_sys_tty_restore() whenever the shell
* takes back control of the terminal.
struct termios * esh_sys_tty_init(void);
/* Save current terminal settings.
* This function is used when a job is suspended.*/
void esh_sys_tty_save(struct termios *saved_tty_state);
/* Restore terminal to saved settings.
* This function is used when resuming a suspended job. */
void esh_sys_tty_restore(struct termios *saved_tty_state);
/* Return true if this signal is blocked */
bool esh_signal_is_blocked(int sig);
/* Block a signal. Returns true it was blocked before */
bool esh_signal_block(int sig);
/* Unblock a signal. Returns true it was blocked before */
bool esh_signal_unblock(int sig);
/* Signal handler prototype */
typedef void (*sa_sigaction_t)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
/* Install signal handler for signal 'sig' */
void esh_signal_sethandler(int sig, sa_sigaction_t handler);
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh-utils.c
0,0 → 1,262
* esh-utils.c
* A set of utility routines to manage esh objects.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "esh.h"
static const char rcsid [] = "$Id: esh-utils.c,v 1.5 2011/03/29 15:46:28 cs3214 Exp $";
/* List of loaded plugins */
struct list esh_plugin_list;
/* Create new command structure and initialize first command word,
* and/or input or output redirect file. */
struct esh_command *
esh_command_create(char ** argv,
char *iored_input,
char *iored_output,
bool append_to_output)
struct esh_command *cmd = malloc(sizeof *cmd);
cmd->iored_input = iored_input;
cmd->iored_output = iored_output;
cmd->argv = argv;
cmd->append_to_output = append_to_output;
return cmd;
/* Create a new pipeline containing only one command */
struct esh_pipeline *
esh_pipeline_create(struct esh_command *cmd)
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = malloc(sizeof *pipe);
pipe->bg_job = false;
cmd->pipeline = pipe;
list_push_back(&pipe->commands, &cmd->elem);
return pipe;
/* Complete a pipe's setup by copying I/O redirection information */
esh_pipeline_finish(struct esh_pipeline *pipe)
if (list_size(&pipe->commands) == 0)
struct esh_command *first;
first = list_entry(list_front(&pipe->commands), struct esh_command, elem);
pipe->iored_input = first->iored_input;
struct esh_command *last;
last = list_entry(list_back(&pipe->commands), struct esh_command, elem);
pipe->iored_output = last->iored_output;
pipe->append_to_output = last->append_to_output;
/* Create an empty command line */
struct esh_command_line *
struct esh_command_line *cmdline = malloc(sizeof *cmdline);
return cmdline;
/* Create a command line with a single pipeline */
struct esh_command_line *
esh_command_line_create(struct esh_pipeline *pipe)
struct esh_command_line *cmdline = esh_command_line_create_empty();
list_push_back(&cmdline->pipes, &pipe->elem);
return cmdline;
/* Print esh_command structure to stdout */
esh_command_print(struct esh_command *cmd)
char **p = cmd->argv;
printf(" Command:");
while (*p)
printf(" %s", *p++);
if (cmd->iored_output)
printf(" stdout %ss to %s\n",
cmd->append_to_output ? "append" : "write",
if (cmd->iored_input)
printf(" stdin reads from %s\n", cmd->iored_input);
/* Print esh_pipeline structure to stdout */
esh_pipeline_print(struct esh_pipeline *pipe)
int i = 1;
struct list_elem * e = list_begin (&pipe->commands);
printf(" Pipeline\n");
for (; e != list_end (&pipe->commands); e = list_next (e)) {
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(e, struct esh_command, elem);
printf(" %d. ", i++);
if (pipe->bg_job)
printf(" - is a background job\n");
/* Print esh_command_line structure to stdout */
esh_command_line_print(struct esh_command_line *cmdline)
struct list_elem * e = list_begin (&cmdline->pipes);
printf("Command line\n");
for (; e != list_end (&cmdline->pipes); e = list_next (e)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(e, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
printf(" ------------- \n");
/* Deallocation functions. */
esh_command_line_free(struct esh_command_line *cmdline)
struct list_elem * e = list_begin (&cmdline->pipes);
for (; e != list_end (&cmdline->pipes); ) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(e, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
e = list_remove(e);
esh_pipeline_free(struct esh_pipeline *pipe)
struct list_elem * e = list_begin (&pipe->commands);
for (; e != list_end (&pipe->commands); ) {
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(e, struct esh_command, elem);
e = list_remove(e);
esh_command_free(struct esh_command * cmd)
char ** p = cmd->argv;
while (*p) {
if (cmd->iored_input)
if (cmd->iored_output)
#define PSH_MODULE_NAME "esh_module"
/* Load a plugin referred to by modname */
static struct esh_plugin *
load_plugin(char *modname)
printf("Loading %s ...", modname);
void *handle = dlopen(modname, RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s: %s\n", modname, dlerror());
return NULL;
struct esh_plugin * p = dlsym(handle, PSH_MODULE_NAME);
if (p == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s does not define %s\n", modname, PSH_MODULE_NAME);
return NULL;
return p;
static bool sort_by_rank (const struct list_elem *a,
const struct list_elem *b,
void *aux __attribute__((unused)))
struct esh_plugin * pa = list_entry(a, struct esh_plugin, elem);
struct esh_plugin * pb = list_entry(b, struct esh_plugin, elem);
return pa->rank < pb->rank;
/* Load plugins from directory dirname */
esh_plugin_load_from_directory(char *dirname)
DIR * dir = opendir(dirname);
if (dir == NULL) {
struct dirent * dentry;
while ((dentry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
if (!strstr(dentry->d_name, ".so"))
char modname[PATH_MAX + 1];
snprintf(modname, sizeof modname, "%s/%s", dirname, dentry->d_name);
struct esh_plugin * plugin = load_plugin(modname);
if (plugin)
list_push_back(&esh_plugin_list, &plugin->elem);
/* Initialize loaded plugins */
esh_plugin_initialize(struct esh_shell *shell)
/* Sort plugins and call init() method. */
list_sort(&esh_plugin_list, sort_by_rank, NULL);
struct list_elem * e = list_begin(&esh_plugin_list);
for (; e != list_end(&esh_plugin_list); e = list_next(e)) {
struct esh_plugin *plugin = list_entry(e, struct esh_plugin, elem);
if (plugin->init)
/* TBD: implement unloading. */
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh.c
0,0 → 1,507
* esh - the 'pluggable' shell.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "esh.h"
#include "esh-sys-utils.h"
// Function declarations
static void usage(char *progname);
static char * build_prompt_from_plugins(void);
static struct list *get_job_list(void);
static struct esh_pipeline *job_from_jid(int jid);
static struct esh_pipeline *job_from_pgrp(pid_t pgrp);
static struct esh_command *cmd_from_pid(pid_t pid);
static void print_jobs(void);
static void purge_jobs(void);
static void wait_for_job(struct esh_pipeline *pipeline,bool exists_in_job_list);
static void send_signal_to_job(int jid, int sig);
static void bring_to_foreground(int jid);
static void give_terminal_to(pid_t pgrp, struct termios *pg_tty_state);
static void sigchld_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *_ctxt);
static int job_next_id = 1;
static struct termios *sys_tty;
static pid_t shell_pgrp;
// List of all jobs running in the current shell
static struct esh_command_line *job_list;
/* The shell object plugins use.
* Some methods are set to defaults. */
struct esh_shell shell = {
.get_jobs = get_job_list,
.get_job_from_jid = job_from_jid,
.get_job_from_pgrp = job_from_pgrp,
.get_cmd_from_pid = cmd_from_pid,
.build_prompt = build_prompt_from_plugins,
.readline = readline, /* GNU readline(3) */
.parse_command_line = esh_parse_command_line /* Default parser */
int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
int opt;
int i = 0;
// Create an empty list of pipelines (jobs)
job_list = esh_command_line_create_empty();
// Obtain an empty (sane) terminal
sys_tty = esh_sys_tty_init();
// Store the process group of the shell
shell_pgrp = getpgrp();
/* Process command-line arguments. See getopt(3) */
while ((opt = getopt(ac, av, "hp:")) > 0) {
switch (opt) {
case 'h':
case 'p':
/* Read/eval loop. */
for (;;) {
// Ensure that the shell has access to input/output before prompting
give_terminal_to(shell_pgrp, sys_tty);
/* Do not output a prompt unless shell's stdin is a terminal */
char * prompt = isatty(0) ? shell.build_prompt() : NULL;
char * cmdline = shell.readline(prompt);
free (prompt);
if (cmdline == NULL) /* User typed EOF */
struct esh_command_line * cline = shell.parse_command_line(cmdline);
free (cmdline);
if (cline == NULL) /* Error in command line */
if (list_empty(&cline->pipes)) { /* User hit enter */
esh_signal_sethandler(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
// Pop each pipeline, parse it, then execute the commands
while (!list_empty(&cline->pipes)) {
struct list_elem *l = list_pop_front(&cline->pipes);
struct esh_pipeline *pipeline = list_entry(l, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
// Initialize some variables in the pipeline
pipeline->jid = 0;
pipeline->pgrp = 0;
memset(pipeline->cmd_string, 0, 256);
// Initialize array of pipes
int p_pipe_ind = 0;
int p_pipe_max = list_size(&pipeline->commands) - 1;
int **pipes = (int**) malloc(p_pipe_max*sizeof(int*));
if (pipes == NULL) esh_sys_fatal_error("malloc: ");
for (i = 0; i < p_pipe_max; i++) {
pipes[i] = (int *) malloc(2);
if (pipes[i] == NULL) esh_sys_fatal_error("malloc: ");
if (pipe(pipes[i]) == -1) esh_sys_fatal_error("pipe: ");
// Concat the command string containing the parsed commands
struct list_elem *c = list_begin(&pipeline->commands);
for (; c != list_end(&pipeline->commands); c = list_next(c)) {
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(c, struct esh_command, elem);
char **p = cmd->argv;
while (*p) {
strcat(pipeline->cmd_string, *p++);
if (*p)
strcat(pipeline->cmd_string, " ");
if (list_next(c) != list_tail(&pipeline->commands))
strcat(pipeline->cmd_string, " | ");
// printf("Command string: %s\n", pipeline->cmd_string);
// Get the first command
c = list_begin(&pipeline->commands);
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(c, struct esh_command, elem);
char **p = cmd->argv;
// Check if the first command is a built in command
if (strcmp(*p, "jobs") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(*p, "fg") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(*p, "bg") == 0) {
send_signal_to_job(atoi(cmd->argv[1]), SIGCONT);
} else if (strcmp(*p, "kill") == 0) {
send_signal_to_job(atoi(cmd->argv[1]), SIGKILL);
} else if (strcmp(*p, "stop") == 0) {
send_signal_to_job(atoi(cmd->argv[1]), SIGSTOP);
} else if (strcmp(*p, "exit") == 0) {
// Otherwise parse and execute each command
for (; c != list_end(&pipeline->commands); c = list_next(c)) {
cmd = list_entry(c, struct esh_command, elem);
p = cmd->argv;
// If it is not a built in command, fork the process and let it run
if ((cmd->pid = fork()) == 0) {
// Set the group process ID to the same value for each pipeline
if (p_pipe_max) {
// Set up the pipelines if there are more than one command
if (p_pipe_ind == 0) {
// First command
if (dup2(pipes[p_pipe_ind][1], 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
// Set stdin of the first process to the input file if it is specified
if (pipeline->iored_input) {
if (dup2(open(pipeline->iored_input, O_RDONLY), 0) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
} else if (p_pipe_ind == p_pipe_max) {
// Last command
if (dup2(pipes[p_pipe_ind-1][0], 0) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
// Set stdout of the final process to the output file if it is specified
if (pipeline->iored_output) {
// Check if we are creating a new file or appending to an existing file
if (pipeline->append_to_output) {
if (dup2(open(pipeline->iored_output, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND), 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
} else {
if (dup2(creat(pipeline->iored_output, 0600), 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
} else {
// All other commands in between
if (dup2(pipes[p_pipe_ind-1][0], 0) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
if (dup2(pipes[p_pipe_ind][1], 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
// Close all pipes
for (i = 0; i < p_pipe_max; i++) {
if (close(pipes[i][0]) == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("close: ");
if (close(pipes[i][1]) == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("close: ");
} else {
// If there is only one command, set stdin to input file if it is specified
if (pipeline->iored_input) {
if (dup2(open(pipeline->iored_input, O_RDONLY), 0) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
// Set stdout of the process to the output file if it is specified
if (pipeline->iored_output) {
// Check if we are creating a new file or appending to an existing file
if (pipeline->append_to_output) {
if (dup2(open(pipeline->iored_output, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND), 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
} else {
if (dup2(creat(pipeline->iored_output, 0600), 1) < 0)
esh_sys_fatal_error("dup2: ");
if (execvp(cmd->argv[0],&(cmd->argv[0])) < 0)
printf("%s: Command not found.\n",cmd->argv[0]);
return 1;
if (cmd->pid == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("fork: ");
// Make sure the terminal is in its own process group
if (setpgid(0,0) == -1)
esh_sys_error("setpgid: ");
// Store the process group ID
if (pipeline->pgrp == 0)
pipeline->pgrp = cmd->pid;
// Increment the pipe counter
if (p_pipe_max) {
// Close all pipes
for (i = 0; i < p_pipe_max; i++) {
if (close(pipes[i][0]) == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("close: ");
if (close(pipes[i][1]) == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("close: ");
if (!pipeline->bg_job) {
// If the process is going to be executed in the background, give it the terminal
pipeline->status = FOREGROUND;
give_terminal_to(pipeline->pgrp, NULL);
wait_for_job(pipeline, false);
} else {
// Otherwise save the job in the job list and move on
pipeline->status = BACKGROUND;
// Assign the pipeline a job ID
pipeline->jid = job_next_id;
printf("[%d] %d\n", pipeline->jid, pipeline->pgrp);
return 0;
static void usage(char *progname) {
printf("Usage: %s -h\n"
" -h print this help\n"
" -p plugindir directory from which to load plug-ins\n",
/* Build a prompt by assembling fragments from loaded plugins that
* implement 'make_prompt.'
* This function demonstrates how to iterate over all loaded plugins.
static char * build_prompt_from_plugins(void) {
char *prompt = NULL;
struct list_elem * e = list_begin(&esh_plugin_list);
for (; e != list_end(&esh_plugin_list); e = list_next(e)) {
struct esh_plugin *plugin = list_entry(e, struct esh_plugin, elem);
if (plugin->make_prompt == NULL)
/* append prompt fragment created by plug-in */
char * p = plugin->make_prompt();
if (prompt == NULL) {
prompt = p;
} else {
prompt = realloc(prompt, strlen(prompt) + strlen(p) + 1);
strcat(prompt, p);
/* default prompt */
if (prompt == NULL)
prompt = strdup("esh> ");
return prompt;
/* Shell function to return the list of jobs running in the shell */
static struct list *get_job_list(void) {
return &job_list->pipes;
/* Shell function to return a job given a job ID */
static struct esh_pipeline *job_from_jid(int jid) {
struct list_elem * p = list_begin (get_job_list());
for (; p != list_end (get_job_list()); p = list_next (p)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(p, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
if (pipe->jid == jid)
return pipe;
return NULL;
/* Shell function to return a job given a process group */
static struct esh_pipeline *job_from_pgrp(pid_t pgrp) {
struct list_elem * p = list_begin (get_job_list());
for (; p != list_end (get_job_list()); p = list_next (p)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(p, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
if (pipe->pgrp == pgrp)
return pipe;
return NULL;
/* Shell function to return a command given a PID */
static struct esh_command *cmd_from_pid(pid_t pid) {
struct list_elem * p = list_begin (get_job_list());
for (; p != list_end (get_job_list()); p = list_next (p)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(p, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
struct list_elem *c = list_begin(&pipe->commands);
for (; c != list_end(&pipe->commands); c = list_next(c)) {
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(c, struct esh_command, elem);
if (cmd->pid == pid)
return cmd;
return NULL;
/* Prints out the current list of jobs in the shell and their statuses */
static void print_jobs(void) {
struct list_elem * p = list_begin (shell.get_jobs());
for (; p != list_end (shell.get_jobs()); p = list_next (p)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(p, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
// For each job, print out [JobID] Status (Command String)
printf("[%d] ", pipe->jid);
if (pipe->status == FOREGROUND || pipe->status == BACKGROUND)
printf("Running ");
else if (pipe->status == COMPLETED)
printf("Done ");
else if (pipe->status == TERMINATED)
printf("Terminated ");
else if (pipe->status == STOPPED)
printf("Stopped ");
printf("Unknown State ");
printf("(%s)\n", pipe->cmd_string);
/* Removes completed or terminated jobs from the job list */
static void purge_jobs(void) {
struct list_elem * p = list_begin (shell.get_jobs());
for (; p != list_end (shell.get_jobs()); p = list_next (p)) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = list_entry(p, struct esh_pipeline, elem);
if (pipe->status == COMPLETED || pipe->status == TERMINATED) {
// Also reset the job ID if the job list is empty
if (list_empty(shell.get_jobs())) {
job_next_id = 1;
/* Waits for the specified job to finish */
static void wait_for_job(struct esh_pipeline *pipeline, bool exists_in_job_list) {
// Loop till all commands in the pipeline is done executing
while (pipeline->status == FOREGROUND && !list_empty(&pipeline->commands)) {
int status;
// Wait till a child process exits
pid_t child = waitpid(-1, &status, WUNTRACED);
if (child != -1) {
// If child has exited or terminated, remove the child from the pipeline
if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
struct list_elem * e = list_begin (&pipeline->commands);
for (; e != list_end (&pipeline->commands); e = list_next (e)) {
struct esh_command *cmd = list_entry(e, struct esh_command, elem);
if (child == cmd->pid)
// If child was stopped (INTPSTP), put it in the job list and print out status
if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
pipeline->status = STOPPED;
if (pipeline->jid == 0) {
pipeline->jid = job_next_id;
if (!exists_in_job_list)
list_push_back(shell.get_jobs(), &pipeline->elem);
printf("\n[%d] Stopped (%s)\n", pipeline->jid, pipeline->cmd_string);
pipeline->status = COMPLETED;
/* Sends the specified signal to the specified job ID */
static void send_signal_to_job(int jid, int sig) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = job_from_jid(jid);
if (killpg(pipe->pgrp, sig) == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("killpg: ");
/* Brings a job to the foreground */
static void bring_to_foreground(int jid) {
struct esh_pipeline *pipe = job_from_jid(jid);
printf("%s\r\n", pipe->cmd_string);
pipe->status = FOREGROUND;
// Give the foreground process the terminal
give_terminal_to(pipe->pgrp, NULL);
// Resume the process
send_signal_to_job(jid, SIGCONT);
// Wait for process to finish
wait_for_job(pipe, true);
/* Gives the terminal to the specified process group */
static void give_terminal_to(pid_t pgrp, struct termios *pg_tty_state) {
// printf("Terminal to process group %d\n", pgrp);
int rc = tcsetpgrp(esh_sys_tty_getfd(), pgrp);
if (rc == -1)
esh_sys_fatal_error("tcsetpgrp: ");
if (pg_tty_state)
/* Handler for SIGCHLD */
static void sigchld_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *_ctxt) {
pid_t child;
int status;
assert(sig == SIGCHLD);
while ((child = waitpid(-1, &status, WUNTRACED|WNOHANG|WCONTINUED)) > 0) {
// printf("Received signal %d from process %d\n",sig, child);
struct esh_command *cmd = shell.get_cmd_from_pid(child);
// Check the status of the child and update status accordingly
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
cmd->pipeline->status = COMPLETED;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
cmd->pipeline->status = TERMINATED;
} else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) {
cmd->pipeline->status = BACKGROUND;
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
cmd->pipeline->status = STOPPED;
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/esh.h
0,0 → 1,207
* esh - the 'extensible' shell.
* Developed by Godmar Back for CS 3214 Fall 2009
* Virginia Tech.
* $Id: esh.h,v 1.4 2011/03/29 15:46:28 cs3214 Exp $
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <obstack.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "list.h"
/* Forward declarations. */
struct esh_command;
struct esh_pipeline;
struct esh_command_line;
* A esh_shell object allows plugins to access services and information.
* The shell object should support the following operations.
struct esh_shell {
/* Return the list of current jobs */
struct list/* <esh_pipeline> */ * (* get_jobs) (void);
/* Return job corresponding to jid */
struct esh_pipeline * (* get_job_from_jid)(int jid);
/* Return job corresponding to pgrp */
struct esh_pipeline * (* get_job_from_pgrp)(pid_t pgrp);
/* Return process corresponding to pid */
struct esh_command * (* get_cmd_from_pid)(pid_t pid);
/* Build a prompt. Memory must be malloc'd */
char * (* build_prompt) (void);
/* Read an input line */
char * (* readline) (const char *prompt);
/* Parse command line */
struct esh_command_line * (* parse_command_line) (char *);
* Modules must define a esh_plugin instance named 'esh_module.'
* Each of the following members is optional.
* esh will call its 'init' functions upon successful load.
* For binary compatibility, do not change the order of these fields.
struct esh_plugin {
struct list_elem elem; /* Link element */
/* an integer number denoting the relative rank of the plugin
* Plugins are notified of events in increasing rank. */
int rank;
/* Initialize plugin and pass shell object */
bool (* init)(struct esh_shell *);
/* The return value of the following three functions indicates
* whether the plugin wants processing to stop.
* true - indicates processing should stop.
* false - indicates processing should continue.
/* The command line the user entered.
* A plugin may change it. */
bool (* process_raw_cmdline)(char **);
/* A given pipeline of commands
* A plugin may change it. */
bool (* process_pipeline)(struct esh_pipeline *);
/* If the command is a built-in provided by a plugin, execute the
* command and return true. */
bool (* process_builtin)(struct esh_command *);
/* Manufacture part of a prompt. Memory must be allocated via malloc().
* If no plugin implements this, the shell will provide a default prompt. */
char * (* make_prompt)(void);
/* The process or processes that are part of a new pipeline
* have been forked.
* The jid and pgid fields of the pipeline and the pid fields
* of all commands in the pipeline are set.
* SIGCHLD is blocked.
void (* pipeline_forked)(struct esh_pipeline *);
/* Notify the plugin about a child's status change.
* 'waitstatus' is the value returned by waitpid(2)
* May be called from SIGCHLD handler.
* The status of the associated pipeline has not yet been
* updated.
* */
bool (* command_status_change)(struct esh_command *, int waitstatus);
/* Add additional fields here if needed. */
/* A command line may contain multiple pipelines. */
struct esh_command_line {
struct list/* <esh_pipeline> */ pipes; /* List of pipelines */
/* Add additional fields here if needed. */
enum job_status {
FOREGROUND, /* job is running in foreground. Only one job can be
in the foreground state. */
BACKGROUND, /* job is running in background */
STOPPED, /* job is stopped via SIGSTOP */
NEEDSTERMINAL, /* job is stopped because it was a background job
and requires exclusive terminal access */
/* A pipeline is a list of one or more commands.
* For the purposes of job control, a pipeline forms one job.
struct esh_pipeline {
struct list/* <esh_command> */ commands; /* List of commands */
char *iored_input; /* If non-NULL, first command should read from
file 'iored_input' */
char *iored_output; /* If non-NULL, last command should write to
file 'iored_output' */
bool append_to_output; /* True if user typed >> to append */
bool bg_job; /* True if user entered & */
struct list_elem elem; /* Link element. */
int jid; /* Job id. */
pid_t pgrp; /* Process group. */
enum job_status status; /* Job status. */
struct termios saved_tty_state; /* The state of the terminal when this job was
stopped after having been in foreground */
/* Add additional fields here if needed. */
char cmd_string[256]; /* Command string */
/* A command is part of a pipeline. */
struct esh_command {
char **argv; /* NULL terminated array of pointers to words
making up this command. */
char *iored_input; /* If non-NULL, command should read from
file 'iored_input' */
char *iored_output; /* If non-NULL, command should write to
file 'iored_output' */
bool append_to_output; /* True if user typed >> to append */
struct list_elem elem; /* Link element to link commands in pipeline. */
pid_t pid; /* Process id. */
struct esh_pipeline * pipeline;
/* The pipeline of which this job is a part. */
/* Add additional fields here if needed. */
/** ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Create new command structure and initialize it */
struct esh_command * esh_command_create(char ** argv,
char *iored_input,
char *iored_output,
bool append_to_output);
/* Create a new pipeline containing only one command */
struct esh_pipeline * esh_pipeline_create(struct esh_command *cmd);
/* Complete a pipe's setup by copying I/O redirection information
* from first and last command */
void esh_pipeline_finish(struct esh_pipeline *pipe);
/* Create an empty command line */
struct esh_command_line * esh_command_line_create_empty(void);
/* Create a command line with a single pipeline */
struct esh_command_line * esh_command_line_create(struct esh_pipeline *pipe);
/* Deallocation functions */
void esh_command_line_free(struct esh_command_line *);
void esh_pipeline_free(struct esh_pipeline *);
void esh_command_free(struct esh_command *);
/* Print functions */
void esh_command_print(struct esh_command *cmd);
void esh_pipeline_print(struct esh_pipeline *pipe);
void esh_command_line_print(struct esh_command_line *line);
/* Parse a command line. Implemented in esh-grammar.y */
struct esh_command_line * esh_parse_command_line(char * line);
/* Load plugins from directory dir */
void esh_plugin_load_from_directory(char *dirname);
/* Initialize loaded plugins */
void esh_plugin_initialize(struct esh_shell *shell);
/* List of loaded plugins */
extern struct list esh_plugin_list;
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/
0,0 → 1,48
# This file contains definitions that describe the output of your esh.
# You may adapt all settings in this file to match the output of your
# shell. (Alternatively, you may write your shell to match these templates.)
# the shell executable.
shell = "./esh"
# the prompt printed by your shell
prompt = "esh>"
# a regexp matching the message printed when a job is sent into the background
# must capture (jobid, processid)
bgjob_regex = "\[(\d+)\] (\d+)"
# a regexp matching a job status when printed using the 'jobs' command
# must capture (jobid, jobstatus, commandline)
job_status_regex = "\[(\d+)\].?\s+(\S+)\s+\((.+?)\)\r\n"
# job status messages
jobs_status_msg = {
'stopped' : "Stopped",
'running' : "Running"
# builtin commands
# Use printf-style formats. stop, kill, fg, and bg expect job ids.
# If your shell requires a % before the jobid, use %%%s.
builtin_commands = {
'jobs' : 'jobs',
'stop' : 'stop %s',
'kill' : 'kill %s',
'fg' : 'fg %s',
'bg' : 'bg %s'
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,58
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGTSTP
# we are sending below via 'sendcontrol' reaches the 'sleep' child.
# send SIGTSTP to 'sleep'
# shell should pick up that 'sleep' was stopped and respond with job status
# it should output a line such [6]+ Stopped sleep 60
(jobid, statusmsg, cmdline) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert statusmsg == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'], "Shell did not report stopped job"
# move job into foreground
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
# when moving a job in the foreground, bash outputs its command line
assert c.expect_exact(cmdline) == 0, "Shell did not report the job moved into the foreground"
# end the program
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,58
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# save a string to a file
c.sendline("echo This is a test message > testfile")
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# append a string to the file
c.sendline("echo This is another message >> testfile")
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# print out contents of said file
c.sendline("cat testfile")
# check if correct string was written
assert c.expect("This is a test message\r\nThis is another message") == 0, \
"Shell did not print expected output"
# remove tmp file
c.sendline("rm testfile")
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,51
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# save a string to a file
c.sendline("echo This is a test message > testfile")
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# print out contents of said file
c.sendline("wc < testfile")
# check if correct string was written
assert c.expect(" 1 5 23") == 0, "Shell did not print expected output"
# remove tmp file
c.sendline("rm testfile")
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,51
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# save a string to a file
c.sendline("echo This is a test message > testfile")
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# print out contents of said file
c.sendline("cat testfile")
# check if correct string was written
assert c.expect("This is a test message") == 0, "Shell did not print expected output"
# remove tmp file
c.sendline("rm testfile")
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,42
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# send >1 pipe of commands
c.sendline("echo This is a test message | wc | wc")
# check the output
assert c.expect(" 1 3 24") == 0, "Shell did not print expected output"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced/
0,0 → 1,42
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# send a single pipe of commands
c.sendline("echo This is a test message | wc")
# check the output
assert c.expect(" 1 5 23") == 0, "Shell did not print expected output"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/advanced.tst
0,0 → 1,7
= Advanced Tests
11 advanced/
7 advanced/
7 advanced/
7 advanced/
7 advanced/
11 advanced/
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,96
# bg_test: tests the bg command
# Test the stop command for stopping a process by its pid.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# bg, sleep, stop
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run program sleep
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
#Used to get the jobid and pid of the sleep process
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ /stat file.
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#resume the sleep program
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['bg'] % jobid)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to start before we read its
#/proc/ /stat file.
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
#Ensure that sleep is running now in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'S'), 'Error: process not running'
assert c.expect("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,63
# Ctrl-C Test: Start a shell, send SIGINT, run a program,
# send SIGINT, then exit
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# sleep, ctrl-c control
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, proc_check, shellio, signal, time, threading
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 60")
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGINT
# we are sending below reaches the 'sleep' child.
#checks that our process is running
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 1)
# send SIGINT
#prompt check
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#checks that the process was ended
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 0)
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,88
# Ctrl-Z Test: Start a shell, run a program,
# send SIGTSTP, wait for status msg, move in
# foreground, then send SIGINT, then exit
# Requires use of the following commands:
# ctrl-z control, fg, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, proc_check, shellio, signal, time, threading
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
# pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 60")
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGTSTP
# we are sending below via 'sendcontrol' reaches the 'sleep' child.
#checks the number of active child processes
#using a timeout based process count
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
#checks the number of active child processes
#at this moment in time
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 1)
# send SIGTSTP to 'sleep'
# shell should pick up that 'sleep' was stopped and respond with job status
# it should output a line such as [6]+ Stopped (sleep 60)
# (note that the provided regexp assumes the job name appears in parentheses,
# adjust your if needed)
(jobid, statusmsg, cmdline) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert statusmsg == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'], "Shell did not report stopped job"
# move job into foreground
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
# when moving a job in the foreground, bash outputs its command line
assert c.expect_exact(cmdline) == 0, "Shell did not report the job moved into the foreground"
# send SIGINT
#check that the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,152
# fg_test: tests the fg command
# Test the fg command for bringing a command back to the foreground.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# fg, sleep, ctrl-c control, ctrl-z control
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (1)"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 60")
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGTSTP
# we are sending below via 'sendcontrol' reaches the 'sleep' child.
# send SIGTSTP to 'sleep'
# shell should pick up that 'sleep' was stopped and respond with job status
# it should output a line such [6]+ Stopped sleep 60
(jobid, statusmsg, cmdline) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert statusmsg == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'], "Shell did not report stopped job"
# move job into foreground
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
# when moving a job in the foreground, bash outputs its command line
assert c.expect_exact(cmdline) == 0, "Shell did not report the job moved into the foreground"
# end the program
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
#snag the jobid and pid of the sleep command
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (2)"
#resume the sleep command
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
#send the command back to the background
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (3)"
#run a command to the background
c.sendline("sleep 300 &")
#snag the jobid and pid of the second sleep command
(jobid2, pid2) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (4)"
#resume the command by its jobid
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), "Error, the pid's process group is \
not the foreground process group"
#send the command back to the background
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (5)"
#resume the command by its jobid
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid2)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid2), "Error, the pid's process group is \
not the foreground process group"
#end the process
#check that the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (6)"
#resume the first sleep command
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until the process takes over the foreground process group
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), "Error, the pid's process group is \
not the foreground process group"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,164
# jobs_test: tests the jobs command
# Test the jobs command for status messages and proper output
# of the command and jobid. Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# jobs, ctrl-z control, ctrl-c control, sleep, fg, clear
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of bash. PS1 is the env variable from which bash
# draws its prompt
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check that the jobs list outputs nothing
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30")
#Wait until the sleep command takes over the foreground
#send the job to the background
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Request the jobs list
#Check the jobs list
(jobid, status_message, command_line) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line, "Job status not properly displayed"
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Add another job
c.sendline("sleep 300 &")
# pick up the background job output
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Both jobs need to be active and running before the jobs command is
#sent. if this isn't so, the test is failed.
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 2)
#Recheck the jobs list
#Check the jobs list
(jobid, status_message, command_line) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
(jobid2, status_message2, command_line2) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
# Check that the jobs list contains both jobs in some order
#check the first possible order of job statuses, and then
#the second possible order.
assert (status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line and \
status_message2 == def_module.jobs_status_msg['running'] and \
'sleep 300' in command_line2) \
or \
(status_message2 == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line2 and \
status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['running'] and \
'sleep 300' in command_line), "Job status not properly displayed"
# Check that there are no duplicate job id's.
assert jobid != jobid2, "Duplicate job id's."
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#bring the second sleep command back to foreground
#so that we can end it with ctrl-c
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid2)
#Wait until the sleep command takes over the foreground
#ctrl-c to close the process
#clear any printout of the old job that was just killed by ctrl-c
#check the prompt and move past this text
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check the prompt and move past this text
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check the jobs list
#check that the first job is still on the jobs list
assert (jobid, status_message, command_line) == \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex), \
"The original job was not displayed properly after ending a previous job."
# ensure the prompt is printed
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# exit
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,81
# kill_test: tests the kill command with the default
# semantics of:
# kill <jid>
# This test may require updating such that we test other signals
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# kill, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
# pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
# parse the jobid and pid output
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# The job needs to be running when we call kill
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
# Run the kill command and kill the sleep process in the background
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['kill'] % jobid)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# ensure there is enough time for the process to be killed
# check the proc file that the process has actually been stopped
# the proc file should not exist
assert not os.path.exists("/proc/" + pid + "/stat"), 'the process was not \
# end the shell program by sending it an end-of-file character
# ensure that no extra characters are output after exiting
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
# the test was successful
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic/
0,0 → 1,77
# stop_test: tests the stop command
# Test the stop command for stopping a process by its pid.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# stop, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
# pull the jobid and pid from the background process printout
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#The job needs to be running when we call stop
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ pid /stat file.
#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/basic.tst
0,0 → 1,8
= Basic Tests
6 basic/
6 basic/
8 basic/
8 basic/
7 basic/
8 basic/
7 basic/
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/milestone/
0,0 → 1,43
# Tests that esh can run commands in the foreground
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
# start shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=None)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 4 seconds
c.timeout = 4
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
assert c.expect("gcc: no input files") == 0, "Shell did not start gcc"
# make sure shell returns to prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# send EOF
# send SIGINT in case the EOF doesn't quit their shell
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/milestone.tst
0,0 → 1,3
= Milestone
30 milestone/
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/
0,0 → 1,30
# Block header comment
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
plugin_dir = sys.argv[2]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn( + plugin_dir, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
assert 1 == 0, "Unimplemented functionality"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,95
# bg_test: tests the bg command
# Test the stop command for stopping a process by its pid.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# bg, sleep, stop
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
#spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run program sleep
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
#Used to get the jobid and pid of the sleep process
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ /stat file.
#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#resume the sleep program
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['bg'] % jobid)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to start before we read its
#/proc/ /stat file.
#Ensure that sleep is running now in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'S'), 'Error: process not running'
assert c.expect("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,65
# Ctrl-C Test: Start a shell, send SIGINT, run a program,
# send SIGINT, then exit
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# sleep, ctrl-c control
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, proc_check, shellio, signal, time, threading
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 60")
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGINT
# we are sending below reaches the 'sleep' child.
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#checks that our process is running
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 1)
# send SIGINT
#prompt check
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#checks that the process was ended
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 0)
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,88
# Ctrl-Z Test: Start a shell, run a program,
# send SIGTSTP, wait for status msg, move in
# foreground, then send SIGINT, then exit
# Requires use of the following commands:
# ctrl-z control, fg, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, proc_check, shellio, signal, time, threading
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
# pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 60")
# The following call is necessary to ensure that the SIGTSTP
# we are sending below via 'sendcontrol' reaches the 'sleep' child.
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#checks the number of active child processes
#using a timeout based process count
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
#checks the number of active child processes
#at this moment in time
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 1)
# send SIGTSTP to 'sleep'
# shell should pick up that 'sleep' was stopped and respond with job status
# it should output a line such [6]+ Stopped sleep 60
(jobid, statusmsg, cmdline) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert statusmsg == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'], "Shell did not report stopped job"
# move job into foreground
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
# when moving a job in the foreground, bash outputs its command line
assert c.expect_exact(cmdline) == 0, "Shell did not move job in foreground"
# send SIGINT
#check that the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,131
# fg_test: tests the fg command
# Test the fg command for bringing a command back to the foreground.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# fg, sleep, ctrl-c control, ctrl-z control
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (1)"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
#snag the jobid and pid of the sleep command
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (2)"
#resume the sleep command
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#send the command back to the background
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (3)"
#run a command to the background
c.sendline("sleep 300 &")
#snag the jobid and pid of the second sleep command
(jobid2, pid2) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (4)"
#resume the command by its jobid
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
#assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), "Error, the pid's process group is \
# not the foreground process group"
#send the command back to the background
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (5)"
#resume the command by its jobid
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid2)
#wait until it takes over the foreground process group
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
#assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid2), "Error, the pid's process group is \
# not the foreground process group"
#end the process
#check that the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt (6)"
#resume the first sleep command
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid)
#wait until the process takes over the foreground process group
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#Ensure that the sleep is in the foreground process group via /proc/
#assert proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), "Error, the pid's process group is \
# not the foreground process group"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,167
# jobs_test: tests the jobs command
# Test the jobs command for status messages and proper output
# of the command and jobid. Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# jobs, ctrl-z control, ctrl-c control, sleep, fg, clear
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of bash. PS1 is the env variable from which bash
# draws its prompt
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check that the jobs list outputs nothing
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30")
#Wait until the sleep command takes over the foreground
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#send the job to the background
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Request the jobs list
#Check the jobs list
(jobid, status_message, command_line) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
assert status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line, "Job status not properly displayed"
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Add another job
c.sendline("sleep 300 &")
# pick up the background job output
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#Both jobs need to be active and running before the jobs command is
#sent. if this isn't so, the test is failed.
proc_check.count_active_children(c, 2)
#Recheck the jobs list
#Check the jobs list
(jobid, status_message, command_line) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
(jobid2, status_message2, command_line2) = \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex)
# Check that the jobs list contains both jobs in some order
#check the first possible order of job statuses, and then
#the second possible order.
assert (status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line and \
status_message2 == def_module.jobs_status_msg['running'] and \
'sleep 300' in command_line2) \
or \
(status_message2 == def_module.jobs_status_msg['stopped'] and \
'sleep 30' in command_line2 and \
status_message == def_module.jobs_status_msg['running'] and \
'sleep 300' in command_line), "Job status not properly displayed"
# Check that there are no duplicate job id's.
assert jobid != jobid2, "Duplicate job id's."
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#bring the second sleep command back to foreground
#so that we can end it with ctrl-c
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['fg'] % jobid2)
#Wait until the sleep command takes over the foreground
# This is NOT a bullet-proof fix, you may fail on occasion!
#ctrl-c to close the process
#clear any printout of the old job that was just killed by ctrl-c
#check the prompt and move past this text
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check the prompt and move past this text
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#check the jobs list
#check that the first job is still on the jobs list
assert (jobid, status_message, command_line) == \
shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.job_status_regex), \
"The original job was not displayed properly after ending a previous job."
# ensure the prompt is printed
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# exit
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,80
# kill_test: tests the kill command with the default
# semantics of:
# kill <pid>
# This test may require updating such that we test other signals
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# kill, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
# pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
# parse the jobid and pid output
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# The job needs to be running when we call kill
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
# Run the kill command and kill the sleep process in the background
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['kill'] % jobid)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# ensure there is enough time for the process to be killed
# check the proc file that the process has actually been stopped
# the proc file should not exist
assert not os.path.exists("/proc/" + pid + "/stat"), 'the process was not \
# end the shell program by sending it an end-of-file character
# ensure that no extra characters are output after exiting
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
# the test was successful
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced/
0,0 → 1,77
# stop_test: tests the stop command
# Test the stop command for stopping a process by its pid.
# Requires the following commands to be implemented
# or otherwise usable:
# stop, sleep
import sys, imp, atexit
import pexpect, shellio, signal, time, os, re, proc_check
#Ensure the shell process is terminated
def force_shell_termination(shell_process):
#pulling in the regular expression and other definitions
definitions_scriptname = sys.argv[1]
def_module = imp.load_source('', definitions_scriptname)
logfile = None
if hasattr(def_module, 'logfile'):
logfile = def_module.logfile
# spawn an instance of the shell
c = pexpect.spawn(, drainpty=True, logfile=logfile)
atexit.register(force_shell_termination, shell_process=c)
# set timeout for all following 'expect*' calls to 2 seconds
c.timeout = 2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
# run a command
c.sendline("sleep 30 &")
# pull the jobid and pid from the background process printout
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)
# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
#The job needs to be running when we call stop
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)
#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ pid /stat file.
#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'
#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"
assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/eshtests/reduced.tst
0,0 → 1,9
= Reduced Tests
6 reduced/
6 reduced/
6 reduced/
6 reduced/
6 reduced/
5 reduced/
5 reduced/
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/list.c
0,0 → 1,532
#include "list.h"
#include <assert.h>
/* Our doubly linked lists have two header elements: the "head"
just before the first element and the "tail" just after the
last element. The `prev' link of the front header is null, as
is the `next' link of the back header. Their other two links
point toward each other via the interior elements of the list.
An empty list looks like this:
+------+ +------+
<---| head |<--->| tail |--->
+------+ +------+
A list with two elements in it looks like this:
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
<---| head |<--->| 1 |<--->| 2 |<--->| tail |<--->
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
The symmetry of this arrangement eliminates lots of special
cases in list processing. For example, take a look at
list_remove(): it takes only two pointer assignments and no
conditionals. That's a lot simpler than the code would be
without header elements.
(Because only one of the pointers in each header element is used,
we could in fact combine them into a single header element
without sacrificing this simplicity. But using two separate
elements allows us to do a little bit of checking on some
operations, which can be valuable.) */
static bool is_sorted (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux);
/* Returns true if ELEM is a head, false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_head (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev == NULL && elem->next != NULL;
/* Returns true if ELEM is an interior element,
false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_interior (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev != NULL && elem->next != NULL;
/* Returns true if ELEM is a tail, false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_tail (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev != NULL && elem->next == NULL;
/* Initializes LIST as an empty list. */
list_init (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
list->head.prev = NULL;
list-> = &list->tail;
list->tail.prev = &list->head;
list-> = NULL;
/* Returns the beginning of LIST. */
struct list_elem *
list_begin (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return list->;
/* Returns the element after ELEM in its list. If ELEM is the
last element in its list, returns the list tail. Results are
undefined if ELEM is itself a list tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_next (struct list_elem *elem)
assert (is_head (elem) || is_interior (elem));
return elem->next;
/* Returns LIST's tail.
list_end() is often used in iterating through a list from
front to back. See the big comment at the top of list.h for
an example. */
struct list_elem *
list_end (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return &list->tail;
/* Returns the LIST's reverse beginning, for iterating through
LIST in reverse order, from back to front. */
struct list_elem *
list_rbegin (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return list->tail.prev;
/* Returns the element before ELEM in its list. If ELEM is the
first element in its list, returns the list head. Results are
undefined if ELEM is itself a list head. */
struct list_elem *
list_prev (struct list_elem *elem)
assert (is_interior (elem) || is_tail (elem));
return elem->prev;
/* Returns LIST's head.
list_rend() is often used in iterating through a list in
reverse order, from back to front. Here's typical usage,
following the example from the top of list.h:
for (e = list_rbegin (&foo_list); e != list_rend (&foo_list);
e = list_prev (e))
struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem); something with f...
struct list_elem *
list_rend (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return &list->head;
/* Return's LIST's head.
list_head() can be used for an alternate style of iterating
through a list, e.g.:
e = list_head (&list);
while ((e = list_next (e)) != list_end (&list))
struct list_elem *
list_head (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return &list->head;
/* Return's LIST's tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_tail (struct list *list)
assert (list != NULL);
return &list->tail;
/* Inserts ELEM just before BEFORE, which may be either an
interior element or a tail. The latter case is equivalent to
list_push_back(). */
list_insert (struct list_elem *before, struct list_elem *elem)
assert (is_interior (before) || is_tail (before));
assert (elem != NULL);
elem->prev = before->prev;
elem->next = before;
before->prev->next = elem;
before->prev = elem;
/* Removes elements FIRST though LAST (exclusive) from their
current list, then inserts them just before BEFORE, which may
be either an interior element or a tail. */
list_splice (struct list_elem *before,
struct list_elem *first, struct list_elem *last)
assert (is_interior (before) || is_tail (before));
if (first == last)
last = list_prev (last);
assert (is_interior (first));
assert (is_interior (last));
/* Cleanly remove FIRST...LAST from its current list. */
first->prev->next = last->next;
last->next->prev = first->prev;
/* Splice FIRST...LAST into new list. */
first->prev = before->prev;
last->next = before;
before->prev->next = first;
before->prev = last;
/* Inserts ELEM at the beginning of LIST, so that it becomes the
front in LIST. */
list_push_front (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem)
list_insert (list_begin (list), elem);
/* Inserts ELEM at the end of LIST, so that it becomes the
back in LIST. */
list_push_back (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem)
list_insert (list_end (list), elem);
/* Removes ELEM from its list and returns the element that
followed it. Undefined behavior if ELEM is not in a list.
It's not safe to treat ELEM as an element in a list after
removing it. In particular, using list_next() or list_prev()
on ELEM after removal yields undefined behavior. This means
that a naive loop to remove the elements in a list will fail:
for (e = list_begin (&list); e != list_end (&list); e = list_next (e))
{ something with e...
list_remove (e);
Here is one correct way to iterate and remove elements from a
for (e = list_begin (&list); e != list_end (&list); e = list_remove (e))
{ something with e...
If you need to free() elements of the list then you need to be
more conservative. Here's an alternate strategy that works
even in that case:
while (!list_empty (&list))
struct list_elem *e = list_pop_front (&list); something with e...
struct list_elem *
list_remove (struct list_elem *elem)
assert (is_interior (elem));
elem->prev->next = elem->next;
elem->next->prev = elem->prev;
return elem->next;
/* Removes the front element from LIST and returns it.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty before removal. */
struct list_elem *
list_pop_front (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *front = list_front (list);
list_remove (front);
return front;
/* Removes the back element from LIST and returns it.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty before removal. */
struct list_elem *
list_pop_back (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *back = list_back (list);
list_remove (back);
return back;
/* Returns the front element in LIST.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty. */
struct list_elem *
list_front (struct list *list)
assert (!list_empty (list));
return list->;
/* Returns the back element in LIST.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty. */
struct list_elem *
list_back (struct list *list)
assert (!list_empty (list));
return list->tail.prev;
/* Returns the number of elements in LIST.
Runs in O(n) in the number of elements. */
list_size (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *e;
size_t cnt = 0;
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
return cnt;
/* Returns true if LIST is empty, false otherwise. */
list_empty (struct list *list)
return list_begin (list) == list_end (list);
/* Swaps the `struct list_elem *'s that A and B point to. */
static void
swap (struct list_elem **a, struct list_elem **b)
struct list_elem *t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
/* Reverses the order of LIST. */
list_reverse (struct list *list)
if (!list_empty (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = e->prev)
swap (&e->prev, &e->next);
swap (&list->, &list->tail.prev);
swap (&list->>prev, &list->tail.prev->next);
/* Returns true only if the list elements A through B (exclusive)
are in order according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. */
static bool
is_sorted (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
if (a != b)
while ((a = list_next (a)) != b)
if (less (a, list_prev (a), aux))
return false;
return true;
/* Finds a run, starting at A and ending not after B, of list
elements that are in nondecreasing order according to LESS
given auxiliary data AUX. Returns the (exclusive) end of the
A through B (exclusive) must form a non-empty range. */
static struct list_elem *
find_end_of_run (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
assert (a != NULL);
assert (b != NULL);
assert (less != NULL);
assert (a != b);
a = list_next (a);
while (a != b && !less (a, list_prev (a), aux));
return a;
/* Merges A0 through A1B0 (exclusive) with A1B0 through B1
(exclusive) to form a combined range also ending at B1
(exclusive). Both input ranges must be nonempty and sorted in
nondecreasing order according to LESS given auxiliary data
AUX. The output range will be sorted the same way. */
static void
inplace_merge (struct list_elem *a0, struct list_elem *a1b0,
struct list_elem *b1,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
assert (a0 != NULL);
assert (a1b0 != NULL);
assert (b1 != NULL);
assert (less != NULL);
assert (is_sorted (a0, a1b0, less, aux));
assert (is_sorted (a1b0, b1, less, aux));
while (a0 != a1b0 && a1b0 != b1)
if (!less (a1b0, a0, aux))
a0 = list_next (a0);
a1b0 = list_next (a1b0);
list_splice (a0, list_prev (a1b0), a1b0);
/* Sorts LIST according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX, using a
natural iterative merge sort that runs in O(n lg n) time and
O(1) space in the number of elements in LIST. */
list_sort (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
size_t output_run_cnt; /* Number of runs output in current pass. */
assert (list != NULL);
assert (less != NULL);
/* Pass over the list repeatedly, merging adjacent runs of
nondecreasing elements, until only one run is left. */
struct list_elem *a0; /* Start of first run. */
struct list_elem *a1b0; /* End of first run, start of second. */
struct list_elem *b1; /* End of second run. */
output_run_cnt = 0;
for (a0 = list_begin (list); a0 != list_end (list); a0 = b1)
/* Each iteration produces one output run. */
/* Locate two adjacent runs of nondecreasing elements
A0...A1B0 and A1B0...B1. */
a1b0 = find_end_of_run (a0, list_end (list), less, aux);
if (a1b0 == list_end (list))
b1 = find_end_of_run (a1b0, list_end (list), less, aux);
/* Merge the runs. */
inplace_merge (a0, a1b0, b1, less, aux);
while (output_run_cnt > 1);
assert (is_sorted (list_begin (list), list_end (list), less, aux));
/* Inserts ELEM in the proper position in LIST, which must be
sorted according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX.
Runs in O(n) average case in the number of elements in LIST. */
list_insert_ordered (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *e;
assert (list != NULL);
assert (elem != NULL);
assert (less != NULL);
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (elem, e, aux))
return list_insert (e, elem);
/* Iterates through LIST and removes all but the first in each
set of adjacent elements that are equal according to LESS
given auxiliary data AUX. If DUPLICATES is non-null, then the
elements from LIST are appended to DUPLICATES. */
list_unique (struct list *list, struct list *duplicates,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *elem, *next;
assert (list != NULL);
assert (less != NULL);
if (list_empty (list))
elem = list_begin (list);
while ((next = list_next (elem)) != list_end (list))
if (!less (elem, next, aux) && !less (next, elem, aux))
list_remove (next);
if (duplicates != NULL)
list_push_back (duplicates, next);
elem = next;
/* Returns the element in LIST with the largest value according
to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. If there is more than one
maximum, returns the one that appears earlier in the list. If
the list is empty, returns its tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_max (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *max = list_begin (list);
if (max != list_end (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_next (max); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (max, e, aux))
max = e;
return max;
/* Returns the element in LIST with the smallest value according
to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. If there is more than one
minimum, returns the one that appears earlier in the list. If
the list is empty, returns its tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_min (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *min = list_begin (list);
if (min != list_end (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_next (min); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (e, min, aux))
min = e;
return min;
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/list.h
0,0 → 1,170
#ifndef __LIST_H
#define __LIST_H
/* This code is taken from the Pintos education OS.
* For copyright information, see */
/* Doubly linked list.
This implementation of a doubly linked list does not require
use of dynamically allocated memory. Instead, each structure
that is a potential list element must embed a struct list_elem
member. All of the list functions operate on these `struct
list_elem's. The list_entry macro allows conversion from a
struct list_elem back to a structure object that contains it.
For example, suppose there is a needed for a list of `struct
foo'. `struct foo' should contain a `struct list_elem'
member, like so:
struct foo
struct list_elem elem;
int bar;
...other members...
Then a list of `struct foo' can be be declared and initialized
like so:
struct list foo_list;
list_init (&foo_list);
Iteration is a typical situation where it is necessary to
convert from a struct list_elem back to its enclosing
structure. Here's an example using foo_list:
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (&foo_list); e != list_end (&foo_list);
e = list_next (e))
struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem); something with f...
You can find real examples of list usage throughout the
source; for example, malloc.c, palloc.c, and thread.c in the
threads directory all use lists.
The interface for this list is inspired by the list<> template
in the C++ STL. If you're familiar with list<>, you should
find this easy to use. However, it should be emphasized that
these lists do *no* type checking and can't do much other
correctness checking. If you screw up, it will bite you.
Glossary of list terms:
- "front": The first element in a list. Undefined in an
empty list. Returned by list_front().
- "back": The last element in a list. Undefined in an empty
list. Returned by list_back().
- "tail": The element figuratively just after the last
element of a list. Well defined even in an empty list.
Returned by list_end(). Used as the end sentinel for an
iteration from front to back.
- "beginning": In a non-empty list, the front. In an empty
list, the tail. Returned by list_begin(). Used as the
starting point for an iteration from front to back.
- "head": The element figuratively just before the first
element of a list. Well defined even in an empty list.
Returned by list_rend(). Used as the end sentinel for an
iteration from back to front.
- "reverse beginning": In a non-empty list, the back. In an
empty list, the head. Returned by list_rbegin(). Used as
the starting point for an iteration from back to front.
- "interior element": An element that is not the head or
tail, that is, a real list element. An empty list does
not have any interior elements.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* List element. */
struct list_elem
struct list_elem *prev; /* Previous list element. */
struct list_elem *next; /* Next list element. */
/* List. */
struct list
struct list_elem head; /* List head. */
struct list_elem tail; /* List tail. */
/* Converts pointer to list element LIST_ELEM into a pointer to
the structure that LIST_ELEM is embedded inside. Supply the
name of the outer structure STRUCT and the member name MEMBER
of the list element. See the big comment at the top of the
file for an example. */
#define list_entry(LIST_ELEM, STRUCT, MEMBER) \
((STRUCT *) ((uint8_t *) &(LIST_ELEM)->next \
- offsetof (STRUCT,
void list_init (struct list *);
/* List traversal. */
struct list_elem *list_begin (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_next (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_end (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_rbegin (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_prev (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_rend (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_head (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_tail (struct list *);
/* List insertion. */
void list_insert (struct list_elem *, struct list_elem *);
void list_splice (struct list_elem *before,
struct list_elem *first, struct list_elem *last);
void list_push_front (struct list *, struct list_elem *);
void list_push_back (struct list *, struct list_elem *);
/* List removal. */
struct list_elem *list_remove (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_pop_front (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_pop_back (struct list *);
/* List elements. */
struct list_elem *list_front (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_back (struct list *);
/* List properties. */
size_t list_size (struct list *);
bool list_empty (struct list *);
/* Miscellaneous. */
void list_reverse (struct list *);
/* Compares the value of two list elements A and B, given
auxiliary data AUX. Returns true if A is less than B, or
false if A is greater than or equal to B. */
typedef bool list_less_func (const struct list_elem *a,
const struct list_elem *b,
void *aux);
/* Operations on lists with ordered elements. */
void list_sort (struct list *,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
void list_insert_ordered (struct list *, struct list_elem *,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
void list_unique (struct list *, struct list *duplicates,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
/* Max and min. */
struct list_elem *list_max (struct list *, list_less_func *, void *aux);
struct list_elem *list_min (struct list *, list_less_func *, void *aux);
#endif /* list.h */
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/plugins/README
0,0 → 1,5
This directory contains two skeleton examples of plug-ins.
The Makefile in ../Makefile builds the corresponding .so files.
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/plugins/cd.c
0,0 → 1,50
* An example plug-in, which implements the 'cd' command.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "../esh.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include "../esh-sys-utils.h"
static bool
init_plugin(struct esh_shell *shell)
printf("Plugin 'cd' initialized...\n");
return true;
/* Implement chdir built-in.
* Returns true if handled, false otherwise. */
static bool
chdir_builtin(struct esh_command *cmd)
if (strcmp(cmd->argv[0], "cd"))
return false;
char *dir = cmd->argv[1];
// if no argument is given, default to home directory
if (dir == NULL) {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pw == NULL) {
esh_sys_error("Could not obtain home directory.\n"
"getpwuid(%d) failed: ", getuid());
} else {
dir = pw->pw_dir;
if (chdir(dir) != 0)
esh_sys_error("chdir: ");
return true;
struct esh_plugin esh_module = {
.rank = 1,
.init = init_plugin,
.process_builtin = chdir_builtin
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/plugins/prompt.c
0,0 → 1,23
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../esh.h"
static bool
init_plugin(struct esh_shell *shell)
printf("Plugin 'prompt' initialized...\n");
return true;
static char *
// the prompt must be dynamically allocated
return strdup("custom prompt> ");
struct esh_plugin esh_module = {
.rank = 10,
.init = init_plugin,
.make_prompt = prompt
/Classwork/CS3214 - Computer Systems/Project 2 - Extensible Shell/
0,0 → 1,213
#Author: Patrick Boyd
#Purpose: Run point-valued python test scripts and generate a grade sheet
#Runs a set of python tests as determined by the contents of the input file.
#The contents of the .txt file should appear as follows:
# = test group 1
# 5
# 10 test_worth
# 15
# = test group 2
# 20 test_worth
# 25 test_worth
# ...
#These tests will then be spawned into their own subprocesses and ran,
#and their results will be recorded. If the verbose option is enabled,
#error information will be displayed.
import getopt, os, sys, subprocess, re
# add directory in which script is located to python path
script_dir = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1])
if script_dir == "":
script_dir = "."
if script_dir not in sys.path:
verbose = False
output_spec_file = "./"
plugin_directory = ""
test_base = "./eshtests/"
milestone_test_file = "milestone.tst"
basic_test_file = "basic.tst"
reduced_test_file = "reduced.tst"
advanced_test_file = "advanced.tst"
testfilter = None
def usage():
print """
Usage: python [options] [tests1.tst tests2.tst] ...
-m Run milestone tests
-p plugin_dir Run plugins from the supplied directory
-b Run basic tests
-v Verbose
-h Show help
-o outputspec Run using this output spec file
-t testname Run only tests whose names contains 'testname'
-l List available tests (not implemented)
-a Run advanced tests
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ahvmrbo:p:t:", \
["help", "outputspec=", "test="])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-v":
verbose = True
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-t", "--test"):
testfilter = a
elif o in ("-m"):
args = [test_base + milestone_test_file]
elif o in ("-b"):
args = [test_base + basic_test_file]
elif o in ("-a"):
args = [test_base + advanced_test_file]
elif o in ("-r"):
#args = [test_base + reduced_test_file]
print "-r is no longer allowed"
elif o in ("-p"):
plugin_directory = a
elif o in ("-o"):
output_spec_file = a
assert False, "unhandled option"
if plugin_directory != "" and not os.access(plugin_directory, os.R_OK):
print "Directory ", plugin_directory, " is not readable"
print "You must create this plugin directory if you wish to test plugins"
plugin_directory = " -p " + plugin_directory
if not os.access(output_spec_file, os.R_OK):
print "File ", output_spec_file, " is not readable"
print "You must create this file and adapt it to match the output of your shell"
full_testlist = []
if len(args) == 0:
for testlist_filename in args:
testlist_file = open(testlist_filename, 'r')
test_dir = os.path.dirname(testlist_filename)
if test_dir == "":
test_dir = './'
test_dir = test_dir + '/'
print 'Error: Tests list file: ''%s'' could not be opened.'% testlist_filename
#File input, read in the test filenames
#test information is placed into tuples that are placed onto a 2d list
for line in testlist_file:
grps = re.match("^= (.+)", line)
if grps:
testset = { 'name' :,
'tests' : [ ],
'dir' : test_dir }
grps = re.match("(\d+) (.+)", line)
if grps:
points, testname = int(,
if not testfilter or testname.find(testfilter) != -1:
testset['tests'].append((points, testname))
# print full_testlist
process_list = []
#Run through each test set in the list
for testset in full_testlist:
print testset['name']
print '-------------------------'
#Run through each test in the set
testresults = [ ]
for (points, testname) in testset['tests']:
print str(points) + '\t' + testname + ':',
# run test
child_process = subprocess.Popen(["python", testset['dir'] + testname, \
output_spec_file, plugin_directory],\
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
test_passed = child_process.wait() == 0
# build result list
testresults.append((points, testname, child_process, test_passed))
#if: test passed
if test_passed:
print ' PASS'
print ' FAIL'
print ""
testset['tests'] = testresults
#Grade sheet printing. It prints each individual test and the points awarded
#from that test, the points awarded from each set of tests, and the total
#points awarded over the entire test.
#Run through each set of tests in the list
testset_points = 0
testset_points_earned = 0
#Run through each test in the set
for (points, testname, child_process, test_passed) in testset['tests']:
testset_points += points
points_earned = points
if not test_passed:
points_earned = 0
print '\t%s\t%d/%d' % (testname, points_earned, points)
testset_points_earned += points_earned
print '-------------------------'
print testset['name'] + '\t' + str(testset_points_earned) + '/' + \
#Verbose printing. If the verbose option was enabled, print the error
#information from the tests that failed.
if verbose:
print '\nError Output'
print '-------------------------'
for testset in full_testlist:
for (points, testname, child_process, test_passed) in testset['tests']:
if not test_passed:
print testname + ':'
(stdout, stderr) = child_process.communicate()
print stdout, stderr