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Ignore whitespace Rev 288 → Rev 289

//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/SamplesConfig.xml
File deleted
//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/MainWindow.h
3,9 → 3,6
#include "GlobalDefines.h"
#define X_RES 320
#define Y_RES 240
class DepthMap;
class ImageWidget;
class DepthProcessor;
//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/OpenNI.cpp
38,10 → 38,10
// Check if the config file exists
const char *fn = NULL;
if (fileExists(SAMPLE_XML_PATH)) fn = SAMPLE_XML_PATH;
if (fileExists(CONFIG_XML_PATH)) fn = CONFIG_XML_PATH;
else {
QString error = QString("Could not find " + QString(SAMPLE_XML_PATH) + " nor " + QString(SAMPLE_XML_PATH_LOCAL));
QString error = QString("Could not find " + QString(CONFIG_XML_PATH) + " nor " + QString(CONFIG_XML_PATH_LOCAL));
emit setStatusString(error);
120,7 → 120,7
emit setFrameString(QString::number(depthMD.FrameID()));
// Allocate a new cv::Mat
cv::Mat depthData = cv::Mat(240, 320, CV_16UC1);
cv::Mat depthData = cv::Mat(Y_RES, X_RES, CV_16UC1);
// Save the depth data (mirrored horizontally)
ushort *p;
//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/OpenNI.h
9,8 → 9,8
#include <XnCppWrapper.h>
#include <XnFPSCalculator.h>
#define SAMPLE_XML_PATH "./SamplesConfig.xml"
#define SAMPLE_XML_PATH_LOCAL "SamplesConfig.xml"
#define CONFIG_XML_PATH "./SensorConfig.xml"
#define CONFIG_XML_PATH_LOCAL "SensorConfig.xml"
class OpenNI : public QThread {
//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/QT_RGBD.v12.suo
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
//Classwork/ME5524 - Bayesian Robo/Final Project/SensorConfig.xml
0,0 → 1,57
<!-- Add application-specific licenses here
<License vendor="vendor" key="key"/>
<Log writeToConsole="false" writeToFile="false">
<!-- 0 - Verbose, 1 - Info, 2 - Warning, 3 - Error (default) -->
<LogLevel value="3"/>
<Mask name="ALL" on="true"/>
<!-- Uncomment following line, in order to run from a recording
<Recording file="sampleRec.oni" />
<!-- Set global mirror -->
<GlobalMirror on="true"/>
<!-- Create a depth node and give it a name alias (useful if referenced ahead in this script) -->
<Node type="Depth" name="MyDepth">
<!-- Uncomment to filter by vendor name, product name, etc.
<Vendor>MyVendor inc.</Vendor>
<!-- Uncomment to set requested mode
<MapOutputMode xRes="640" yRes="480" FPS="30"/>
<!-- Uncomment to override global mirror
<Mirror on="false" />
<!-- Create an image node. If it fails, continue anyway. -->
<Node type="Image" stopOnError="false" />
<!-- Uncomment nodes from here if you need them.
<Node type="Audio" />
<Node type="User" />
<Node type="Hands" />
<Node type="Gesture" />
<Node type="Scene" />